Sunday, July 23, 2023

Great Cleric (manga until chapter 32)

great cleric

luciel, mc
god of fate
crya, chief god of another world
lumina, lady knight who led mc ro the healer guild in meratoni, captain of the church's all female paladin regiment
kururu, a staff of the healer guild, she took care of mc's healer registration
monica, a staff of the healer
bazan, member of the lineage of the white wolf b rank party, beastfolk
basura, member of the lineage of the white wolf b rank party, beastfolk
sekiros, member of the lineage of the white wolf b rank party, beastfolk
nanaella, the bunny eared receptions in the adventurers guild, beastfolk
brod, an instructor in the adventurers guild and the one who hired mc as a healer for the adventurers guild
gulgar, the chef in the adventurers guild, beastfolk
galba, guild staff in charge of monster dismantling, elder brother of gulgar, the chef
mernell, a guild staff
bottaculli, owner of the largest healing clinic in merratoni
lord reinstar, founder of the healers guild and the kingdom of st. shurule
pope fluna alludelli de shurule
granhart, a priest of the holy church, the person who summoned mc to the church
grantz, the guild/master of the st. shurule adventurers guild
milty, vice master/master of the st. shurule adventuers guild
jord, a member kf the combat exorcist ubit of the holy church
cattleya, a staff in the shop of magic stone in the holy church graveyard of the founders labyrinth
oznario, a missing person of church
lucy, member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
queena, member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
ripnear, a member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
elizabeth, a member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
yanbath, stable seer
foreth noire, first horse for mc in his horse training
maluluka, a member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
gannet, a member of the valkyrie paladin regiment
elitz, a rank adventurer in the adventurer guild branch of the holy church
shiela, the little beastfolk girl who bravely went to the adventurers guild to get help, daughter of the yenice representstive. mute

galdaria, the fantasy world mc is reincarnated in
republic of saint shurule, the kingdom mc is sent
meratino town, the first town mc went
meratoni branch healer guild
grimoire, magic book
mastery assessment skill, much like how in some rpg games shows a percentage of mastery per skill
monster luck skill, mc personified this skill as he feels that every good thing that is happening to him is because of this skill. he calls this skill as monster luck sensei
substance x, a disgusting drink made by the sage of time, it promotes growth. an artifact made by the sage of time is installed in every guild, with a bit of magic poired it, they can acquire an indefinite amount of this drink
magic satchel, like an item box
dismantling and butcher are the same in concept
the republic of st. shurule is a country/kingdom? that is governed by the church that also runs the healers guild, in this sense, healer are very valued in this country, it is the only country which chose to abolish slavery
independent city-state yenice, a beastfolk country, has no healer's guild but have an apothecaries guild
grandol, a country run by the adventurers guild
greedy healers tactics no.7 do not tell anyone your price before you heal them. tell them after you've heal them and then charge and exhoberrant amount. it is crinal offense not to pay for their service
greedy healers tactics no.8 if they cannot pay, there will always another way.
greedy healers tactics no.14 if there's someone against how you work your business have them killed. if you can't, have them kicked out of town
valkyrie paladin regiment, the name of the paladin unit lumina is in charge of
graveyard of the founders, a labyrinth/dungeon beneath the holy church
combat exorcist unit, they handle undead cleansing
magic bag, a better and bigger version of msgic satchel
spirit necklace, an item looted from the wight monster in the 10th floor, reduce magic consumption by half
staff of disruption, from the wight in tm10th floor, disables use of magic in a close area, except for the user.
somehow substance x is a natural ward vs undead monster
mc's name in the adventurers guild is the great masochistic zombie healer, mc is not happy. the holy church capital adventurers guild changed mc's nickname to st weirdo
important to note that, although mc hates greedy healers, he do want to change how others, especially the adventurers see them
brod is nicknamed whirlwind
the cafeteria lady who takes care of mc calls him sir knight
substance x increases the users desires, sleep, hunger and sex drive and converts this desires to energy. in a sense, it effectively eliminates these desires while also improving the user
sanctuary circle makes an area enclosed in a barrier, that destroys dark magic, demon and undead that heads into it.
defeated undead gets reverted back to it's former self and passes on?
new titles acquired mc after mc gains the protection the dragon in the labyrith of the holy church: blessing of the healer god, protection of the holy dragon, dragonslayer and he who released the seal.
with the vow mc made with the holy dragon, he can now sense places where dragons are sealed.
(any names that says monic in this post is referring to monica the receptionist in the merritoni adventurers guild, i misspelled and i apologize)

1 mc on his way back to his companynafter a successful corporate work suddenly collapsed. he was shot and died. the gods reincarnated mc into a fantasy world. he was some skill points to allocate on selected skills and was asked to choose a name as well a job class he wants. mc became a healer and named himself luciel. he got a few silver coin after in proportion to the time left that he confirms his status window. afterward he spots a town. as mc heads there, he suddenly see a dragon flying over him thankfully it did not cause any harm to mc. mc continues on to the town. he notices it has walls and the gate is guarded and those who passes are required to pay a toll and show id. mc went to the gate, and lied that he was from a village and he was driven out and he came to town to work as a healer. fortunately, healers are somehow privileged, as mc is allowed entry without paying a toll but he has to go to the healer guils association first. he is led by a lady knight. when they got to the healer guild, mc registers. he find out the knights name, lumina and assumed that she is possibly an official. mc is truly ignorant of things as he appears to be a country bumpkin and the rest he just make up with his rpg game knowledge. as a registered healer, mc problem now is that he does not have magic skill or healing skill. lumina tells mc options to learn magic. mc chose crash course. mc thanks lumina and part ways with her. the guild staff take mc to a windowless isolated room. the crash course of learning magic is set up where mc will be reading a grimoire, a magic, practice what he learns until he passes out. he will be lodging in the isolated room until he learns magic, food will be provided to mc. (reincarnated mc has a pov of as if he is in corporate scenario, he speaks with great respect towards others, he reserves a few of his thought so as to not displease others, due to this mc appears to be acountry bumpkin for others)

