Tuesday, July 4, 2023

I Work as a Healer in Another World's Labyrinth (manga until chapter 25)

1 mc, satou shiki, got fired from the hospital he works in. his boss eris finds him doing extra services and giving discounts, this ked to mc being dismissed. as mc ponders what to do for earning, he meets the adventurer he treated and gave extea service, ruruna. she suggests mc to become an adventurer. despite being onky a healer, mc could go join a team. as mc thinks of how to find a team, he find himself in the slave market, he bought a very weak and bruised dark elf, yuel, that is within his budget. mc fixes her and tells her they'll go adventuring in the dungeon. yuel is very grateful to mc. mc is isekai'd to this fantasy world after he got stabbed. his two skills are healing and analysis.

2 yuel is extremely powerful as they accumulate many kills without even getting hurt. it's all yuel's doing. after their first raid, they enjoyed a meal from the earnings that yuel solely did. suddebly ruruka appears and ask mc to heal her party mate. enters sera a beautiful lady and fran, a man hating loli. ruruka ays the actual healing price, mc eals fran and fran didn't show any hint if gratitude. somehow, this worries yuel. but mc asserts yuel everything's fine. back in their inn. yuel tries expressing her love to mc but mc tells yuel that she must first grow up before they could do anything. mc just did not want to hurt yuel feelings, is all. yuel patiently accepts it as it is. next day, they went dungeon raiding again, yuel is just that powerful while mc watches on the sideline. as the two rest, they suddenly see two adventurers coming their way. one of them is seriously injured. mc heals the injured adventurer and planned on exirting money from them but upon seeing yuel's enthusiastic innocent eyes, mc let them be. he did not ask for any payment or whatsoever. mc wanted yuel to see him as a gallant and honorable master. to show their gratitude, the two adventurers offers mc lunch. as they eat back in the bar, the two suggests mc to open a clinic on his own, he could start it in the bar if he got permission from the bar owner. that way it would also be attracting more customer for the bar. the bar owner quickly permits them.

3 mc suddenly got a problem with his libido. and he needs a slime monsters drop to cure him of his problem. after an unsuccessful hunt, mc is approached by adventurer ruruka and suggest joining his party temporarily as fran and sera are out. mc tells her they aim for the slime. somehow, ruruka immediately understand the reason of their hunt. with ruruka joining their party, they are successful with their hunt. mc also acquires what he needs. after heading back to the city, mc encounters eris, his former boss.

4 mc notices something is deeply concerning eris. mc worries and ask her what the matter was, eris ignores her. mc parts ways with ruruka. she tells mc she wanted to join them again next time. mc then celebrstes their successful hunt with the two adventurers he saved and yuel. mc praises yuel and tells her they'd buy her new clothes and mc suddenly passed out. back in the dungeon, they aim for the slime king. but its still to dangerous so mc have to call it off. back in the bar, as mc is doing his heal, a wild ruruka appears and teases mc. unfortunately, innocent yuel saw what they were doing. she felt that ruruka was taking mc away. in order to protect yuel's innocent, somehow, they managed to convince yuel it was all for a treatment. yuel accepts it. back in their inn room, yuel shows her true feelings to mc, she felt jealous toward ruruka and she also wanted to be treated like how mc did to ruruka.

5 mc realizes this and does not endager yuel's innocent, he comforts her and assures he they will stay together no matter what. yuel smiles as she tells mc that she will do her best for mc. mc wakes up in the middle of the night to find yuel missing. mc remembers yuel telli g mc that she will do her best and immediately went to the dungeon. mc wad beaten up but thanks to his heal he got deeper. until he got his foot chopped off by one the monster, luckily the two adventurers help saves him. the adventurers tells mc that yuel is in the bar working as a waitress at night. they tell that mc gave his permission when he was drunk. feeling relieve, he went back to their inn room to try and clean up, he did not want yuel to see his bloodied clothes. suddenly yuel burst in as she worries for mc raiding alone. mc apologizes. somehow, with this incident, yuel felt truly assured that mc cares for her. mc then asks for the bar owner to make yuel's work shift evening so he doesn't have to worry about her. later on, yuel tells mc of a new co worker who is in dire need of money. yuel introduces her to mc, the co worker is actually eris, mc's former boss. she is selling the clinic to pay off debts that she got for her sister's education. mc felt he needs to be involve since it was eris that first took him in and to show his gratitude towards his benefactor, he determines himself to help eris. eris did not want mc to get involve though.

