Friday, July 21, 2023

Uragirareta S Rank Boukensha no Ore wa, Aisuru Dorei no Kanojora to Tomoni Dorei dake no Harem Guild o Tsukuru (until chapter 28)

A Betrayed S-rank Adventurer, I Make a Slave-only Harem Guild With My Beloved Slaves

egil voltz, mc, an s rank adventurer, sword genesis
gessendorf, friend of mc, info broker
eleanor carlfon lunde cornelia, former adventurer, a slave to mc, third princess of the cornelia kingdom
musulina, friend who betrayed eleanor
mordred, friend who betrayed eleanor
kurd, friend who betrayed eleanor
selina, eleanor's slave friend
earl sebrestian layforf, the slave who owned selina
havolic, adventurer guild receptionist
luna, mana archer, e rank twins
sana, priest, e rank twins
sword king, mc's mentor?
haruto suares, client for the traitor incident in the goreas fortress, team leader weltania
king felistina, the king who wanted to expand his territory, goreas fortress is their main concern as to why he sent out a quest to take over the place that's infested with monsters
fabiola, team leader decapitation flash ruins sail
relic, team leader panacea, elix sarvest
gale, team leader ferreril
eksvain, team leader felistina chivalric order
micaela, team leader treasure wood
ryuin, team leader serpent's dream
levia, team leader sunset bond, current leader of eleanor's former friends
phie shilliews, a slave, beast tamer of fabiola's team
sabriela, eleanor's sister
misha, eleanor's sister
hegariatte, leader of the monsters and real name of levia, monster king class, s rank

krishna town
saint force, summoner class
sword genesis? mc's class?
fortress of goreas, an infested fortress that the king asked to be cleared for territory expansion
holy power stone, stone thrown by adventurers to the lake of gods to gain power
lake of gods, adventurers throw their holy power stone into the lake to gain power
leader's vessel?
pandora's demise, guild of levia

1 mc tells his friend his disgust to slavery, gessendorf, who invite him to a slave auction. suddenly, a beautifup girl that caught mc's attention was up for auction. mc bid and won himself a slave. the slave gave mc a portion of what she got from the auction. she asks mc to kill her childhood friend. she then introduced herself as the third princess of cornelia kingdom. 

2 eleanor ran away from her kingdom when their father, the king, wants the successor of the throne to be her husband. eleanor dis not want to be part of it and so she became an adventurer along with her friends. but on her birthday, she was sold as a slave. her friends turned their back on her. it was a plot of her elder sisters. mc agrees to exact her revenge vs her elder sisters and her friends. eleanor seduces mc. mc is seduced.

3 they love each other, somehow. mc is determined to fulfill eleanor's request. eleanor wants mc to be happy with her.

4 mc met with gessendorf, he asks for ino about eleanor's friend as well the slavers who kept her. meanwhile, eleanor went to the bookstore to buy cultures books. suddenly she overhears an argument of a slaver and a slave owner/noble. she finds her friend selina, a slave, as the person of their argument.

5 eleanor went to the two and, in the name of her mc an s rank adventurer asked to speak with selina. the slaver let her. eleanor asked her friend who was strong and an iron will who is now crying what happened to her. selina then say that the noble is her slave owner but due to his abuse and violence she ran away the slaver got her and now she's up for auction. eleanor promises to have mc buy her when she's auctioned. back at their house, eleanor kneeled in front ofnmc as she ask for mc to buy her friend. mc did not like how eleanor acted. she is his lover and if she simply, she'd do anything for her. she was relieved to hear his words. after they're done with their lunch or something, mc decides they go for quest. it will help them to buy her friend as well outbid the nobleman who is interested in selina.

6 on their way for they 7 day questing, they come across two adventurers who are fighting a giant cyclops, glacent. mc and eleanor rescues the two adventurers.

7 mc reprimands the upon finding out their adventurer ranks. mc then tells them hebwill teach them. at first they were reluctant but with eleanor's assertian, the two yields and accepts to be taught by mc.

8 last of their 7 day questing, the twin joined them along the way. the last hurdle were three drake that the three, eleanor, luna and sana without mc, easily defeats. the last one is a dragon. mc joins in the fight.

9 with mc supplying sana with an immense amount of mana, she used her ultimate to defeat the dragon. after the quest is done, they went their separate ways.

10 mc with the help of his friends gessendorf and havolic successfully outbid the noble seberstian. but as eleanor asks selina to live with them, selina rans away, after all that had happened she became afraid of men. but as she ran away, selina gets captured by the noble.

11 mc beats up the slaver who requests mc for an escort mission. then mc beats the noble who tries taking selina away. selina apologizes to eleanor and she ended up living with them.

12 they have a happy life afterward. selina was still wary of mc. one day, when mc went out to a quest, gessendorf went to his house and talked to the eleanor and selina. he tells the two of mc's story, his first love, a slave who betrayed him.

