Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage (manga until chapter 19)

Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage

ichikami atsumu, greatest mage and founder of magic, previously mc (changed to ichikamk minato)
kusanagi minato, mc after reincarnation
tadano jun, a school bully
mizuha yuika, second daughter from the magic noble house of mizuha
mizuha ruka, sister of mizuha yuika, eldest daughter of the mizuha house
katsuragi ryuji, friend? of mizuha ruka
inspector shidou shogou, beast countermeasure of the police
sergeant sanada karin, beast counter measure of the police
fuuka jin, head of the magic nobility of fuuka family

the calamity, sudden appearance of monsters all around the world
number of magic circle = magic rank = magic power
demon god, final boss of the calamity
kamui magic academy
magic noble families, leading family of magicians, there are four said houses
old shibuya a ruined city infested with monsters
apparently chantless magic is an uncommon thing, while it is natural for mc
null attribute magic, magic without elemental attribute
just to clarify: illegal used of magic is illegal wherever it maybe
harakuju, a place that is infested with monster
police and self defense troops are two different forces
synthesis magic?

0, prologue, in the final battle vs the calamity monster, mc faces off the demon god. he uses his ultimate magic, 15th tier, vs the demon god who is only 14th tier. mc defeats the demon god. but in the process due to exhaustipn, he died. but he suddenly got reincarnated to another person's body. from the greatest mage and founder of magic ichikami atsumu, mc is now kusanagi minato

1 mc wakes up in a hospital. the doctors immediately examined him. they were surprised he was in a critical state after the traffic accident and he had fully healed. mc knows he got healing holy magic so it's normal. the doctor then asks who mc is and what year it is. he tells his name, ichikami minato, and the year is 1970. the doctors says mc got a mental aftereffect. the year is 2022 and his name is kusanagi minato. he concludes he really is reincarnated and 50 years into the future. the doctor tells that ichikami minato died when the calamity had ended and the world is at peace since then.c felt relieved to hear there is peace. few weeks later mc went to his room and ponders who kusanagi minato is. an orphan living alone in a boarding school with his expenses and getting by with his parents inheritance. someone, ned tadano, calls him on his phone. but mc did not onow how to use it so he tossed it aside. a message from tadanl says he needs money. mc gets to the kamui magic academy. he is disappointed at how weak magic has become. in class, tje tadano that called mc was actually a school bully. as tadano tries exortingoney from mc, a student girl , mizuha, enters the class. this stopped tadano from attacking mc. during class, mc felt ultra embarassed as the lecture mostly is about him in the past. after the class, tadano confronts mc. mc spoke to them. this angered tadano and lunch a fire spell at mc. mizuha tries interferring.

2 mc took attack head on. when all the smoke dissipated. mc appears unscathed. the magic was only level 1, something mc can automatically defend from. mc got mad at tadano jun. he unleashed his magic. everyone in the class froze. as mc heads ti tadano, fortunately a school teacher arrives. mc stops and lies to the teacher. magic is prohibited in the classrooms apparently. mc tells it must be someome outside. the teacher went to find the culprit. some of the student felt wary of mc. mc felt disappointwd at how the people have become. how things are, any momster would be a hard task for the students. mc tries to look for monsters to check. mc went to old shibuya, a city with ruined buildings. as mc tries searching for monsters, he located a magic policewoman being attack by a monster. mc helped her out, warned her to be careful and vanished. mc is truly disappointed that even the magic police cannot defeat low level monsters. mc felt he is needed even by the peace era. mc continues to fight monsters.

3 next day, the measurement of power is being held in class. mc is disappointed that they even have to use a device in order to measure power. mizuha yuika approached mc and introduced herself. mc checked her and finds her magic power lacking for a so called magic nobility. mizuha yuika wanted to ask mc of what had happened from yesterday when tadano launch an attack on mc. but before she could get an answer, the magic measurement starts. tadano jun got fire 1000, mizuha got water 2000, the teacher praises them for beinf exemplary. mc felt very disappointed as the student felt reassured they're strong. mc tries to boast his magic as well as he did notnhold back with the magic measurement. it shone brightly and stopped only when it the measuring device broke. the teachers did not understand what happened and calls it an accident. the measuring was done so they could divide the students evenly for combat. the teacher then asks tadano if he could let mc join their group. tadano much obliged.