2 mc trained until on the third day he acquires the skill heal. along the way he also most likely started if have already learned other magic related skills. he went to reception desk to find monica, he was surprised she charged him a silver coin but when she heard that mc is the one that lumina brought in, the money was returned to mc. apparently, they charge per crashcourse, or probably lodging. since lumins asked them to take care of mc for 10 days, mc gets accomodation without hsving to pay. mc then ask monica what healer does. she then explains some sort of system for healers, such as rankings, jobs to take, benefits, privilege and tax duties. it was sort of like a company set up. mc could even loan if he wants to make a clinic of his own. the guild will also impose penalty for those who are found to be corrupt healers, although, most corrupt healers have a way of sliding off. mc was also told of the amount of a normal single heal, with this mc is most surprised and happy. he refers to his skill monster luck that somehow healers is a profitable class. although they have to pay taxes in the form of alms which increase as rank increases. on the other hand, acquiring magic books would cost lesser for higher ranks. after getting brief with how healers are, mc sets for the adventurers guild. he thought he could get a good profit once he get there. unfortunately, he do not know how to get there. mc then met with the people he bumped into when he first entered the meratoni town. somehow there is a weirr conception for the beast folks, the people mc bumped are beast folj and right now they find it weird that mc bows to them and are showing great respect. bazan and his team led mc to the adventurers guild. once he enters he feels like inside a place full of delinquent students. mc registers as an adventurer. after he was brief of how the adventurers work, he then ask for someone to train him and he also ask if could use his heal ability in order to pay off his personal tutor. the receptionist asked a superior to talk with mc with regards to his proposal. (everything is still looking like a company set up and mc is using his corporate mannerism to get him by strangers)

3 mc got hired as a healer for the adventurer guild. the pay is equivalent to his 1 hour of training. mc says that he'll be ready in 7 days. mc then went back the healer guild to continue his magic training. after a week, mc thanks kururu for having him. then he sets for the adventurers guild. he was told to go to the basement. brod was their waiting for him. the training ground was empty and so he had it all for himself. although, brod trained mc to the point of exhaustion, he a a kind instructor to mc. brod even gave him advice. after the training is done, in a short while some adventurers went down to training ground, they ask mc for his healing ability. (during training, with the advice he got about body natural regeneration, mc vowed to use his heal on others instead of himself if the need arise, somehow, brod got a glimmer of hope in mc ask brod asks mc to use his healing regardless of race)

4 mc heals the adventurers. afterward, mc tells brod his limit in healing, to which brod immediately knew what mc should do. upon seeing the resolve of mc, brod tells mc that he could stay in the guild foc with food, lodgings and clothes as long he could continue healing. brod's main objective is to increase the survival rate of rookie adventurers, somehow this aligns with mc's wish, to save and heal people, all the while making mc stronger as it will all be part of his training. after taking a bath from a well, then getting dinner, he is then sent to a room to rest and call it a day. mc feels satisfied for his first day working in the adventurers guild.
(somehow there is definitely a discrimination towards the beastfolk that even the beastfolk appear to have accepted)

5 a week had passed and mc is keeping up. mc now realized there is a discrimination vs the beastfolk. when mc heals a beastfolk, the beastfolk cried as it seemed it was the first time she was healed. other than that, mc feels like someone is stalking him.

6 the watchful eyes mc had been feelinf was from the adventurers brod asked, they thoight mc would run away, but mc insisted that he will not for the duration of the training. then the adventurers started giving mc gifts. mc knew it was bribe. then the training became somewhat less useful. mc knew itnwas brod's idea. a month had passed, and the agreement is done with adventurers guild. mc did not plan on leaving but somehow, everyone in the guild was anxious. brod gave mc the amount needed for his yearly tax, this surprised mc but a gift is a gift. more so, it will be beneficial since it will pay off his tax. mc left the guild with the adventurer's asking him to return to them. he went to the healer's guild, paid of his tax and returned to the adventurer's guild. everyone was relieved of mc's return. brod gave mc a cure spell grimoire/magic book, so mc could learn it. mc promises he'll do his best once more. and so mc's training and healing duty resumed in the adventurer's guild.

7 3 months passed, mc is enjoying his life in the adventurers guild, although the one thing probably doesn't like is the rumor aboit him being a masochist. even so, with a smile and delighted face, mc is keeping up with the spartan teaining of brod as well the disguting substance x from gulgar. the reasons of his delight and smile is that mc is improving and he can accurately tell thanks to his master assessment skill. one day, brod gives mc a day off for his continued servitude and training. but since mc does not any kind of entertainment or whatever to do, he seemed down about it. brod suggests mc to go help with the monster dismantling. mc agrees, so he could it experience abd maybe learn it, ine day he might need to do it himself. few days later on his day off, he went to the dismantling room in the guild mc meets galba, he showed mc how to do it. mc is impressed and tells galba that he might actually be of no use in the dismantling since galba alone could do things with ease. galba then said prior to how brod put it, brod wanted mc to find out a lot about monster, such as weak points, weakness and such. when mc was asked to butcher a rabbit, somehow, mc felt anxious. after the dismantling/butchering. mc is asked to deliver a magic satchel to gulgar, it probably contained some meat from the dismantled monsters. after delivering it to gulgar, gulgar points out to mc that his clothes are dirty. mc washes up and soon after, nanaella is behind mc.