13 mc's story is about how he fell in love with a childhood friend who vanished and once older he meets once more. they go on a quest, mc was pushed off to a pit of monsters and to die, all by the person he loved. because she was ordered to. later on, when mc regained consciousness, sword king decides to teach mc the ropea and so he goes on tl ne an s rank adventurer. which is why he used to hate slaves. after hearing the story, selina feels the need to open up to mc.

14 that night, mc tells selina that they founf a lead on the adventurers eleanor was looking for. mc and eleanor will be going by then and that selina would be with someone else. but she didn't want to be separated with them as she has fallen for mc. selina confess to mc. eleanor was okay with as well. mc accepts things.

15 back in the guild, the three adventurers they were looking for took on a quest to goreas fortress. receptionist havolic asks mc to under take a quest connected to the goreas fortress. the client is haruto suares, tue quest isnto identify the traitor in the goreas fortress quest and kill them, his three collegues were victims by the traitor. the trio are set to disguise as the victim and to return back for the goreas fortrest quest.

16 the three along with their client joins the briefing for the goreas fortress quest, they met with other teams. they also found sana and luna among the members. eleanor finds her three friends who betrayed her.

17 the fortress quest is the capture of fortress infested by monsters. the teams will enter through 4 points and it will be done in two teams per points. mc's team is paired with a new comer team. it was highly unlikely their paired team are the traitors. they easily dealt with the monsters for rhe first day.

18 a celebration chapter for a successful day 1 of the goreas fortress quest

19 next day, fabiola was attacked by the traitor. they were with the panacea team. later that night, a rabbit beast appeared in mc's tent and asked for mc. mc followed and found fabiola's teammate, phie shilliew, a beast tamer, and a slave, she want mc to take her in. mc took her in. as a thanks, phie says she kno,ws the identity of the traitors.

20 the two convo led to identifying the traitor as an s rank beast tamer. next day, some of the teams backed out, only five were left. the report about the death of another adventurer was tht black fog surrounded their team and afterwards, the killing is done. phie js now part kf mc's team. they head out, to takes on one of the points. suddenly they got surrounded by a black fog. phie says that the other teams are being surrounded by black fogs as well. haruto says the black fog is a skill used by his dead companion.

21 mc asks eleanor to use her magic and summon a bird to remove the fog. once the fog cleared, haruto is missing. phie says he ran away and has a track on him. she also say ogre were when the black fog appeared. mc tells the rest they will rest in a building since eleanor have used up a lot of her mana. later that night, mc went to eleanor to comfort her. he apologize and tells eleanor that it must have been hard for her since her traitor friends were there in the assures her he'll stay with her.

22 next day, phie reports that the ogres are attacking the other team, this includes the traitor friends and sana and luna's team. the four heads out. they first went to save eleanor's traitor friends. mc left eleanor, selina and phie to take care of them afterward as he head to luna and sana. the traitor friends ask eleanor's forgiveness and tells her it was her sister that schemed to sold her to slavery. as they continue to talk, the three traitors raised their weapon and launches an attack eleanor was glad that her  friends was as cruel as ever

23 a 3v3 match between eleanor's current friend and previous traitor friend's. eleanor teams are winning.

24 a backstory of how things was. even back then the traitor friends never like eleanor and have always plotted vs her. eleanor and kills her last traitor friend. in mc's side, luna bumps to him with a crying face she asks mc to save sana.

25  backstory of luna and sana joining their father on the goreas fortress quest to get money for their sick mother. as the ogres attack, their father was the first to run away. the ogres found luna and sana. sana tells luna to run away. as sana stalls time, she slowly got back in a corner. until she finally could no longer fight back. suddenly, mc appears and save sana. but befire he could beat the ogres, mc threatens the traitor to the quest that he will find and kill him. sana reunites with her sister. 

26 before heading out to where the traitor is, mc tells lina and sana to stay there while eleanor and friends will get to them. mc promises to help them. but somehow the twins did not like always asking for help from mc without compensation. suddenly mc had an idea he tells the two he'll help them on the condition they become slave to mc. the two agrees to it. mc knows that the twins are stubborn and won't listen to him but if they become his slave, they would be more than willing to accept his help and obey his order of being guided. once mc reaches the traitor, he found relic, leader of panacea, apparently he had gotten addicted to some herb to the point he could kill his companions. but mc knew he was not the one pulling the strings. mc dodges an attack which killed relic. levia, leader of the sunset bond appears.

27 levia introduces herself an s class monster king, someone who could control monsters, she wanted to gain and monopolize the power in the lake of the gods that adventurers use to gain powers. as mc attacks her, monster blocks his attacks. she goes on to say that drastic change will happen afterward. she asks mc what path he would take.

28 levia says that in mids of the change to come, her guild, pandora's demise with be at the center of it all. as levia escapes, mc's harem appears. mc is glad to find eleanor safe as well the rest of the. afterward, mc gave the holy stone of haruto's companion back to haruto. he cried as he gets to reunite with his friends one last time before he could bury them. that night, as mc have dinner with his harem, he tells them that in order to proteft everyone and that they could have peace, they need to make a guild and as a bigger place to stay in, they will be taking the goreas fortress as their base.

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