4 the class is in old shibuya, the place where mc went and hunt lat night. he found it weird that although he defeated many monsters during his night hunt, he could still feel many presence of monsters. the students are tasks to hunt monsters. tadano jun once again tries bullying mc. but he stopped when a demon soldier appears. tadano jun launched his lv1 magic vs the demon soldier but it was totally ineffective. as the demon soldier closed on them, mc had to step in. the demon soldier was taken aback by mc's magic. mc used the same lv1 magic of tadana jun vs the demon soldier, and the demon soldier got obliterated. the tadano jun as well his entourage grew weary of mc while tadano jun is frustrated. mc felts something was off with the monster population not decreasing as well the magic level of people being too weak. he suspect a possible calamity might once again occur. mc is determined to stop it. on the side, mizuha yuika saw the whole incident.

5 in mizuha yuika's pov, after them team defeats a monster, she saw mc being bullied by tadano. suddenly a demon soldier appears, she hid. but she then she tried helping, in the name of her family as a magic noble, but before she could evem do anything, mc finished the demon soldier with a low level spell, something impossible due to the rank difference of the monster and the spell used. as mc walks by, mc mocks mizuha yuika. mc felt disappointed and gave a dejected remark of them being weak and leaves. as mizuha yuika tries catching up to mc, mc suddenly disappears. mc is up on the top the building as he tries his magic to locate other monsters. seeing that there were still many of them. he uses an area wide lv2 magic to eliminate all the monsters in the vicinity. he meant to kill a few but ended up killing every monster. he forgot to hold back. it will in the end halt the progress for the class.

6 as mc deascend back down, he finds the teacher investigating the monster. they were also surprised with the number of monsters, he admitted that he did not fully confirm it to the other higher ups and even the police which could have caused an accident if it were not for the mysterious magician who used null attribute magic bullets to hunt ths monsters down. the teacher apologized to the students. meanwhile, mizuha yuika suspects mc as the one who used the null attribute msgic but then takes it back since they know that magician can't have multiple element. tadano jun was mad. and his anger was just added more when one of his entourage claimed that it was mc who used the null attribute magic. tadano jun did not accept it. he plans of finding out mc's secret. after classes, mc is surrounded by tadano jun and other bullies. they took mc to a place that cancels magic. they thought mc couldn't use magic as the bullies gang on mc. mc's auto barrier defends mc feom the hit. but he wanted to resolve things by feigning he is getting beat up. suddenly, mizuha yuika appears.

7 mizuha yuika reprimands tadano jun and the school bullies. she took mc and tries leaving with mc. this got tadano jun even angrier. he as well the other bullies unleashed their magic vs mc. tadano said that they'll be let off if they say it was an accident outside the school premises. but mc was unscathed, he even protected mizuha yuika. mc retaliated vs the bullies by draining their magic. as the bullies lies unconscious, mizuha yuika tries getting info from mc. but mc suddenly disappeared. later that night, mc went back to old shibuya, he find more monster populating the place despite his feat of killing most of then by the day. mc have a bad feeling that this monster appearance is not only happening in his country. but mc had to clean the monsters up in his area first. unbeknownsts to mc, someone is filming him as he goes on with his hunt.

8 in school, mc, mizuha yuika and tadano junas well the group of bullies were summoned to the principal office. they were asked to say there piece with regards to the magic outside the school incident. tadano and friends tried to put the blame on mc. mizuha yuika defends mc as says he was defending himself. the school principal expels tadano and friends. mc somehow thanks and praises mizuha yuika for always tryying to save him. afterward, the school principal notified the elder sister of mizuha yuika, mizuha ruca of what happened in the incident. somehow, they are out to test the mettle of mc as well to see whether or not to expel mizuha yuika. during break, while the students are watching the black magician who goes night hunting, mc is lazing around bored with nothing to do, their teacher calls mc to get his magic power measured. other students who also didn't got their msgic measure will also be tested. mizuha yuika also went with them. she was surprised to find her elder sister in the testing area.