6.1 a brief flashback when mc got isekai'd, he went to eris, since he felh in love with her body, to take him in. mc then shows his unbelievable healing msgic and so mc became a healer for her clinic. mc decides for them to take on the king slime. but their dilemma just increase. 6 days left until the clinic gets auctioned, mc needs money to hire people to take on the boss, and the earning they will get will also get distributed. he need money. as mc thinks of what to do, ruruka's party mates, beautiful sera and twin tails fran appears. they want to recruit mc for a subjugation quest. but mc declines, the reward is too little to be of his concern. as fran kept insulting mc, he somehow got an idea. he went to gather adventurers who needs dire need of healing and instead of monetary payment, mc requires service. this way, he will get a party to defeat the king slime. he gathers a team of healed adventurers, he also got sera and fran to join him, but in exchange mc will join their subjugation. they engages with the king slime.

6.2 they went on to subjugste king slimes for a whole day. boss is many actually. on the day of the auction, the clinic got sold. as eris went to check on the clinic one last time, mc waits in front and shows her the deed of the clinic. he wants to givd it to eris. somehow, instead of being gratuitous, eris questions how mc got the money to save the clinic and leaves. mc didn't answer her. mc went back to the inn afterward. he thinksnof what to give yuel as a reward for her hard work. mc notices the bloodied clothes he wore when he solo dive the dungeon, he decides to throw it but before he could, eris appears and notices the bloodied clothes. she misunderstands the situation, mc took it as an opportunity. before the two go into a romantic route, the two adventurers that mc healed suddenly appears and shouted what actually happened. mc apologizes but eris understands and happily reunites with mc.

7 mc tells yuel they will be now be staying at the clinic and mc got hia job back. they somehow got a bit of trouble with who yuel sleeps with but it got sorted out. it sorted out into the three of them sleeping in the same room. next days, the clinic opens but business is slow. partly because the clinic is very far. mc decides to take yuel to go shopping while they also advertise their clinic. yuel bought mc a protective charm using her salary. mc felt it unfsir so he also bought her a parotective charm. at night, someone knocks at the door of the clinicm it was ruruka and her party. both sera and fran are badly injured. mc treats them. ruruka explains that they got ambushed by kobolds and were separated as they were returning from their subjugation quest.

8 with eris's expertise, they quickly determined the two were poison and that it must be the monster that poison them that caused the sudden increase of monster sighting. mc uses his heal magic to cure the two of poison. when the two wakes up, they thanked mc. they then asks mc to join their team to defeat the monster that caused it, crankheight turtle. come following days, they set, mc and yuel, to join the team. when they arrive, ruruka greets them, when she notices the matching bracelet of mc and yuel, ruruka suddenly gave mc one of her earrings, as a charm. somehow this hurts yuel. but mc didn't notice it. mc asks why adventurers like them wants to get involve in jobs the knight should bw concerned about. ruruka explains that fran is the daughter of the town they are in, melhearts. fran explains that she got kicked out of her house as she attacks the partner she will have for her arrange marriage. but fran is determined to be the next leader, so that's why she also gets involve with the knight's duties. after finding the monster, they followed with thwir plan and subdue it. but as they calm, the turtle suddenly bursts for one final attack before it dies. they then find that the turtle monster is actually protecting it eggs as to why the turtle was on defense during the clash. suddenly, the ground cracks and mc fell in.

9 mc wakes up to find himself and yuel naked in a cave. yuel explains that she jumped off with him as they fell from a cliff into a river. she also say she uses magic tools to start fire to dry their clothes that got wet. mc thought yuel doesn't have any magic tools. mc then realizes that yuel got them from the monsters that tries to attack them. she has been protecting mc while he was unconscious. mc examines some of the magic tools they got. afterwards, they decide to leave the cave and head on to regroup woth their party. as they venture, mc notices yuel's growing worry. suddenly it rains. mc couldn't bear it anymore as he also worries for yuel. mc asks yuel if she had been in the forest they're in. yuel shudders as she recounts her past of being an orphan, and becoming a slave. mc realizes that yuel is exhausted. as mc tries comforting her, a shadow looms behind them and attacks. it's a giant monster. it was the same monster that had harmed and caused bruises from yuel before mc found her. yuel pushes mc out of harm but she got hit. her protective bracelet broke, a sign it is effective vs lethal attack. mc tries attacking the monster but it was ineffective, he hurriedly carries yuel and tries running. but the monster is catching up to them. without anything else to do, mc uses his right as yuel's master and orders her to leave him and run as fast back to town. yuel, with her slave crest magic obliges as she felt broken for leaving mc.

