Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Novel's Extra (manwha from chapter 31 until 50)

novel's extra

kim suho, the hero of the story
shin jonghak, jinsung's 4th generation big comlany successor, potential to be a villain in the story
kim chundong (mc), the character mc become, a mob character. original world name Kim Haijin, at 934th place of the academy
kim soohyuk, the instructor in charge of mc's class
jin hoseung, part of team 5 during the first group practical
hazuki, part of team 5 during the first group practical
chae nayoon, a student girl who uses bow
yoo yeonha (7th in cube), top candidate to succeed in essence of strait guild, in the story she would clash with the main protagonist but eventually became a strong supporter
yoon yeongah, vice captain of creator's grace guild
oh hanhyun, president of travel club 'healing rain'
chae jinyoon, brother of chae nayoon
yoon hyun, president of academic club, 'veritas club,' their club purpose is monster analysis and raiding strategies. also a demonic human who formed a contract with  the devil lilith
park soohyuk, team leader for SH agent, a hunting/hero agency
yoo sihyuk, rank 37 supreme hero, valhalla's wolf, he is chae nayoon's mentor/master
jin hajeong, first missing student
lee yeonghan, class president
rachel elizabeth luis, 3rd place in academy, england's princess, always 1st place in tests results
seongyun, second missing student
jo yoonah, cultivation student who was changed by becoming crazier
jaden, cultivation student who was changed by getting a growth buff
sven, cultivation student who was changed by worsened mental state. he is interested in chae nayoon
demonic human tomer, executive of wicked
kim horak, part of the committee that investigate the missing students, probably an underling of shin jonghok
droon, an info expert in the chameleon troupe, probably like an hq intel support 
oh junhyuk, 6th grade hero security detsil for the mid term week
seo yeongji 7th grade hero, security detail for the mid term week
cheok jun-gyung, the muscle dude of the chameleon troupe
yohei, 8 in cube ranking
li xiaofeng, a fake name of the leader of the chameleon troupe
jin joohwa, the mage suprrvising the monster raid category if the midterm exam
alex lancaster, former imperial guard captain of the united kingdom, rachel elizabeth luis knows him
bethell, a french tycoon target for assassination. real name is berrbet, a conartist who scammed rich people.
violet banquet, a pseudonym of the first customer for his ask me anything post in the violet society
jain/jane vallerine, yellow of the chameleon troupe
natasha, french gf of president oh hanyun, team doctor for the trip to france
yoon seungah and yoon yeongah are same person
yoren, an undercover subordinate who went with yoon seungah to france
kim hakpyo, leader of the evil society
sidious, the second demonic human who attacked the masked party for the homer ring artifact
silasen, the first demonic human who attacked the masked party for the homer ring, she has tenctacle feet
yoo jinhyuk, monicker troubleshooter in the violet society, the go to guy for finding and investigating people
jerome miller, a conartist, mc's second target for his ask me anything post in the violet society