8 somehow nanaella felt mc's anxiety. she comforts him and tells him that although mc tells himself is fine, in the back of his head, the build up if anxiety may drown him. it was his first time butchering a rabbit. mc is relieved afterwards. during dinner, he's doing fine and he even told gulgar that it was nanaella who helped him. somehow, gulgar questions mc race. on his next day off, mc felt a progress wall from his training. he felt like going back to galba to learn more about dismantling, suddenly he was ambushed by the guild staff receptionist and he was taken to the library. they intend to have mc learn other stuffs since mc is mostly ignorant mostly about everything. nanaella was there to guide him. and so mc's day off became a day for his learning things. 6 months passed, mc had grown. mc asked brod if he could work outside the guild, brod tells mc he'd give him money and asked nanaella to accompany mc. and so mc went with nanaella to buy clothes. on their way back, mc heard a scream, he went to where it was and he found monic of the healer guild on the ground with blood on her side.

9 monic wakes up to find herself in a room and by her are mc and nanaella. mc said that his healing did not work at first but when used cure on her, monic got healed. mc says it was poison and it was an assassination attempt. monic then told her the story. her friend was injured and went to a clinic but since they couldn't pay, they were forced to be slaves. monic publicly objected sgainst it and such attempt to her life is a payback vs her. monic suspects it was botaculli, who owns the largest healing cleaning merratoni. without solid evidence, they might still attempt another assassination vs monic. mc asked nanaella if monic could stay in the adventurers guild. nanaella said it was no problem. although, monic tells mc that healers and adventurer have a butter relationship with each other but she accepts mc's help. monic suddenly asks mc how much she owes him. (it seems being a healer is made a profitable business that anyone would easily be wary when healers are involved) mc tells monic that they should call it even with how helpful she had been to him when he started in the healer's guild. monic greatly appeciated mc's intentions. a month later, the culprit for monic's attack was apprehended and apparently no evidence was found incriminating the involvement of bottalluci. monic also decided to work in the adventurers guild. two months after, luciel was called to heal wounded adventurers and the members of the lineage of the white wolf party are at death's door. mc went and helped to the best of his power, unfortunately, he could not save everyone. he vowed to train harder and become stronger for sake of helping people. a year already passed since he first arrive in the world and when he checked his status again, he gained quite a lot of skills. his stats have slight rose but his level is still at level 1. with a year of training, mc tells brod that his training is under him is complete. when brod asks mc what he would do, mc answers that he will go work to earn him money so that he could get grimoire to learn new and stronger spells. and one day, when he could, he'd have a clinic of his own for anyone and easily manageable with the fees. brod smiles as he bid mc farewell.

10 mc head back to the healer guild to renew his license. he finds kururu in a bad mood. she had be managing more work load since monic left for the adventurers guild. when kururu got mc's card she was amazed at mc's growth in a single year. mc says he was staying and training in the adventurers guild. she asked that if mc wanted to, he could have just trained in a clinic. mc would have also been earning then. mc then tells kururu that healing for money and healing for the sake of the patient are two different things. kururu praises mc for having a strong spirit. mc then asks about lumina, kururu said she went back to the main church in the holy city. she tells mc that he had better work on his rank if he wants to keep up with her. kururu tells mc he could immedistely go to c rank and could easily buy a lot of great healing spell but the cost is a way above his current money. he planned on asking for introducing him to a high wage clinic. suddenly brod appears behind mc and gave him a bag of money. brod says it was his wage for working in the adventurers guild.  brid them asks kururu to have mc loaned to the adventurers guild for a year at the cost of 1 gold, mc would be paid his wages as well. brod tells mc that he is officially hiring him. although kururu was wary of brod, mc tells her brid is his instructir in the adventurers guild. and mc says he'll accept the offer. kururu accepts the alms for the years tax with mc ranking up. mc went back to the adventurers guild, the adventurers welcomed him back and he finally have new grimoires to learn and master. and so things will be just as last year. training healing and learning. brod then asked mc to keep up with his training for the year. as they went to go have dinner, the adventurers welcomed mc, now as an employee of the adventurers guild. they had a welcoming party for mc. meanwhile, in a certain clinic, the boss is angry at his subordinate at their declining profit and slave acquisituon. the subordinates points their problem to the healer in the adventurer guild.

11 as mc is being thought of the history of the healers guild and how the current guild turn out to become xorrupted, brod tells mc the other healers in town are targetting mc. with reasons of decline in business and mc healing adventurers foc. and so brod assigns the linneage of the white wolf arty as body guard for mc. it mostly stem grom mc practicing rank c area heal spell on citizens and mc charging the lowest fee for healing, this plummeted profit for other healers. the number one most likely to move vs mc is the same person who monic susoecred in her attempt assassination and the head of the largest healer clinic in merritoni, bottaculli. mc declares he will train harder in order to defend himself. brod hears, obliges and begins training mc. as mc is training, bottaculli storms in the adventurers guild, straight to mc and orders him to stop his services in the adventurer guild and join his clinic. mc refuse. mc converses with bottaculli's malpractice of his healing as a profitable cause and not a way to save people. mc also accuses of bottaculli of using underhanded tactics to make people submit and enter slavery. bottaculli tells mc that it's because mc haven't felt how he did back then. as argument between thebtwo heated up, bottaculli orders his men to kill mc, the white wolf party steps in ready to engage vs bottaculli's men. only when brod suddenly appears and threatens to investigate the so called underhanded tactics, did bottaculli immediately withraw and rush out of the adventurers guild. although bottaculli is antagonized by his reputation of being a greedy healer, mc cannot remove in his heart that sometime in bottaculli's career as a healer, he is a kind and a generous soul as mc is. back in the bottaculli's clinic, he orders his men to find info about mc and try to have mc via connection with guilds, leave the adventurers guild building, that way he can be killed (or something along the line). bottaculli's men called brod a monster, somehow.