10 as mc engages the monster, ogre, he felt himself stallibg until help arrives but suddenly he got hit. his protective bracelet broke. as mc is about to be killed, yuel suddenly appears. apparently she bruised herself as she remove the slave crest. as the ogre launches his next attack, mc saw an opportunity and hit the ogre with his mace. they have subjugated the ogre. as the rest and reunites happily with each other, kobold monsters suddenly appears. they got attracted to the scent of the ogre's blood. fortunately, ruruka as well the rest of their group arrives and rescues the two. fran was emotional as she thank mc for saving her from falling from the cliff. the knights also promised to give mc a hefty reward for the ogre subjugation. yuel felt at ease as she fell in mc's arm. as they return back home, ruruka explains the earring she gave to mc is a tracking devices. knowing ruruka's attitude, mc gave her gift back. when they got to the outskirt of the two, they found a corpse of another turtle monster. with it being in the vicinity of the town and the rain pourong, the poison it has spread. mc realizes it and hurries back to the clinic to help with the patients. as eris inquires them what happened, mc tells her that it was due to yuel's bracelet that kept him alive. yuel hears it. mc soon realizes that it is something very precious to yuel. or rather, the idea of failing to protect mc would truly shatter yuel's innocent heart. before yuel could burst into teara, mc takes her out to the open field and decides to make up a lie. mc lies that they must keep what he will do a secret bwtween the two of them. and the bracelet breaking is the proof that yuel saves mc who will in turn saves the town. mc uses his healing magic to cover the whole town and dispell the poison from the turtle monster. with this yuel's smile return as she learns that she and mc had a secret together and that she had suceeded in protecting mc's life. when they return, eris welcomes them. mc falls on her chest. eris lets it. as things settles down, the clinic gains in popularity, they acquires the reward from the subjugation, yuel's fear from the ogre monster have vanished and the looming  threat from monster have subsided. suddenly a noble appear. it was fran's father. mc is asked when mc and fran would get married. this surprised the girls that is involved with mc. even mc is surprised.

11 the story start with after the subjugatio  quest has ended and mc heals the whole town. mc woke up it evening of the next day, eris tells mc they are invited to a banquet to celebratw the victory of tye subjugation. as they go to the party, they witness a wedding ceremony. mc almost told them his harem plan. mc assures yuel he isn't engage and yuel will be the first to know. when they got to the party, it goes back to the noble, fran's father about mc's engagement to fran. immediately mc denies this. fran explains it was all a misunderstanding. but alls well ends well since fran got accepted back into her father's house. few days later, the town melheart festival will soon happen. yuel is excited as she saved up money from her bar job. mc walks her to yuel for her job, eris asks mc to send a letter to her sister in the academy. after escorting yuel, mc met up with the two adventurers he saved, geyser and eight. they invite mc took pick up girls with them. somehow mc got dragged along. somehow a cute girl asks mc. he couldn't refuse and left his two buddies. odd enough, the cute girl drags mc back to the clinic. mc realizes who the girl is. it's aria, eris's younger sister. she knows mc very well through eris's letters. aria calls out his eris and she told her everything what mc was doing, pickig up girls.