cubes, korean academy for heroes, much like a city that is built for nurturing heroes.
class veritas, probably the section class of mc?
variable and non variable stats, the variable stats can be modified with stat points while non variable stat cannot be change (probably they are innate states or something)
sp or story points something he gets the more he become more important in the story
setting intervention skill, exclusive to mc, he can manipulate ans create ir remove anything from the story using sp.
gifts, a set of skills for weaponry
enlightenment, a sudden innate awakening of ability
dog of lucius, a demonic human who attacked the weapon museum
story critique, based on how the readers, certain changes might occur in the story
devil's branding and devil's seed, an affliction that will put targets to coma/weakened stats and in a few years will turn them into demons
field hunting, a job to go kill monsters and collect loots from specific places called fields.
violet society, a shady website for information and stuffs. much like an underground free web for trades and such.
packhorse masters, a guild that was believed to be founded by a demonic human
chameleon troupe, a criminal group that is a main villain the later story of the novel. they hate demonic humans
stigma, mc exclusive skill, a symbol that gets activated by mc's willpower. a magic power solidified. gains strength as mc's sp goes a certain number.
book of truth, a magic powered skill that tells the true answer to whatever mc asks at the cost of sp.
settint change prompt, with in a set proximity, mc is notified if something has deviated/changed from the original novel
mt. gari, mecca of training for martial artists. a trove of valuable items
aether, growth type weapon that attaches to its master. increases stats
evangel's seed, a seed  that contains the soul  of witch evangel. once it sprout evangel will be born. uses blood for nourishment
leonidas hunting club, hunting clib chae nayoon is a member
sh entertainment, the agency mr. park soohyuk works for
siren's necklace, the item used by the chameleon troupe to be invisible
mid term exam is divided into two categories duel and monster raid.
footstep of darkness, a organization that tracked down bethell
black chameleon, a vacant seat in the chameleon troupe that was once owned by the strongest member and also the one who betrayed them
creator's grace and holy grace of god are same guild
homer's ring, an artifact in the palace where a masked party will be held, an unawakened mythic grade artifact
evil society, a group that has made deals with devils/demons/djinns
demon and devils are same with djinns, i think
repeat class, students who repeats term for
unabling to pass, it is believed some of then have made cobtract with djinns or are oart of high risk groups.
finals practical exam will be a survival exam held in a remote monster infested island. many instructor will be there to officiate the exam and to ensure the safety of the students

31 droon reportd to their leader what he found out about mc. an orphan who was recruited to join the hero training and under debt amounting to 300k dollars. (he was under debt before in 300million but iirc it's in won) the woman mc bumped into is apparently the boss of the chameleon troupe. the member reports no worthy candidate to recruit. they are still on the look out for mc and how he manage to see through their boss's cover. they check out mc's duel. although, kim horak has magic armor, mc used his stigma magic and infused his bullets with anti magic. mc easily overpowers kim horak and riddles him with training bullets. as kim horak lie on the ground beat by mc's bullet, mc readies his gun for one last attack.

32 before firing, mc surrenders. mc leaves the stage. the audience were half in their opinion. some were mad that mc might have used underhanded tactics while others, including the heroes and the chameleon troupe who watch were impressed, mostly. the leadet kf the chameleon troupe made mc their top priority, among kim suho and shin jonghak, to recruit as they see his ability as a demon slaying power. the chameleon troupe leader tells her subordinstes she will meet mc the next day

33 the next day, the highlight for the duel is the ranking matches. rank1 kim suho vs rank8 yohei, rank3 rachel vs rank4 chae nayoon. during the match, mc is approached by the leader of the chameleon. mc knows who she is but she doesn't know he knows. she hands mc her business card with a fake name. only mc knkws her real name. chae nayoon was defeated in her match, kim suho won in his. after the event for the day, mc finds chae nayoon weeping in a corner. in the novel, he already knew it would happen. later on, kim suho will approach her and comfort her. but mc thinks otherwise. mc sent her a message telling her that it's her fsult and she should have heeded his advice. mc's is a wake up call person rather than someone who cheers up other. later on, when kim suho finds chse nayoon. chae nayoon is fuming mad at mcand what he just sent her.

34 the monster raiding category of the midterm exam, pits students on 1v1 vs monsters summoned by the mages. they will be graded by the time it took/last and how the students reacted in the situation. when it was mc's turn to take the test, a sudden tremor occured. the security detail hero oh junhyuk faces off vs cheok jun-gyung outside the building where the exam takes place and enar the epicenter of the tremor.

35 the exam is being cancelled as the tremor occurs. while the students are being evacuated, mc is still fighting the summoned monster, the monster is still present. it only occured to mc that although no prompt of story change have occured it was actually not a change but an addition done by the co author. something even mc did not know about. rache elizabeth luis is approached by a human who sold his soul and she know who he is, sir alex lancaster. an imperial guard captain that disappeares 5 years ago during a london incident. rachel tries apprehending sir lancaster but he only an image. when sir lancaster leaves, rachel suddenly gets attacked by an assassin. she was easily overpowered. suddenly, mc came to the rescue with his desert eagle in shotgun mode.

