Sunday, July 23, 2023

world's strongest rearguard: the novice seeker of labyrinth country (manga until chapter 23)

world's strongest rearguard: the novice seeker of labyrinth country

atobe arihito, mc, company slave, rearguard
igarashi kyouka, section manager, slave driver, valkyrie
lousel falmel, a guild receptionist
leila, deputy surpervisor of a mercenary company
theresa, rouge mercenary, lizardman, ex human
shiromiya suzuna,
ertia/elysha centrale, death sword?
lye carton, dismantler of monster, shop owner
melissa, daughter of lye carton, a dismantler of monster
misaki, bestfriend of shiromiya suzuna in their previous life, lady luck, class gambler
bergen, a party leader that are vs elysha
louisa, the guild counselor who takes care of mc's reports
plum, a kid in the arthur's atelier
eiku, a kid in the arthur's atelier
falma arthur, traps specialist and owner of arthur's atelier
shion, silver hound, the 'let me do it for you' dog of the arthur's atelier
ariadne, hidden god 117th, replica of goddess ariadne, the iron wheel, the girl that mc and his team found in the hidden level of the plains of dawn dungeon
george, leader of the polaris top rank party in the 8th district
sophie, a member of the polaris party
jake, a member of the polaris party
tyler, a member of the polaris party
michael, a member of the polaris party
ribault/rival, the supporter who mc met outside the plains of dawn dungeon
shinogi madoka, a trader
william christensen, caretaker of the 17th monster ranch
milis, grand daughter of william christensen

(the manga t'L for the early chapters were confusing but it gets better)
demi human, those who died and got reincarnated not as a human
dungeon seekers, the adventurers going inside the dungeon
white night brigade, infamous guild that head hunts seekers
contribution points, achievements gain when dungeon raiding
lye carton's dismantling shop
watadama, ball monsters
juggernaut, the mountain size orc
great temple in the 4th district, in here demihumans can be chsnged back to being humans
apparently, district entry are restricted to the ones contribution. the higher the contribution the more district area one can enter
scarlet emperor, the berserk inducing cursed sword of elysha
runes are like special items embeded into equipment for extra effects
morale, a gauge used to cancel debuffs
morale burst, ultimate technique
plains of dawn, the first dungeon, mc entered
seeker card, a handy tablet like item that acts as a status window for the adventurers. it is also used as an item box
giant eagle headed warrior, a boss in the hidden level of the plains of dawn dungeon
goddess ariadne, the iron wheel
founders, have the capability of summoning adventurers
creators, are one who made the hidden gods
district means rank
(i am very confused with this district. whether if its a place, a far off place or a ranking or probably a combination of two. louisa regrets mc moving up a district since mc will have to pick another guild staff to be taking care of them, while at the same time, mc asked if louisa couls still be the guild staff to take care of them. in chapter 23, the dismantler of district 8, regrets mc of moving up, as if they will never be seeing each other again)
(chapter23, somehow there is something that mc wants to discuss with the guild staff that takes care of the polaris, is it related to changing guild staff? will this guild staff that takes care of polaris be the one who will be taking over of louisa?)

1 mc along with his company colleague got in a bus accident. mc dies and get reincarnated into a fantasy dungeon labyrinth. as mc went to register in the guild, he meets with igarashi, mc's boss in their previous world. mc did not like because she keeps overworking mc. when igarashi says that they would party up, mc rejects it. igarashi went on her to find herself a party. mc registers as a rearguard but somehow an error occured with his registration.

2 after mc leaves the guild, the receptionist gave mc mercenary coupons use to hire mercenaries. mc has some buff skills but that's it. mc went to a mercenary company and hired a lizardman named theresa. when mc and theresa went to the lsbyrinth, they are met with other seekers. mc thought they are bad people just like the one he met in the guild reception. in fact these people are actually supports. they tell of a valkyrie newbie going in the dungeonalong with her party. mc and theresa went inside, their first monster was a sentient ball. it was not an easy first fight. and theresa hsrdly listens to mc when mc tells her they should retreat. thankfully, mc used his skills which shielded theresa. with an opening, theresa defeats the ball. mc thanks theresa for protecting him. suddenly they hear a commotion nearby, it was igarashi and her teammates, they seemed to be in a pinch.

3 igarashi was with the group of suspicious seekers in the guild reception. they were fight a red ball, also it's a named monster. as their party couldn't beat it, the party leader used a teleport scroll to get the psrty out of the dungeon. unfortunately, it seems igarashi was not part of their party and she was left alone. luckily, mc and theresa was already on their way. upon seeing mc, igarashi resolved herself to be strong and defeat the monster. but it was not enough. as mc tries using his shield buff, it didn't work because igarashi is not part of his team. mc regretted he rejected her proposal to party up with him. as igarashi lies on the ground, mc vows to avenge his boss. along with theresa by his side.