12 mc is placed in a hot seat as everything he did just be on terms with eris can be easily broken by what aria will tell. aria tells everything. but somehow, eris knkws she was only testing mc. and eris explains mc and her were not dating. somehow this ended with no resentment happening. aria tells them that their unit is stationed in the melheart town for the festival. as she was about to leave, she asks eris if mc could escort her. eris let them be. as the two walk along the streets, they find a priestess who is giving away free heals. aria somehow knows the priestess and she does so even in the royal capital, she takes in donations afterwards. aria then tells mc her concerns about her sister and somehow she somehow is giving blessing for mc to have her sister. when mc returns back to the clinic, eris tells mc she decided to move out and go back to the church to train her healing capability. upon hearing it would take a very long time, mc's fear if mc being taken away by other guy made him tell eris to think otherwise. then mc tells her he could teach her healing magic himself. mc tries teaching about medical science but it was a failure. next day, mc cames up with an idea of getting items to boost eris's magic stats. as he look around, he mets up with ruruka and tags along with mc. from the start till now, mc is wary of how ruruka could manipulate mc into doing whatever she wants but despite mc's cautions, he would always say yes to her and he would just always sugar coat with whatever convinient reason. such as her tagging along and mc splurging her as a compensation for ruruka coming with mc. suddenly aria spots mc with ruruka. aria calls ruruka a mistress. mc immediately tells aria it was a misunderstanding and they were looking for an item for eris. this two things shocked eris, being called a mistress and mc shopping for eris. ruruka suddenly ran away and left mc. mc runs after her as he tries to explain but ruruka misunderstands it all. as the chase ensues, ruruka suddenly find herself stuck in a window. mc caught up to her.

13 mc tookbthw opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding and helped her get unstucked. as they return back, they stumbled upon a dragon in a dark alley. ruruka approaches and pets it. she explains to mc dragons are docile unless provoke. the tamer suddenly appears and tell them to keep it a secret as thw dragon will be making an appearance during the festival. the tamer also gave them directions to go back. as they walk the path they were told, they come across a muscular medine priestess. mc suddenly had a gloom gut feeling. mc eventually part ways with ruruka. suddenly he comes across sera and fran. sera invites mc to eat with them. after mc accepts, sera tells mc that as payment for always saving fran, mc could do anyrhing with her. this immediately got  a negative response from both mc and fran. but as a way of thanking mc, he asks them if they could give him an item that increases magic. fran tells mc to go back to the manor with her. in the manor, fran tells mc to hold a crystal irbm mc holds it and shone brightly, fran tells mc has a mana leak problem. fran misunderstsnds mc having a high mana capacity with him being a religious and holy person. her attitude towards mc changed a bit. mc left the manor with the orb in his possession. mc went back to the clinic to find eris reading a story book to yuel. they immediately noticed the orb mc was holding as it emitted a very bright light. upon observing, eris concludes that if she stays with mc who emits large quantity of mana, after a few years more or less she would have drastically improved her magic capability as long as she's with mc. she no longer needs to go back to the church to train. this solves their dilemma.

14 next aria visits the clinic, he inquires what he was doing yesterday, mc explains the situation and she understands. then she tells mc she will train him in order to become steong for eris. but it ended up with aria sparring with yuel. as aria insults mc's unwillingness ti fight as well yuel's determination to fight for mc, yuel could stand it as she tells and let slip that mc bought the clinic. aria burst to eris for explanation. aria was never told aboutnthw previous situation of the clinic and how it was auctioned and mc bought it for eris. all the while aria was studying abroad unknown to her the what happened. and eris told aria everything was alright. also eris did not trust the church bishop before so she made sure aria to go abroad. next day, aria comes to the clinic, she ignore her sister and takes mc and yuel to go train the dungeon. although aria is mad at her eris, she could not totally be angry at her as she tells mc she is training him for the sake of his sister. as mc trains, aria gave mc and yuel smoke bombs in case they ran into stronger monsters. as they continue on the dungeon, mc asks why aria is mad at eris. she is mad at eris since she never shared her burden to her younger sister. shentells she was like that, it was even to point of even putting eris herself in harms way just to provide for aria. mc tells aria to reconcile with eris. aria was actually forming her thoughts as they go in order for her to properly apologize to eris. later on, the two actually reconciled.

15 on the day if thw melheart festival, mc and yuel is joined by eris. mc only have one thing in mind. as yuel wants to see the battle tournament, mc fakes his stomach ache and separates from the two. mc even used yuel's slave mark in order for her to stay with eris. as the two went on their way, mc heads to the beauty pageant. before the contest starts, mc meets up with the saint priestess that kept giving free heal, philine. mc is anxious as he assumes they are looking for the healer who casted heal and dispelled the poison in the whole town in one go. mc tells her he is in a hurry. philine apologizes and leaves mc. as the pageant starts, eris and yuel approaches mc. mc tells them a lie that a friend of his is joining the pageant and he is there to show his support. mc also wants to rotect how yuel sees her, he always does, innocence is just a sugsr coat. soon after ruruka appears on the stage. ruruka was surprised to see eris in the audience. back a chapter, mc tells her that he will have eris joinnthe pageant, that is why ruruka willingly joined. mc tells it was all a miscommunication. suddenly, the saintess philine also showed up on the stage. as mc feast his eyes on ruruka, yuel calls to mc and points up in the sky. suddenly monsters starts appearing in the town. mc has a hunch that the monsters stsyed in the abandon buildings much like the dragon they saw last time. yuel stands ready for the clash.