36 mc defeats the assassin and help rachel. he patched her up, unexpectedly, he acquires blood for evangel's seed. as the commotion dies. the security detail is found on the beach where the tremor occured. apparently an imoogi, a snake serpent, caused the tremor and cheok jun-gyung chased the imoogi. the imoogi caused a tremor since someone stabbed it to enrage. cheok jun-gyung barehandedly chased it away, according to the story of oh junhyuk. they do not know the name of cheok jun-gyung. the school cancelled and postpones the mid term exam. the students were also given a 10 vacation. mc also acquires a prompt in the story critique, alex lancaster will become stronger and may attack rachel at any time. meanwhile, chae nayoon somehow gets closer to mc, although it involves with her tsudere-ing and hitting mc. the critiques wants mc to let her be. chae nayoon also read the comments from her match up during her duel vs duel. she love how kim suho praised her. somehow, after reading a long comment, she suddenly lashed out.

37 evening, mc tries feeding rachel's blood to the evangel's seed. mc touched the seed and suddenly his stigma glowed. next day, mc went out to go hunting with park suhyook. they are found by yoo yeonha, she joins them. while going to the destination, yoo yeonha tries scouting mc to the essence of strait guild, somehow mc shrugs it off. when they arrived at the destination, mc left first and yoo yeonha asked park suhyook's business card. according to mc's novel, yoo yeonha will be investing in the sh entertainment agency, since it has kim suho in it. mc has no clue whether yoo yeomha will do the same without the protagonist in the said agency.

38 after 10 days vacation, the result for the mid term were up. mc got first place. (i thought the mid terms were postponed or something). suddenly, chae nayoon confronts mc. she is mad because of the comment sge read in her midterm video. she knew it was mc. mc did not deny it. he even said it was to help her. chae nayoon then asks mc to make a duel and a bet with her just to show mc how hard to using a bow is. mc accepts it. mc gave a condition that if he wins, chae nayoon will give up the bow. mc needs to prepare as well. back in school activities. the travel club will be going for a trip to france. mc knows what will happen. an assassination murder will occur to a french tycoon, bethell who is actually a con artist scammer, his real name is berrbet. he is tracked down by an organization and orders for his assassination. the tycoon meets with oh hanyun, under the guise of accomodating the club lodging, the tycoon wants the students to body guard him for the set date he was to be assassinated. that is according to the novel mc wrote and remember. suddenly, mc got his first job from his ask me anything post. the customer asks the location of someone who scammed them. in the chameleon troupe hq, they decided to recruit mc and have him take on an executive member position, the black seat. the boss, tasked the yellow chameleon jain to go to paris for a heist.

39 the trip to france required students to pair up. mc got paired with chae nayoon. after having a free time. mc led chae nayoon to a restaurant. as chae nayoon was about to make an order mc spots a character out of place. mc went to approached her but upon realizing something was off and a prompt appears of a change in the story, mc let it go. the girl mc approach was yoon seungah (who is also yoon yeongah, i just checked google. i have incorrectly spelled it previously). mc asks her and it seems she is undercover. the prompt that made changes in the story is that yoon seungah and jane valerin, the yellow chameleon of the chameleon troupe have became acquiantances and that is why she is in france. it seems both characters were part of the same guild, creator's grace/holy grace of god guild. along the line, yoon seungah trusted jane deeply until jane betrayed her. according to their informant, yoon seungah plans to confront jane during the party that night. jane will come for the artifact, homer's ring.