12 a week later, brod tells mc that bottaculli's men are sniffing for info about mc. mc knew it's futile since he's from another world and he only lived in this world for roughly over a year. brod then tells mc that he will stop mc from training as a healer but will start training him as a full on fighter, this means more physical and stricter training and more substance x. somehow with mc training, it motivated the white wolf party to join in. and soon after more adventurers are visiting the training grounds. (up until now, since brod is notorious with his training, adventurers tend to not go to the training ground, in brod's pov he thought the adventurer would opt to choose to train in actual combat than to have to go to the training grounds, also rumors of mc as a masochist even gotnworse, the adventurers started calling him a masochist zombie due to how he come out of the training grounds after his training, he was like a zombie with his groans and his sluggish movement) afterwards, with mc's defense buff, they begin more training. only this time, brod decided to taking mc as an actual apprentice. mc trained in many kind of weaponries, and he is even allowed to use heal for himself, unlike last time, just so mc could go immediately back into the harsh training. meanwhile, bottaculli thought of an ideam he sent a leader to the head of the healers guild, reporting mc charging ridiculous amount for his heals and also tell that mc a skilled healer, that way, he will be transferred elsewhere, he even included money to serve as expense for this transfer to happen. bottaculli knew it would only take effect after the contract of mc with the adventurer guild expires, he have to wait patiently.

13 six months after the bottaculli incident, mc receives a letter from the head of tge healers guild, the pope of the church. they are ordering mc to transfer to the main hq of the healers guild after the contract ends with the adventurer's guild. it was a promotion for mc but it was the plan of bottaculli to kock mc out of town and have his business go back to how it was. upon hearing this, brod let mc go back to his healing training while he continue with his harsh training. afterwards, it seems a few men of the adventurer guild will be olsnning something to aid mc. galba is an assassin class adventurer.

14 it seemed, a year have already passed, the contract of mc with the adventurers has ended and he is set to go to the healer's main hq. but before leaving he went ti have a talk with brod. when mc's gone and the healers of the town is back again with their schemes, mc asks brod to train the other adventurers like how they train mc, but not as harsh, and only to the point that they can easily get by without sustaining much injury making them heavily rely on healers. with this, the adventurers will be saved from the dirty scheme of the greedy healers. mc talked with nanaella and monic he thanked them boat for being his emotional anchor, as well aid in some task. he promised the two he'd have dinner with them once he returned. afterwards, he thank the whole guild for tsking care of him for the past two years. brod thanked mc and gave him a parting gift of a sma bag of mkney and a magic satchel. mc criwd as he recollects all the things that have experience and have happened in the guild, mc is very grateful. as mc tries to calm himself and leaves town, the white wolf party is waiting for him in the wagon, he ultimately cried his eyes out as mc saw the three waiting for him. a look at mc's status screen. his stats rose and he gained more skills, his adventurer rank is now E and his healer is A, and his level is still just 1.

15 it took them 5 days to go to the holy city. on their way, they had mc heal people in exchange of lodging, the people were always grateful and delighted. when they got to the gate kf the holy city, the guard tells them they will be leading mc to the church instead if the beastfolk, somehow mc opted not to and let themselves find the church, mc feels the discrimination vs the beastfolk. before they went to the church, mc deliberately said he's running iut of substance x. he wants to procure some in the adventurers guild, which is why he asked the white wolf to accompany him. only bazan went with mc. they went to the adventurers guild and had bazan introduce mc to the guildmaster. apparently, although a healer is someone who's unpopular in the adventurer's guild, mc fame in the merritoni preceeded him, although a little bit. (and its not how most would think he would be famous for) although it surprised them quite a lot when mc requested the guild master a big cask of substance x. after testing mc, the guild master obliged mc's request. afterward, the guild master asked if the rumors about his very cheap healing fee is true. mc tells them it's true and says it's because the merritoni adventurer's guild treats him well. mc leaves the adventurer guild and continued on to his final stop, the holy church. he is in awe when he saw the magnificence and grandeur of the church. but setting that aside, he bid farewell to his now former body guards, his friends, the lineage of the white wolf, as he embarks on his new life in the holy church. mc heads inside the holy church and heads to the reception desk. he is surprised to see a communication orb device used by the receptionist. when mc was asked how he knew of yhe orb device, he lied that the saw something like it in the adventurer's guild, this surprised the receptionist. suddenly a priest appeared behind mc, he says it was him who summoned mc. he led mc to a magic elevator and into a other floor. once they get there, mc meets with lumina.

16 after a brief greeting with lumina, lumina asked mc to come to her room afterwards. mc obliges. granhart proceeds to lead mc to their destination, the interrogation chamber.  but before mc could hear any accusation, he first said bit of his history while doing healing and training, it was all good. granhart then tells mc of his accused crime, mc is charging too low thay it had disrupted business for other healers. mc then said his logical piece vs the dirty scheme of the greedy healers. mc also tell the priest of the slave trading that is happening, although without proof, mc says the citizen knew more than the church kept in the dark by the greedy healers. granhart understood mc and said that he will investigate the matter. and finally mc asks what he will be doing in the holy church. granhart says mc is appointed as a deacon and a exorcist for the combat excorcist unit. he will dispatched to a specified area in order to cleanse it of the undead and his pay is very steep, 20 gold a month. after the "interrogation" mc is escorted to lumina's room. after a bit of backstory of what happened after she left mc, lumina asks mc why he was summoned to the holy church. mc says he received a letter from the pope notifying of his transfer. his job will be purifying the land of the undead. lumina tells mc mc's job maybe dangerous. she tells mc of the dungeon/labyrinth beneath the holy church, it will be their job to defeat monsters and preventing breaks. the merit with this job, aside from the salary are the loots and treasures. they can have them in case they acquire or find them in the dungeon/labyrinth. mc realized that not only can he gain riches, he could also train. according to lumina, the only downside of undead cleansing is the stench they will give you, but since mc is now used to the substance x, he isn't too much fazed about it. before mc leaves, he asked if could visit lumina again, she said she'd be delighted.