16 as yuel engages the monsters, aria appears to join mc. mc sees the dragon monsters are targetting the pageant stage. he and yuel went there to save the contestants. the priestess philine was already taking things under control. mc guesses the monster's target is the priestess herself. philine orders her magic troops to engage. their target are the collars controlling the dragons. mc sees ruruka having sympathy with the dragons. she does nkt want to hurt them. mc asks yuel if she can take care of the dragon collars. she affirms it and mc orders her to do what she has to do. mc and ruruka runs away. as they run, one kf the drsgon spew a petrifyibg breath, ruruka saves mc, but in the process her leg got petrifies soon it will spread out to her body. mc is hesitant to heal her. if he does, the priestess will find out his capability which may in turn reveal what he did with the poison turtle incident. mc then sees yuel without fear and hesitation jumping on one of the dragons back and destroying its collar. seeing yuel's determination he steels himself as he heals ruruka. and out of no where, yuel throws a smoke bomb to conceal mc. mc heals ruruka, unfortunately, ruruka didn't know about it. she felt herself dying and with her last breath made up his resolve to confess to mc. mc feels a embarassed of what is going on. he knows and she doesn't even know, that she if fully healed. mc stays quiet since he somehow doesn't want to make ruruka feel embarass and ruin the mood. soon after, she realizes she is healed, mc tells her that everything what she told about him was just purely accidental and he isn't a great guy. but ruruka is determined about she feels towards mc. suddenly aria, eris and yuel appears. ruruka sees the situation and somehow she grabs it to make a stand for her place vs oppositions. she took out the cloak mc lent her, wore it and kiss mc. everyone saw what happened. mc sees the disappointment in the girls eyes. suddenly the priestess/saintess philine appears and tells he found mc.

17 suddenly the bishop bernaud of the town appears. mc ignores the various comments his friends are throwing at him as he focuses on how things go. mc remembers eris telling him that the town bishop could not be trusted. although, mc caught santess philine's attention, the saintess didn't mention him to the bishop. the bishop tells the saintess he's tske charge of the mess. mc notices the gaze of the bishop towards eris. mc felt he should still be cautious mainly towards the saintess. few days later, after the incident, there are no signs of the saintess making a move and mc notices yuel is even more clingy and aggreesive towards mc. and its been awkward with mc, eris and ruruka since then. in the evening, ruruka suddenly appears outside the clinic and tells mc that she is staying at the fran's place, she got the dragon that tries petrifying her as her pet, and the saintess is looking to eliminate someone in town. mc pieces the puzzles together and came tonthe conclusion it was himself the saintess is going to kill. but he didn't mention this. after their talk, eris saw ruruka leaving. somehow the misunderstand just keep getting worse as eris saw a kiss mark on mc's neck. it was actually from yuel.

18 mc dreams of something amazing. next day, mc continues to train yuel with healing magic. in order to gain more piety, for increasing heal magic, something mc doesn't not need but yuel as well the other believes effective in increasing piety, they read rhe scriptures. eris in the last few chapters have started reading it to yuel. somehow, the scripture turned r-18 so mc had to sto reading it yuel but he cannot reading it himself. it recounts the succubus, their effect society, them being locked by the church and the aftermath.suddenly, aria knocks inbthe front door. mc and yuel had to do their reading next time. since mc know he cannot lie to her, mc wants to explain her real motif. but then again, he hesitates. aria then tells mc that eris like mc and she wants mc to go that route. she then tells mc to pass on to eris that aria's asked to escort ssintess philine and she'll be leaving back to the royal capital. later that night, mc thinks about the succubus in the scriptures. next day, clinic was close. eris had an acquitance visit her. mc teaches yuel whipe eavesdropping. their convo is about the bishop cutting finance of an orphanage. later on, as the saintess left the town and the town is returning back to normal, one midnight, someone knock on the clinic's door. eris answers it. mc then check it, only to find eris is being abducted by hooded figures.