9 as mc gets tested, it caused him great exhaustion to immensely control his magic output. his result came out as null element and his magic power 100. mizuha yuika felt something off with the measurement. mizuha ruka and kstsuragi ryuji was disappointed at the result of mc. mc fekt relieved and exhausted that he was able to manipulate hos score perfectly. as mc and mizuha yuika go back to their class, they are confronted by mizuha ruka. ruka demands yuika to dropout as she was saved by a guy with a magic power of 100. she goes on belittling ruka. suddenly mc steps up and defend yuika. mc even say that yuika, the younger sibling, could defeat ruka, the elder. ruka proposes a 2v2 duel to find out if what mc says is true. mc accepts.

9 mizuha yuika also accepts the duel. the bet is if mc team wins, ruka will stop with the matter of yuika quitting. if ruka win, yuika quits magic school and attend normal school. later on, mizuha yuika asks mc to teach her magic and she knows mc is only faking it with his 100 magic power. mc accepts. before they begin training, mc ask mizuha yuika about basic knkwledge regarding magic. everything turned out wrong, apparently magic is being tsught incorrectly. mc begins the training by msking mizuha yuika sensitive to magic. it took a week for mizuha yuika to sense magic.

11 after learning magic perception, next will be magical exhaustiom, recovery, overlimit and magic efficiency. for this they go practical battle. after their first bout, mc teaches her about chantless magic. afterward they start again. at night mc goes on his monster hunt, on occasion as mc saves someone, instead of thanking mc, theu took out their phone and tried to immidietly catch mc's photo. but mc was fast. during the day, the training continued. on one such session, mc says mizuha yuika won't be able to beat her sister but she was determined not to give up her magic. she asked mc to be more strict to her, mc obliged. at the end of the training, mc praises mizuha yuika for passing. she broke mc's lv1 barrier magic.

12 on the day of the duel, reporters flocked the known two underdogs, mc and mizuha yuika. as mc questions mizuha yuika, she tells mc it's normal for peopke with prestige specifically the magic nobles. the duel is a 1v1 match. the first match is yuika vs ruka. sadly yuika lost vs ruka. as ruka insults her more, mc has to step in, mc praises her and calls mizuha her disciple. and mc does not like it when someone insults his disciple.

13 mc carries yuika off the stage. as mc set her down on the seat, she tells her to watch his battle. yuika notices her wounds healing and her exhaustion vanishing. mc will fight off against katsuragi ryuji. for the match to be entertaining, for him, he'll be using only 100 magic power, shutting off his auto defense ability and will also be using chantless magic. mc feels he'll die if he gets a direct hit but it was all the more thrilling to mc. katsuragi ryuji's magic power is at 8000. unfortunately, the match was anti climatic. as katsuragi ryuji powers up, mc fires a magic bullet which knocked katsuragi ryuji unconscious. the second match ended with mc's sudden victory. for the third match mc vs ruka. mizuha ruka has a magic power of 10,000. ruka was on guard that mc's surprised attack did not easily work vs ruka. but as ruka got a chance to attack, mc simply dodges her magic. suddenly, ruka used a lv3 magic, thinking that mc won't be able to dodge the attack. mc used his magic to pave through ruka's attack, get close to her and knock her down. mc came out with a flawless victory. with the bet mc won, ruka won't be telling yuika to quit magic school anymore. mc also says that it only took 2 weeks for her to progress as much and that yuika will later on be stronger. the ruka accepts this anf the two sisters reunites. but it was not for long when suddenly they felt a sudden tremor of immense magic. mc knows it is the calamity.

14 meanwhile, in the classroom, the expelled bullies and tadano jun are rummaging through mc's stuffs. they're trying to find a secret or anitem that mc use to be strong. but they stop after they noticed the day sky turned red. back in the duel area, monsters suddenly appear out of portals. a calamity id happening. mc kills every monster using his magic. he then orders the panicked students to calm down and go to safety. mc plans on taking the monsters alone. but mizuha ruka and katsuragi ryuji wanta to join mc. mc let them be. mc went to the school building to exterminate the monster and save the students that are attacked. he also used his magic to help them evacuate. katsuragi ryuji can't help but feel impressed on how mc does the rescue.