17 next day, he meets up with granhart and a senpai in the combat exorcist unit, jord. mc is given a robe asnm uniform, it costs 10 platinum coins (higher than gold coins) and a card that allows mc to use the magic elevator. but before that, he was made to swear on pledge against bring unwanted things in the church. somehow the pledge is like a magic contract, if mc break his contract, the card for the magic elevator will no longer work and a harsh punishment will be imposed. afterwards jord and mc went to the labyrinth. after opening it's door, mc first felt the stench from inside, it was better than substance x though, according to mc. after sighting a zombie, jord demonstrated the purification spell to subdue it and acquires a magic stone. after that one time jord hurriedly left mc to do his job. thankfully, mc already knew the spell and is well prepared. mc clears floor one with ease, compared to brod's training the zombies were very slow to mc. he infused his sword with his purification spell to conserve msgic and he also found out healing spell works well vs undead. mc clears floor two with ease as well. then he took a sandwich and substamce x break. afterwards he headed for the 3rd floor. he did it with ease as well afterwards, he calls it a day. he gained training while inside as well mapped out the labyrinth in his mind.

18 mc meets with jord and reported his progressed. jord is impressed with mc. mc promises he'll go further the next time. he also asked what to do with the magic stones he acquired, at first he asked if he could sell it to the adventurers guild, jord told mc a shop at the entrance of the labyrith takes them for points. (in jord's thought, it is bad if the adventurers found out there's a labyrinth underneath the holy church. while in mc's thought, adventurers wouldn't know anything about magic stones and they are keeping the labyrinth as the church own private training ground). they head to the shop. mc surprised jord and cattleya, staff of shop, with mc's battle report and tje amount of msgic stone he got. for his first day, he earned 4,216 points, something very unusual for someone on their first day. the weapons are very cheap since only healers can purchase at the store and most healers do not like using weapons. but mc is different. he bought weapons for the point he got on his first day and he got himself some pen ink and parchment for mapping. on his way back to his room, granhart was awaiting for mc to tell him about his salary and the vestments he would be wearing while inside the holy church. next day, after all the warning for mc, he thinks everything inside the labyrinth are just illusion and said befire, just a private training ground, he take his undead cleaning lightly but with ease since mc's skilled. second day of cleansing, fifth floor explored and 5372 points accrued. third day on the 6th floor, mc is still taking things lights until he triggered a trap. although in reality, mc is treating everything like a game, so it's all good, since it's also training and he's having a bit of fun. on his tenth day, mc reached and cleared floor ten. as he venture forward, he found a door. in mc's eyes, as well any rpg player, it's the boss room.

19 mc prep up for the boss on his next raid. mc opens the door, and thanks to jord's info, mc knew a horde of undead will behind the door. the door closed once mc get inside and a horde of undead welcomes him. as mc tries unleashing his spell, he found out it's sealed. he continued on doing the battle with his physical capability vs the horde. as mc defeats the horde, he felt relieved it was over. with his msgic sealed, he could not yet cast his healing on himself. suddenly, a wight monster attacks mc. he was hit and he still couldn't use his healing. mc retaliates and noticed the wight monsters dodges. mc knew that he has a chance to beat it. he readiesnhis bow and arrow to fight the wight monster

20 arrows littered the battle field as the wight monster remained. mc them remembers a tip from cattleya and mc concludes it also applies to the boss monster. mc awaits the boss monster to cast a spell and that's when he will fire off his arrow. after a bit of clashing and second phasing, mc defeats the wight monster. and mc is finally able to use his heal spell. mc gathers the scatter magic stones as well the equipments drop by the wight monster. mc also notices a new set of stair leading downward had just appeared. but he calls it a day and leaves the exploration for the next raid. as mc submits his magic stone to cattleya, mc also tells his experience in the boss room. somehow, cattleya's tone of speaking became serious. she asks mc to come with her after the magic stones are converted to points. mc obliged. for the eleventh day, mc accrued 108,914 points. mc then showed cattleya the boss loots he got. cattleya tells mc that she couldn't appraise them and she ordered mc to put the loots back in his bag and follow her. apparently, cattleya is seriously mad (or something). cattleya took mc to the pope's room. this surprised mc very much. mc finds out cattleya isn't just any shopkeeper. once they gain ebtry to the popes room, cattleya tells of mc's achievement in the labyrinth, the supposed magic sealing in the boss room as well of the recovery of the wight monster's loots. they asked mc to present the loots. mc obeyed. the pope examines the loots and confirms they are the items of a renowned person, ozanario, who vanished 12 years ago. the pope asked to purchase the loots mc got. instead mc made a request, he asked for a bigger capacity magic satchel. mc is granted it, he will receive a magic bag afterwards. cattleya commends mc for having guts for speaking and asking a request to the highest position.