19 mc follows them, he overhears the abductors that the bishop is the one who ordered them. mc ponders that there is someone higher who is ordering them. mc follows them to the bishop place. mc overhears the bishop is looking for a healer that can use a higher form of magic. somehow, the villains got mixed up with their info. the one they should looking for is mc. the bishop then tells his plan of releasing the succubus within a sealed gem and it needs someone with that higher healing magic. as the bishop is about to do an evil deed, mc took the smokebomb he got from aria and threw it at them. as the smoke causes commotion, mc grab the tied up elis and make a run for it. mc went to a room, barricades a door and tries going for the windoelw. unfortunately, mc wakes up the muscular guy, bardas. it was the same guy that mc bumped into when mc and ruruka encountered the dragon before the festival. the bishop hears the bardas was in the rooms and orders him to kill the intruder, mc. mc got beat up but with heal magic, he tank the beating and ended beating bardas. unfortunately, even if mc won, they were now surrounded by the bishop's men, even the outside. suddenly, a dragon barged in the room. it was rode on by ruruka. the saintess philine and aria was there too. mc and eris are being rescued. the bishop's men are arrested by the knights. as saintess philine interrogates the bishop, she calls him a demon worshipper. but before he could be apprehended, thr bishop swallows the sealed gem that's containing the succubus. the bishop suddenly vanished as a tailed and winged demon lady appears.

20 the succubus got resurrected but since the sacrifice was ultimately weak, she couldn't do anything but take on the beatings unleashed upon her by the saintess's troops. suddenly in the commotion, yuel arrives bit she was immediately apprehended, the mistook her for an enemy. she sees mc, got out of her capture and went by mc's side. unfortunately, even with all the effort, the succubus ran away. mc and his friends are made to taken into the mayor's mansion to rest. as mc takes a bath, eris outside spoke and thankednmc for saving her. suddenly, a whole crew of harem, fran, ruruka and yuel appears and seemed to be in a great confusion. yuel felt sad as she was denied to get by her master's side to wash him. as for the rest, it's just a whole lot of misunderstanding and confusion. fran then tells mc that the saintess wishes to speak with him. mc, yuel, the saintess and the wolf girl that apprehended yuel is there for the convo. immediately, mc confesses his feats of healing the almost petrified ruruka. the saintess tells mc that she knows, she also knew it was mc who casted the area magic over the whole town vs the poison caused by thw turtle monster. saintess philine reassures mc it's alright that they mean no harm for mc. she also tells mc that somehow the succubus found out about mc's power and he might be targetted. suddenly the succubus appears in thesolitary room. immediately yuel takes the chance and tries to murder the succubus. mc could feel the murderous intent from yuel as she finds the succubus why mc got hurt. the succubus is no where near as strong but as flies around and caused a commotion, she suddenly casted seduction towards both mc and saintess philine. philine was able to control herself. somehow, mc could and got drag on to following the demon. as everyone tries to stop mc, only eris's voiced return mc back to his senses.

21 mc went by eris's side. suddenly, the succubus promises mc a harem route. mc tries to go back to the succubus. saintess philine tells mc must not get taken by the succubus and(what the f is even going anymore). somehow they cancelled the mind control state of mc, ultimately thanks to yuel. as the succubus flees, a dragon rans after her. the succubus got hit on the leg by its petrifying breath. as the commotion dies, saintess philine says she'll be back shortly after she takes care of something. eris tells mc that everything happened was from her desperation and worry for mc. suddenly, the saintess comes back and tells mc to return back to what they were discussing. saintess philine tells of isekai'd heroes being called when danger comes. saintess philine kneels in front of mc and calls him sage. she then offers mc a position in the church as well offered herself or anyone to be mc's wife, or something, her logic is that if mc is surrounded by beautiful women, he would get easily seduced by the succubus. mc realizes his fear of yuel's innocent fall into crumble. mc then proposes that if he the one they were looking for, he will fight the evil gods. probably something to make yuel feel great about mc (not). mc felt it's like a pseudo harem route with mc being in a better and respected position. saintess philine tells mc that they will be on their way to fight of evil and start healing the land. mc asks for the harem he was told about. saintess philine tells mc that it can wait since the succubus is weakened, no near future of her attack is imminent. mc shudders as he felt tricked.

