Monday, July 10, 2023

I Became the Strongest with the Failure Frame "Abnornal State" Skill as I Devastated Everything (manga until chapter 31)

i became the strongest with the failure frame  abnornal state skill as i devastated everything, 

5, mc and classmates got summones by a goddess. mc is deemed worthless and he to be sisposes of. he had two friends, somehow, but they were all silent by the goddess and even framed mc that his worthless is beginning to spread to others. when mc is disposed of, he is teleported to a labyrinth. there if fought hard to survive with his stats ailment skills that are absolute. when he got out, he was at level thousands. one of his friend, a girl, is being bullied by others. but mc do not know. all mc wants is revenge vs goddess.

7, mc got out of the dungeon he was trapped in. he was then attack by a group of 4 heroes who are bad. they were pursuing someone and they just attack mc. mc retorted with his skills. the 4 bad heroes dies. mc, with the help of his slime companion, then finds the person the 4 heroes were looking for. mc went after her. and use his skills to immobilize and question her. upon learning mc killed her pursuers, the woman lowered her guard down, thanked mc and let him ask questions. mc does not lower his guard, the woman is still immobilize while he questions her. mc on planned on getting informatiob about the area but when he realize the woman knows magic, mc then shows the woman a scripts from a book he got in the dungeon, it was from one of the many disposed of heroes. even though the heroes were blessed with language knowledge, mc was not able to read the script.

11, in the first town mc arrived. there seemed to be a dungeon exploration event held by mayor. mc needed materials to increase his slime companion's level so he joins the event. there he also met again the lady beinf pursued. she is an elf hiding from the kingdom. after an incident before the start, mc felt sympathetic to the elf lady. he even went so far as to kill those who targetted the elf lady during the incident before the event. in the lower floors, mc beats the boss and he then once again meet with elf lady. mc gave the boss loot to elf lady and the two join together to explore the dungeon more, mc still needs his materials. from the start to current during the dungeon event, elf lady lacks sleep since she was being pursued. during being together with elf lady, mc feels reassured to have a partner with him.

12 tonother students, there were five divided groups, the jocks, the girl bullies, the nerds, the lone president amd the two girls on their own. apparently, the female classmate who stood up for mc before getting disposed of was placed in a hard situation by goddess. the lone president takes care of failes hero. in a quest vs skeleton knight, lone president was almost killed by the leader of the jocks, thanks to the leader if thw two girls group. the jocks get the highest contribution. the goddess reprimands the lone president and tells her to join the jocks team but she refused and continued on to take care of the failed heroes. this irritated the goddess even more. meanwhile, back in the dungeon, mc used his sleep skill to elf lady. this undid her disguise spell as she fell asleep.

14, mc and elf lady beats the dungeon. elf lady submitted the artifact the town mayor was looking for. come next the reward will be given. elf lafy was given a choice to stay in mayor's house she refused. mc gave elf lady a room in the inn he stays, she accepts. she reminisce her past of her friend the princess friend, how the mc and her friend were alike.

16, mc waited for her as she promised she would come back to her but only when mc investigated he found out, during reward ceremony, elf lady's cover is blown. now she escaped. then came the strongest knight unit who hunts for elf lady. as elf lady is being cornered, mc arrives to save her.

20, with a bit of deception, mc defeats the dragon knights. it was also revealed, if it were real, the person who was ordering the capture for wlf lady was the king she served. apparently, the king lusts elf lady. also the princess friend of elf lady seemed to be getting married to someone.

23, on the classmate side, the lone president is the leader of the most lacking group. and being a high rank hero doesn't help her since she tskes care of failed heroes. but her will never wavered somehow. she always checks out the other group and the leader who easily levels up while she doesn't. also, the goddess sent a representstive as a teacher for the heroes to train. meanwhile, as the goddes plans on using other veterans to help the hero, she didn't know mc had already killed some of the veterans.

24, mc continues to travel to the witch that will help both elf lady and mc.

26, while the country leader as well the goddess discuss the manner of both the demon army invading and the death of the veterans. mc and elf lady continues their travel towards the witch. in a town with a coliseum,they acquires info that the chamipion knows the whereabouts of the witch. also there were talks of a group claiming the credits due to mc for killing ine of the veteran heroes.

27, mc speaks to the champion regarding the exact whereabouts of the witch. but she would give the answer. so mc decides to help her. she was planned to be killed in the coliseum, mc discussed thisnto the champion although she doubted at first but she investigsted first hand, it was the actual truth. worse is the champion's daughter figure whom the champion tried buyingbback from slavery won't be set free after she is killed.

28, the champion rescues the daughter figure or rather little sister figure that she had. mc killed the one who was taking her into custody. the little girl is seriously being trested harshly. although the champion is quick to firgive, mc has accepted he is evil. the four, mc, elf lady, champion and little sister plans tongo to the witch's territory to find haven their. as for mc, he seeks answers to take revenge vs goddess. actually it',s for learning the script written in the book mc showed the first time he met elf lady.

(currently at this point, mc have now companions that trusts him, but to mc as he walks his evil path, he see them as mere tools. but it seems his companion understand it, even sonthey trusts him)

32, as they escape, they are being chased by the mayor's pursuers (actually a duke), the one who owned the champion as a slave and the little sister. also there was another group, it was the curse group that took credit for mc defeating the strongest warrior. the of the curse group was smart but mc move one step ahead. after defesting the curse group, thry now plan in facing the duke's pursuers.

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