21 next day, mc contemplates about his weakness when he fought the wight. on his way to breakfast, he meets lumina as well her two other member. lumina heard rumors of mc's labyrith exploits. lumina invites mc for breakfast as mc tells them his story. it turns out, they reprimanded mc's recklessness. soon after, lumina offers mc to train with them. mc accepts the offer. mc then went to the labyrith to go further. after mc successfully explored floor twelve, he calls it a day and submits his loots to cattleya. mc acquired 12,219 points, cattleya also gave mc the promised magic bag, somehow it's a bind item. after mc fills it with energy it's his own bag. inside the bag there are grimmoires of all the books in the shop, they are present from the pope. seeing as mc has nothing else to spend his points with, he chose to buy weapons. as they passed. mc had already explored the 15th floor. one day, mc met with a cute member of the valkyrie paladin regiment, ripnear. she came to get mc for the training lumina proposed to mc. mc and ripnear arrives at the training ground, introduced himself and they all started warm up training. mc simply could not keep up.

22 during 1v1 spar, mc got knocked out by lumina. mc wakes up sith lucy and queena by his side. they went for breakfast. the two paladin criticized why mc was polite with everyone although he has authority above most everyone. mc says that they were expected to treat their superiors politely but it does not imply for them to look down on others. the two calls mc ignorant for this. afterwards they continued with their training.  after the morning training, lumina tells the others a bit about mc, somehow they respected mc for going vs the norm of healers as greedy people. and then they have lunch. afterwards is the afternoon training, their training will be monster hunting in the forest and at the outskirt of the town. since they will be riding a horse and mc does not know how to lumina suggest taking horse ride lessons instead. she guide mc to the stables. after introducing mc to the stable seer, lumina left.

23 as mc is introduced to a horse for him to ride, he lowered his head to greet the horse. yanbath reprimands mc that it seemed like mc's a slave to the horse for bowing his head. (somehow this statement is the reason why most are surprised with mc who has an authority easily bows his head to others who have lower rank than he is) after riding the horse for a while, lumina appears by his side and tells mc that it's enough training for the day. lumina also asks if mc would like to join them once more, mc accepts. after lumina left, mc feltnlike training some more suddenly, eljzabeth and ripnear appears. they proposed to be dual wielding instructors to mc, on the request of lumina. mc has no right to refuse. next days, mc went back to the labyrinth to explore more and train until he reached the 20th floor. there is yet another boss room. mc went back to cattleya for advice regsrding the 20th floor. although cattleya seemed sad upon remembering of the wight monster thst mc fought and that they must be once members of the healers guild. mc understands it was just an act of cattleya, since all the monsters in the labyrinth are fake and just an illusion. (mc is delusional of this, i supposed) for the bext two dsys, mc continied training to ready himself for the boss room in floor 20. he used the horde trigger in the floor 10 boss room to practice fighting multiple monsters. afterwards, on the morning of the day of training with the valkyrie paladin fegiment, elizabeth came to fetch mc. it will be the second day of mc training with the valkyrie.

24 lumina hands mc a valkyrie paladin regiment membership id card. mc asks why and especially he is a man. lumina said she discussed it with the higher ups and they thought it would be funny. the morning training begins with mc pairing up with elizabeth and ripnear. mc gets beaten up, but he is learning. then comes the horse riding, since foret noire is not feeling well, mc is going to ride a different horse and that concluded the training with the valkyrie paladin regiment. next days, mc kept training the labyrinth until one day, he beat the boss room of floor 20. afterwards, mc went with cattleya once again to the pope. mc reports what he had seens and fought in the boss rooms. the boss is a wight acconpanied by his two skeleton knights. after, mc presents the loots he got from the boss. as the pope spesks of s history about the artifact presented to her, mc spoke out of turn and tells items he got were from priest who betrsyed the church. the pope did not deny it. she then went on with ahistoey of having the labyrinth sealed. mc asks if it's possible. the pope confirms it but one must first destroy it's core but no one has done it yet before. other than that, stories of labyrinths being form out of miasma and human greed combine with a place of great magic energy, the labyrinth beneath the holy church must not exist. the pope points out the maincause why other warriors of the church does not enter the labyrinth is simoly because of the stench. and somehow, monsters are capable of manipulating some warriors which in turn made them monsters themselves. and so the labyrinth was shut off, suddenly the undead creeps out. and the reason why healers serves as exorcist is because only few people are born as paladins and warriors of the church and while some are born with affinity, some chose not to join the church. and that's why healers are tasked to cleansing the labyrinths. mc inquires how deep did last expedition get to, the pope answers it's the 40th. mc inquires why they did not hire other professionals, the pope replies only those who have light or holy affinity may enter. mc asks about the wight who were once humans. the pope tells mc although they were great and renown, they were overriden by greed. that is all the info the pope has. she then ask if there is anything that mc desire. mc asks for weapons and armor tonuse in the labyrinth exploration. the pope also guarantees a promotion for mc to a different class once he increase his healer rank. after the talk, cattleya was left to stay while mc is dismissed.

25 afterwards, while eating with the valkyrie paladin regiment, lumona tells mc that training for the valkyries will be suspended since there have been quarrels in the border with the illumasia empire, luburk kingdom and the st. shurule republic. the valkyrie are task to go patrol in the borders. but lumina tells mc even though the training will stop, mc should still continue to train. and then some of the members of the valkyrie tells mc that some member of the church are getting jealous of mc for being close with the valkyries. mc then went to the adventurers guild to procure more substance x. as mc is weating his healer robe, stabbing eyes pierces mc. the adventurers do really hate the healers. suddenly, master grantz asked mc to heal his adventurers, mc obliged. although the injured adventurers threw insults at mc, as soon master grantz tells that mc is the masochist zombie healer, they all rejoice. mc heals them for the price he asked. soon after, they had changed mc's nickname of st. weirdo.