22 next day, somehow, mc and yuel parted ways with eris after he accepted the saintess's proposal. saintess philine introduces her beastman bodyguard, astel, the cute little beastgirl that apprehended yuel  when they rescued mc and eris from the bishop. she will train yuel to become even stronger in order to serve and protect mc. yuel is excited about it. during training, somehow, astel sees yuel as her rival, it must stemmed from when yuel got out of astel's capture easily. as astel engages yuel in a mock battle, the beastman immediately lost. yuel is simply stronger. astel then shows her poison knowledge, this somehow got yuel excited. on the other hand, as yuel sees astel in better view, astel felt better and even felt greater than yuel, somehow. mc acquires a sleeping poison from astel. astel also gave yuel a sleeping poison as well taught her how to use its antidote. she also mentioned the sage from before had a companion who is a very strong fighter, much like how yuel is to mc. astel then went out for a bit to gather her materials. yuel then asks mc if became stronger if ever mc marries eris, can she still stay with mc. mc then tells yuel his harem plan. this excites yuel. mc forbids yuel feom telling this to eris. he said its a secret between them. somehow this puts yuel in a happy mood. suddenly, eris and ruruka appears. ruruka said they were chosen by saintess philine to be part of the women that will protect mc from the succubus seduction. suddenly the two girls wants to have an alone time with mc, they started fighting. yuel suddenly almost slip and tell mc's harem route plan. mc immediately leave yuel to her training as he go with the two girls. as the three walk close together, the knights talks about them. suddenly eris confesses her love to mc.this surprised ruruka as she tries convincing mc not to go to eris. but in truth mc is determined to head for the harem route, so mc is at that moment is at an impasse. suddenly, saintess philine appears and request mc to come with her. she also allows ruruka and eris to tag along. in a warehouse, saintess philine asks mc to use his appraisal magic to identify the items they confiscated from the demon worshipper bishop darnaud. mc was given the long lost holy staff of the sage and a slave collar. the former for increasing his magic power, and the collar for subduing opponents. mc is warned not to misuse the collar. suddenly spirit monsters appears. mc tries using an attack magic but it was too powerful that saintess philine had to disarm the staff from mc. saintess philine then tells something about the previous sage using an attack magic, the previous sage destroyed an entire continent when his magic went out of control. somehow with all the commotion that happened the monsters ran away. saintess philine tells them it's all good that the monsters will be apprehended by someone else as they were not that strong. suddenly astel appears and tells yuel's training is over. mc is surprised when yuel appears behind her, she somehow learned a concealment skill. and then, after all that, saintess philine suggest they all take a bath together to heal their fatigued body. together.

23 in the bath, yuel asks about why the succubus and evil god are attacking huminaty. saintess philine says they want to desteoy the dungeons and that what's at the bottom of the dungeons/labyriths which no one had ever reached may be something valuable, something the evil gods fear or something that cpuld grant any wish. meanwhile, mc is losing his mind. as things are getting out of hand for mc, (bad things almost became real), one of the knights outside shoited the succubus is attacking. this saves mc from doing somethinf not very good. suddenly the lights went out. light eater devils are killing all the lights. yuel has night vision so she giuides mc to safety but seriously the luck of cultured can go out of  hand especially at the wrong time. anyway, after theie eyes have adjusted to the dark, they clothed and geared up and went to battle. saintess philine used mc as a decoy for the succubus. somehow, once again, mc is seduces by the succubus. fortunately, aria apprehends mc from going to the succubus. the succubus retreats. but before that, somebody tried to kill saintess philine, mc covers her. it appeared to another internal conflict. suddenly, different bishops from the church appears. they reprimand the saintess for not being successful in defeatinf the succubus. they demand they should be in charge with the succubus problem and be i  charge of protecting mc. saintess philine tells them she will do it herself and the protection of mc is bound to her as, she lies and, she tells them mc and the saintess are bethroted. mc knew of it and the saintess's situation, as well he also wants the harem route, he tells them it's true. to further the route, saintess philine, tells them the rest of mc's harem, eris and ruruka. this has put a genuine smile in mc's soul. the other bishops retreats. eris and ruruka somehow misunderstand mc but understood saintess philine's situation and accepted it. yuel congratulates mc for achieving his goal.