40 after their, mc tells chae nayoon that they should split up. mc needed to scout the area for him to get a good vantage point and to smoothly engage in the story. during the masked party, as everyone is enjoying themselves. mc is outside waiting for something to happen. suddenly a portal appears. a change in story prompts up. athe evil society will be participating in the heist for the artifact. mc maskes up using his aether in order to fight the evil society. meanwhile, inside the palace, yoren infiltrates the storage room for the artifact. yoon seungah interferes and attacks yoren. she unmasked yoren who is actually jane. the two fight inside as both yoo yeonha and kim suho also interferes with battle betweem the two ex comrades.

41 the party turns to chaos as the yoon seungah tries engaging vs jane, yoo yeonha and kim suho interferes. yoon seungah easily threw the students aside, but jane was quick to escape. suddenly a demonic human appears and took hold of the artifact. meanwhile, chae nayoon is lost in the street of france. in the whole commotion, mc executed his plan b. using his aether, he snatched away the ring artifact. but as soon as mc acquires it, a second demonic human appears and attacks mc.

42 the demonic human introduced himself as sidious and the his companion inside is silasen. using a msgic sword, mc was getting cornered by the demonic human. but thanks to mc's luck stat, the sidious weapon malfunctioned which gave mc enough breathing room to attack. back to chae nayoon. she was sitting on a bench in park somewhere not that far off from the masked party. she was playing game using her device when she hears sirens of polic cars running in the street. suddenly a beat up mc appears beside her. before she could inquire what happened to mc, mc collapsed due to exhaustion. mc dreams of his parents as he failed his exams and they were there supporting him. he cried.

43 mc wakes up in a room, it was 10 pm. natasha, kim suho and chae nayoon enters. natasha tells mc was exhausted. chae nayoon teases mc as she saw tears from mc's eyes. the room he was in is bethell's mansion. both mc and kim suho have the same room. also it will be the night the assassination will occur. mc had a philosopical existential convo with the mai protagonist (a conversation between an author and the main hero he wrote). somehow chae nayoon was eavesdropping behind their door and she misunderstood mc a bit of the two's convo. suddenly, in the middle of the night, they all heard a scream. it was the maid who foud bethell, on his bed bathing on his own blood.

44 mc just freaking solved the whole case. bethel is not dead, it's exposed natasha is the daughter of bethel/berbet the wated criminal. mc tells the other to instead of calling the police, they should could the heroes. in mc's novel, he knew everything and also of the future wherr bethel will become a demonic human. mc does so with what he and kim suho talked about being a hero in mind. mc let things be with what will happen in the story with his abrupt involvement.

45 the great plan of bethel/bethel was exposed. natasha used her medical knowledge to make bethel appear dead. the police were bribe to take bethel and later on be switch with another body. even oh hanhyun was used as a part of it, as student of the academy, his testimony will solidify the report of the bethel's death. later on, once  bethel is presumed dead, he will come back, as part of the demonic humans. (the demonic human part is based on mc's knkwledge of the novel) mc was approached by yoo yeonha and asked how mc does his thing, mc tells her it's a family secret. later on, the evil society silasen reports to their leaded who seem to be kim hakpyo, the artifact is lost as well the magic sword of sidious. they have to fins the masked person who they fought off. and then on mc's pov, he is checking on what to do with the magic sword he just got, it's useless to him as it requires magic power and since his stigma magic is different, he can't use it. he then check the artifact he got, homer's ring. using hisnsetting intervention skill and some of his sp, he awakened or identified the bonus of the ring, it increases the wearer's magic power and in time, it permanently increases the stat well. he then went back to his prior matter of finding out who his character, kim chundong, actually is. he wanted to use a service of the troubleshooter but his service is very expensive. mc had used up most of his money in investment. later it's revealed yoo yeonha is a relative of yoo jinhyuk, the troubleshooter.