26 after the valkyrie paladin reginment left and the talk of other church staffs might making a move vs mc for being jealous, mc decided to stay in the labyrinth. although cattleya was against with mc's decision, she let him be. after a week passed, mc returned back to cattleya to report his progress. odd enough, cattleya says that it had been only 5 days. mc reports of training hard vs the floor 20 boss room vs the mini boss skeleton knights. he explored all the way to floor 23 and encountered new types of undead. cattleya then hands mc the items he requested from the pope. he got paladin magic gears and magic weapons, the requirement to wear them is that wearer must have defeated over a thousand undead, mc passes this requirement. he also got a pillow that rejuvenates when mc sleep with. he heads out town to get supplies and afterwards return back to the labyrinth. almost three months had passed with his routine, the valkyrie paladin regiment is still in a town near the border and mc's growth is progressing remarkably, he also have now reached the 30th floor, but he did not enter the boss room yet. after taking a day off, mc went to the adventurers guild to have resupply, send a letter to monic and nanaella, although the never replied back, and do his routine weekly healing, info gathering of merritoni town and the valkyrie paladin regiment and then some training with the adventurers. also the adventurers have warmed up to mc and now they treat him with great respect but they still call him st. weirdo. also, at this point in time, mc is still level 1. mc hears from the adventurers that lumina's team are doing fine, a demon general of the empire conquered a castle, a bit about the staff in the adventurers guild in merritoni and the wedding of a few receptionist of the guild. the last news did not sit well with mc.

27 6 months after conquering the floor 20 boss, mc have now conquered the floor 30. cattleya tallied mc's point for the raid and got 426,549 points. cattleya tells mc he could commission dwarven smiths to make him equipments since there nothing anymore that mc could buy in cattleya's sho. mc then mentions he's been taking substance x as a sort of drink for his growth, somehow cattleya is intrigued about it. they went to the pope to report the boss room raid. cattleya reorts of mc taking substance x. it seems the pope knew of the drink, but she's surprised the adventurers guild have a device to make it. the pope says it supposed to be pills but because for some reason it came out in liquid form. the creator of the pill called it substance x but in liquid they called it "god's lament" due to its disgusting taste. mc reports he defeatwd three wights and five ghost knights. when mc presented the loots, it appears the pope may have known the three wights as three girls. she dismissed mc and promises to hand her the reward afterwards. mc overhears it and thought the pope may have known the wights previously. mc took the day off and enjoys it. next day, when mc returns to cattleya before going raiding, cattleya hands her a note. it contains info about the substance x. it's uses the three desires of man, sleep food and sex drive and convert them to energy enabling for faster growth. somehow mc understood why he had no actual interest in woman. but mc knew it was not true. he vows to fall in love once he conquered the holy church labyrinth. suddenly he remembers monic and nanaella and them never replying to any of his letter and also the rumor he heard that multiple receptionists in merritoni are getting married. he vent his frustrations to his training.

28 a month after, mc continues his raid. he had reached floor 40, open the first chest he found ever since he started raiding and gained a grimoire containing a top healing spell and he also fought new monsters as well. he came back before going into the floor 40 boss room. mc wants it find info regarding the floor 40 boss, he planned on getting some in the adventurer's guild. cattleya also informed that lumina's team returned but they were immediately redeployed. as mc went to the adventurers guild a little beastfolk girl appriached mc. he led her inside the guild. to mc's surprised, he found monic and nanaella greeting him. bit before he could talk to them, the adventurers immediately took mc to the training grounds for him to conduct his healings. while he works with his healing, he asked for the staffs to ask what's going on with the beastfolk girl. all the while, mc wanted to talk with monic and nanaella. but he has other matters to attend to. after finishing up with his healing service, he asked master grantz about info on undead monsters. the other adventurers excitedly tried to led mc and help him. suddenly, monica and nanaella requests mc to escort the beastfolk girl back to her back to the slums. monic and nanaella also wants to accompany mc. it was an urgent matter. mc obliges, master grantz also joined them. once they got there, thry found many injured beastfolk. one of the beastfolk attacks and stabs mc. but it was not as much a priority compared to the injured. mc casts area heal on everyone. the beastfolk lies on the ground still unconcious. as everyone heals up, the beastfolk bowed their heads to mc and asked for him to save the whole town. nanaella asked if mc's going to do it for free, but knowing the guidelines of the church, mc tells them his healing will have conditions.

29 the condition is that the beastfolk would to their part in spreading kindness and doing good with others and in one day they would have helped build a world of compassion. they cheered for mc. later on, mc had a lunch with monic and nanaella. they went to inform mc that two of the receptionist will be getting married and they are mernell and melina. the two said they sent laters but mc never replied. mc tells them he wrote them letter too. the two says they never received any. they to master grantz for explanation.master grantz did notndeny it was his fault as well other adventurers. mc wanted them to be punished by drinking substance x. mc then introduced monic and nanaella to the guild as his precious friends who helped overcome many obstacles and stayed with him which made him push himself and to keep striving (or something like that, mc's shy and somehow cannot yet call them his lovers, i think?) monica and nanaella will be staying in the town for three days/nights. mc tells them he'd want to stay with them as much time as possible. the next day, mc met with the two and planned to spend time together. suddenly, beastfolks from yesterday went to mc and once again bowed there heads to mc. they apologized on what they did to mc and would have committed to serve mc for life, or something. but mc tells them otherwise. the beastfolk introduces themselves as representstives of independent city state yenice. they came to request for an establishment of a healer's guild in their country. unfortunstely on their way to st. shurule, they were attack by band of brigands. they were fortunate that some flying creatures and a sime adventurers came to their aid. mc concludes that itnwas a plot so that no healer's guild may be established in their country. the beastfolk have already meet with the pope amd have formally made their request. mc tells the beastfolk that on thenoff chance, they should be wary on their return back to yenice. as well adviced them to hired escort in the adventurer guild and just to be safe, they should get lodging in the guild and have the result of their request be sent to them. as the discussion settles, mc is hugged by the shiela, the little beastfolk girl who asked for help yesterday. after parting with the yenice representative, mc is excited about having to spend time together with monic and nanaella. unfortunately it did't pretty much happened as mc planned it, they spent the days doing the routine adventurers guild stuffs. as the two part ways with mc once more, he promises them thst he'll work even harder so that it will be himself who will come visit them.