24 somehow eris and ruruka are also down with polygamy. few days later, they are getting ready for the wedding. on the other hand, mc worries for yuel as he sees her being left out. somehow, mc still does not see yuel as a woman but a little girl who will one day grow up. mc tries having an alone time with yuel to comfort her. but saintess philine suddenly appears and wants to have some time with mc. yuel leaves dragging her heart, mc notices her truly being sad as moments like those, she would always ask to be with mc, but she just straight up start walking out. suddenly saintess philine suggests yuel can join them. this shocks mc. yuel asks mc if she could. either way, mc, at that moment, want to stay by yuel's side. he even planned to send the saintess away as he had an alone time with yuel. suddenly a knight shouts an emergency. the "evil god" (singular not plural) has been resurrected. somehow the succubus took over the royal capital, ressurected the evil god, with magic, carries the whole royal capital and is now heading to their town, melhearts. the knight says their goal is mc. the saintess tells mc to stay in their room as she goes into a meeting with the other officials. yuel was worried for mc. mc tells her not to worry and that they should take a rest. in the middle of night, as he saw yuel is sleeping peacefully, he got an idea and suddenly tries leaving. suddenly, yuel wakes up and confronts mc. she tells mc to take her with him if he's going to fight. she also confess that she knows mc is always lying to her. mc confirms to her that he isn't the good person he would walys put as a mask in front of yuel. mc tells her if she hates him, he'd release her from their slave contract and let her serve their other friends, mc suggests fran or the saintes. yuel then tells mc that she knows he lies to her because it was always for her own good as he always is considerate of her. she then confesses her love to mc. mc somehow accepts it and tells her they'll go together. as yuel falls in mc's arm, she lowered her guard as mc took out the bottle of sleeping poison and used it on yuel. yuel tries holding on to mc as she loses her grip and fell asleep. mc tucks her on the bed and leaves. as mc runs off, he over hears the royal capital is a days away from them. mc then spots the drsgon of ruruka looking at him. the dragon seemed to be docile and likes mc. mc then orders it to give him a ride. mc rides the dragon to the moving roysl capital. when he got their he let the dragon go back. mc is confeonted by the succubus. mc tells her he'll join them. the succubus tells mc she's cured of the petrification, the one who cured her were the bishop who confronted the saintess before they reveal the harem route. mc concludes that the bishop felt dishonored when they couldn't overthrow the saintess. he also concludes the evil god's revival is incomplete and that is why they needed the sage. the succubus tells mc that she'll tell the evil god about mc. the succubus returns and tells they accept him under her control. the succubus uses jer seduction/brainwashing/mind control magic on mc. the succubus went close to mc as she felt herself successfully controlling mc. but mc was faking it. as soon as the succubus is in arms length. mc uses the slave collar on the succubus. mc orders the succubus to have the monsters attack the evil god. suddenly the evil god rose from his seat, destroys the attscking monster, appears in front of mc and threw kn the ground. the evil god asks mc if he's from jaoan just like him. the evil god tells mc that he wants to destroy everythinf and while at it show off his power. as the evil god cast his magic, mc smile at him as he uses the holy staffs and started casting an attack spell. suddenly a beautiful dark elf appears. she stops mc from casting his attack spell and engages combat with the evil god, all the while being cryptic talking to her opponent.

25 somehow the beautiful dark elf tells that she has conquered the labyrinth and granted her to go back in time. she calls mc master. she easily and ultimately defeats the evil god and the succubus. she went to mc and hugs her. mc realizes it was yuel. she tells mc that after he died, yuel went to the labyrinth, trained, conquerd and have her wish granted. yuel then asks for a reward that mc promised back then. mc obliged and tells her he'd do anything for her. she kisses mc. but somehow as time moves. the older yuel started glowing, she knew what is going to him. with mc alive, yuel wouldn't go traversing the labyrinth which in turn wouls cause the older yuel to disappear. but the satisfied older yuel felt very content for seeing mc once last time and tells mc to give the love he was about to give her to the younger yuel. gew days later, mc gets married to ruruka, eris and and saintess philine. mc's harem route was a success. also in order to keep mc's promise to the older yuel, yuel gets to marry mc, ruruka and eris has consent on this. but mc planned a secret marriage ceremony with yuel after the wedding with the three ladies. somehow, the priest leading the ceremony is saintess philine and the witnesses are ruruka and eris. the story ends with a note saying the story is axed.

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...