15 mc saves a girl in the stair case. the girl ask if it was also mc who saved her during the practical hunt. mc did not deny it.  as katsuragi ryuji appears. mc lets him lead the girl to safety. meanwhile, in a government building, the authority's discussion is of the calamity happening in the kamui magic academy. they are question how a calamity suddenly happened after years of peace. the prime minister is mad that national budget is less for the military to be able to handle such unforeseen situation. they can only let the magic nobles as well the beast countermeasure police to handle the situation. inspector shogou and sergesbt karin of the beast countermeasure police are in their way to the kamui magic academy. as chaos ensues, mc is getting weary that it had only been the first stage and stroger monsters will appear at the 2nd. the calamity will only end if they defest the boss but it will only appear at the final stage. mc continues his rescue. in a classroom, tadano jun is exhausted as his atracks were ineffective at yet another demon soldier that appeared before them. as tadano jun falls to his knees with his magic exhausted, mc saves them. tadano ask why mc saved them again, mc answers because he is capable of doing so.

16 tadano jun confronts mc and asked him more. mc told the truth that kusagani minato died during a traffic accident and he is reborn. tadank jun misunderstand it that mc got power at death's door. and then mc gave him a wake up call and said that tadano jun is weak. mc goes on to say the strong do not oppress the weak and the weak do not oppress the weaker. tadano jun laments on how weak he actually was, on how he could not progress further and so he vent his frustrastions on those weaker than him. mc continues his rescue and monster hunt. outside the gymnasium the evac center, students defend the place vs the attacking monster, yuika and ruka was there. as katsuragi ryuji brought another batch of rescued student. yuika asks where mc was. katsursgu replied mc is great and that if he's with them, they'll overcome the calamity. as they felt assured, suddenly they felt a greater tremor. soon, greater number of monsters appears out of portals.

17 soon after, the beaster countermeasure police arrives and aids the students. mc find it hard to believe that the police arrived before the self defense force aimed tonaid during calamity. but given the peace that they were enjoying, it's possible. meanwhile as the police arrives, reporters were also covering the incident. as hope spreads and their faith waits for the magic nobles to arrive, a certain nobility of the fuuka family feign ignorance of what was happening. fuuka jin, head of fuuka family orders his troop to ignore the incident. as such small scale event is nothing for them. as the battle turn for the worse, inspector shidou shogou can't help but felt mad that the magic nobles are no where to be seen. suddenly, the boss appears and the self defense force as well the magic noble have yet to arrive. the boss is a demon captain which required tier 5 magic and with their current force no one was able to defeat it, thought inspector shidou shogou. the boss attacks, ruka saves yuika but was hurt in the process, all hope is lose. yuika shout mc's name. suddenly, mc appears.

18 mc appears apologize he's late, heals ruka and proceeds to heal everyone else with lv3 heal magic. inspecter shidou shogu woke up to find sergeant sanada karin coming to his side. sergeant sanada karin, the healer if the beast countermeasure police, was surprised with the area lv3 heal magic that just happened. as inspector shido shogou tries to get up and go back to the frey sergeant sanada reports to him the police force were defeated, and there are no signs of reinforcement. the reporters covering as well the vieweres of the incident have also losed hope. suddenly they saw mc approaching the boss monster. mc faces the boss. yuika blew the reporters camera so that they can't find mc's identity. the policed supported mc. and those in the scene have once more regain confidence as they hopw of winning vs the boss. suddenly, the boss used his ultimate a tier 6 magic.

19 mc suddenly felt his back on a corner. he cannot win with tier 2 magic alone. mc had to get serious and unleashed an even greater magic. while the rest were cowering in fear, only yuika was truly hopeful that mc would win. inspector shidou shogou witnessed mc's magic and calls it a synthesis magic.  the boss gets defeated and the red sky turned back to normal. inspectoe shidou shogou is very impressed at mc's feat. mc approached yuika and tells her that he has put an end to the calamity. yuika thanked mc and suddenly other students barged in and thanked mc for saving them. with the incident ending, report showed no casualty have happened and the academy will not be disclosing mc's identity as the ine who saved them. mc feels annoyed that he stood out. although some of the students praises him, there were those who do not believe of mc's feat. both mc and mizuha yuika got promoted to s class. mizuha yuika thanks mc once more that if it were nit for him mizuha ruka would have been gravely injured and the two siblings wouldn't be reunited. later on, in the authority side, the government is seeking aid from other countries for a countermeasure sgainst calamity that may once again appear and as well talks of sanctioning fines and penalty to magic nobles who did not assist in the calamity incident. meanwhile, mc and yuika meet up with ruka and katsuragj ryuji. ruka asks mc to make her mc's disciple.

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