30 two months passed since monica and nanaella visited. mc continued on with his routine with his mind still about the floor 40 boss. he hasn't yet tried it yet as he has a bad feeling about it. mc had a of practice spar with lumina. she gave advice tobmc as well praised him for becoming better. next day the valkyrie paladin regiment once again set off to patrol the border. another 6 months passef, mc now felt ready to tackle the floor 40 boss. mc had stocked up on many essentials for a very long trip. mc uses his points and stocks up for potion and other supplies in cattleya's store. cattleya mentions to mc that there have been complaints vs mc for helping the slums but he need not worry since mc now works under the pope. cattleya also gave mc a letter from lumina as well possible info regarding the floor 40 boss. there's a likelihood the boss will be a paladin captain. mc enters the boss room and the boss is a skeleton knight dual wielding a spear and sword, holy magic have no effect vs the boss. as the fights continues to feel hopeless and mc feels tired, he did a weirdly effective thing. a pause in rea life combat. he surrounded himself with his casks/barrels of substance x. the boss stop attacking and backed away to its starting position. mc heals and rested in the safe area and afterwards, he made the skeleton knight, which he calls ghost knight king, his second master. he trained fighting the boss and when things go south, he just immediately go back to the safe area. as mc tries and tries again, he just keep failing vs the knight king. he then realizes that the labyrinth isn't just a game or illusion but actually real. he continued on, until finally he defeats it. it was the letters he got from lumina, monic and nanaella that kept him from giving up anf the lessons he got from his training is what led him to victory. he chops off the knight kings head.he acquires a magicstone, a grimoire and the boss's equipments. when mc tries opening the door of the boss room, it wouldn't budge.

31 outside the boss room, in the town, the adventurers were worried that they haven't seen mc for 6 months now. they thought church locked up mc. meanwhile, cattleya is very worried of mc not returning. back at mc, he is continuing his raid of the labyrinth. he is heading for the 50th floor. the door of the floor 40 boss room seemed to locked itself and hisnonly lead to getting out would be to clear the 50th floor. and with a weird and genius tactic, he sweep through the floors with ease and finally he reach the boss room of the floor 50. before the door of the boss room, he eats his last meal and reads the grimoire he got from the ghkst knight king. the magic is called sanctuary circle, destroy dark magic, demons and undead. afterwards, he sleeps. he slept well thanks to the pillow he got from the pope. afterwards, mc opens the boss room. he is greeted by a pope looking ghost, mc calls it the wight king. the battle has hard but with the new spell he got, sanctuary circle, mc defeats the wight king. before it vanished, the monster showed it's previous face to mc with a smile. mc shuddered at the thought that all the previous bosses he defeated may have been people. the boss did not drop any magic stone but he got a staff and a grimmoire containing a forbidden holy magic. mc is having a dilemma whether he should give the grimmoire to the pope or have himself learn it. mc then tries going back unfortunately, the door disappeared. mc is trap inside the boss room. in exhaustion and frustration, he took out the magic pilloa he got from the pope and just went to sleep.

32 when mc wakes up, he finds a glowing door. he touches it and it absorbed a bit of mc's magic before it opened. it lead to set of stairs leading down. when he saw the next floor, he also saw a giant dragon sleeping. he concludes its an undead dragon. after drinking up a magic potion, he casted sanctuary circle on the dragon. the dragon got shocked and was defeated. or so mc thought. the eyes of the defeated dragon opened. fortunately, it concedes defeat to mc and congratulated him fornpassing the trial of the labyrinth. the dragon presents heaps of treasures for mc to claim. nc thought it was a trick. the dragon explains that there is no more evil left in the room. the dragon also explains that if all the magics stones were ever taken away, the labyrinth will also vanish. mc asked the purpose of the labyrinth. the dragon explaind that they get reborn after every thousand years but a wicked god cursed them and seales them within sites with grat magical energy. the labyrinth is one of this sites. and soon after being sealed the dragons become undead. the dragon asked mc to release his brethren dragon from the wicked god's curse until a hero isnborn in 40 years. if mc fails to do so, the balance of the very world will tilt into the darkness, thus monsters will become stronger and the heroes to come will face greater peril. mc tells he cannot promise what is requested of him since he is not really strong. the dragon laugh at the remarks of the warrior thst bested such great creature. with this, the dragon is amazed and decided to bestow its protection on mc. mc gladly declines it as he has no real reason to go grand and be saving the world m, he just want to live life the fullest and if needed be able to protect himself as well his friends. but the dragon did not want to let such kind soul go unrewarded. the dragon gave his blessing to mc, and change his request of saving the world to saving anyone that he can. somehow with a lighter request, he accepts it. and soon after, the dragon turned to skeletons and remains. after collecting all the treasures and the drsgon remains, mc decided to go back up. but he couldn't find any exit. suddenly a necklace and a spear appeared before him. after getting them, a magic circle appears on the ground, he knew its his way out. he steps into the circle. suddenly a prompt says that mc gained a few titles. blessing of the healer god, protection of the holy dragon, dragonslayer and he who released the seal. also with the vow he made with the holy dragon, he can now sense of places where dragons are sealed.

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

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