46 mc is in norway along with the adonis hunting club. the club is doing an activity, the event is scavenger hunt fir flags with attached prizes. mc is once again paired up with chae nayoon. during their hunting, chae nayoon asks why mc is fine although he's only wearig a thin coat in a snow covered region. mc explain the coat he is wearing is given by rachel elizabeth luis as thanks fir helping her during the imoogi incident during the midterm monster practicals, the coat has bonus effects. chae nayoon spots a flag, mc easily acquires it. the prize is the contact of yoon seungah in case of an emergency or something but only once. chae nayoon was delighted for the prize. mc already have it, he gave it to chae nayoon. she gives it back. meanwhile, yoo yeonha is piecing puzzles together about mc's knowledge of criminals and his family background. yoo yeonha calls her uncle yoo jinhyuk, the trouble shooter in the violet society. she wants to hire him to find more about mc. she praises her uncles yoo jinhyuk's skill/ability to experience the past or something, with this he can find out just about anything.

47 mc enjoys the after event bbq party, mc gets to cook, he enjoyed it since in his past his granarent ran a bbq resto. some of their club mates warned of the students going up a level to stay wary of repeat class students. as mc finishes a task with regards to his ask me anything post, chae nayoon suddenly appears behind him and commented about mc being the one who solved berbet case, yoo yeonha told her. mc did not say anything. she then asks mc if he's that confident with their bet. mc counters it by asking if she's confident enough to win. meanwhile, yoo jinhyuk is already travelling in the past and is somehkw seeing mc's past, probably kim chundong's past.

48 yoo jinhyuk's first day of investigation was a plop he returned back to his office. he is lamentinf at the fact that he is doing it for free for his niece. suddenly his secretary tells him, some other high profile person from the violet society is also looking for mc's past and they have already given a large sum of deposit as well a promised ever larger sum after completion. yoo jinhyul is certain it's the chameleon troupe who was the client. in the academy, it's only a month left before the the final exams will take place. their instructor gave a brief rundown of the schedule of their final exam as well tells the student to prepare, nothing else is disclosed. aftet class, chae nayoon approaches mc and confronts him of their bet. they went to the archery center, their other classmates are there to witness. kim suho and shin jonghak is also there as well yeonghan. the competition is a flying target shooting from a few meters away.

49 a glimpse of chae nayoon's pasy can be seen with her master yoo sihyuk. she was giving upvher path of her sword in exhange of using bows to follow her mother's footstep, although she denies it. mc is keeping up with chae nayoon in their competition. the audiences were amazed. although already feeling exhausted and back the corner, chae nayoon still tries to push. meanwhile mc is relaxed and calm. suddenly he convo with chae nayoon which hit a very critical spot. mc tells she was afraid, so she decided to use the bow. mc then continues to tell her that with her skill level, she would be able to even defeat a demonic human. this sealed the deal and ultimately made her lose. after the bet, yoo yeonha finds chae nayoon alone and crying. chae nayoon was mad that mc had to once again bring up her family. yoo yeonha comforts her and tells her that mc truly understand her and that somehow, mc identifies with her, with a vengeance vs demonic humans which is why mc wanted her to live a good and better life. somehow, this made chae nayoon understand why mc is being harsh at her and wants her to change path. out of nowhere, mc receives a prompt, he gained a few sp due to human relationship.

50  Yoo yeonha talks with her uncle yoo jinghyuk to keep investigating mc. she has decider to recruit mc to their essence of strait guild. Due to the rumor spreading mc defeating chae nayoon, people are scouting mc. he does not like it, mc went to class earlier. he finds chae nayoon practicing with a sword as  well her hair cut short. she praises her for her new hair cut. later on, mc is looking for stuffs to buy online for the finals survival exam. the evangel's seed is almost soon to sprout. meanwhile, the leader of the chameleon wants to go closer to mc as well wants to get something, probably during the finals survival exam. in order for this to happen, using the yellow chameleon, jane's' power, the chameleon troupe leader disguised as a students in the academy, also as a classmate of mc. during class, when mc saw her, he immediately know it was the chameleon leader but like last time, he had to fake he don't know. also, the leader already knew mc found out. (end of season 1)

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