4 mc somehow understood a bit about his buff skills. with the buffs skills he has, he applied to theresa and they defested the red ball. after the battle, mc asks theresa to call for help. mc force igarashi to join his party so that he may be able to use his recovery spell on her. the recovery worked but igarashi seemed to oassed out due to exhaustion. suddenly ertia, deathsword, and suzuna shiromiya, shrine maiden finds them and quickly helped them. ertia death sword warns mc to not expose to others his skill. the red ball they defeated was ultra strong for mere beginners to fight and deal with. she also warned mc of a group called white night brigade, they are somehow an infamous group. when the supporters from outside the dungeon arrive, they went on their separate ways. somehow, a group of three men are looking from the distance, their target is deathsword, ertia.

5 after the dungeon, mc returned theresa to the mercenary company, he apologized to leila for not taking good care of theresa. somehow, with this attitude, theresa who moves for battle, showed a gesture of gratitude towards mc. mc felt like he would want to have theresa as a permanent mercanary companion, leila tells mc of the amount to get her, which they would only normally tell to customers who are regular and have taken human mercenaries. mc went back to the guild for the report, lousia was surprised at how well he did with his first raid and how high his contribution became only after his first raid. he also gained a few gold coins from the monster they defeated. mc asked the receptionist to keep his identity a secret. mc then went to check on his party mate igarashi. mc apologize for rejecting igarashi's party invite before. mc then made a party contract and had igarashi sign it. the two became a party with mc as the leader. as party, mc had igarashi stay with him in his hotel room, apparently, those with zero contributions are only allowed to sleep in stables. next day, they first head to the mercenary company to once again hire theresa. on their way, a cute gal notices mc and igarashi, but decides to join ertia and suzuna as a party mate.

5.5 a little backstory of leila's pastlife and her first encounter with the demihuman theresa

6 mc, igarashi and theresa went to lye carton's shop to have the monster they got dismantled and enhanced their equipments. mc got his sling shot enchanted while the two ladies got their def items enchanted. while the three planned on hunting many ball monsters, watadama, for the day, the shop owner tells them otherwise. there had been a decrease in the number of the watadama since seekers have overhunted them and their best bet of getting more loots is going to the second level but it would be highly risky. the three set out forntheir hunt and come acriss the gate to the second level. although the do not plan on going, suddenly suzuna comes out, followed by an orc and then by elysha. they were hunting orcs in the 2nd level along with another girl. they hurriedly went back but not before mc could inquire. elysha tells them three entering the 2nd level and odd enough misaki, the third girl in their party, are picking up rare items. she picked up an armed treasure box which teleported her elsewhere in the 2nd level. they suspect someone was out there to get them. meanwhile, the three seekers that were looking at them during the red watadama incident, is seen with a tied misaki. they plan on using the girl to lure elysha into fighting a giant monster they call tyrant.

7 elysha requested mc to take suzuna back with them while she alone searches for misaki. igarashi persuades mc to help them. mc and friends help them. elysha gave a condition, suzuna is to temporarily join mc's party while elysha joins them as a guest. she also handed mc a return scroll in case things gets rough. when they entered, theresa, with her detect skill, noticed the presence of a monster. elysha says that there could be seekers engaging the monster and so the five went to look. while bergen's team are running from the giant monster, they saw elysha. they set up a trap. they laid misaki in the open plain and cause an explosion. mc's team finds misaki. as elysha and suzuna approaches the unconscious misaki, mc has a feeling something is wrong. as mc warned elysha and suzuna, an arrow landed near the two and exploded. suddenly a swarm of monster along with a giant monster, the tyrant, appeared near them. the group of berge rejoice to see their trap was successful. elysha orders the rest to move far back away from her as she engages the monsters.

8 mc's team got separated with suzuna's team with a firewall created by the arrow. elysha entered berserk mode to clash vs theb orcs. mc tells suzuna to have misaki enter their party so they could use the return scroll. but she couldn't wake misaki. fortunately mc's defense buff can be used on suzuna. suddenly, igarashi felt the urge to enter the fray. equipped with the fire defense item and mc's buffs, she rushed into the firewall and into the side of suzuna's team. she covers suzuna and asks her to try waking misaki so she could enter their party, all the while she tries to calm the berserk elysha. suddenly the tyrant orc joins the fight and with one strike, he shook the ground. as dust clouds form and dissipate, mc is shocked to what he had seen.

9 mc could not see his teammates. suddenly they heard a cough. they were there. mc's shield buff saved them. but elysha was no where to be seen and the tyrant orc is still there. as it readies to attack them, elysha suddenly appears by its head as she striked the monster. unfortunately it had no effect. mc checked the monster's info. it's a juggernaut and it's immune to physical attacks. the juggernaut attacked and threw elysha on the side. suzuna rushed to her but suddenly elysha almost strike at her. her berserk state is still in effect. suddenly mc remember his is a fire element. using his buff, he attacked the juggernaut and it was effective. he buff the rest of the team as both theresa and elysha, whp just joined their party. with theircombined effort, they defeated the juggernaut. the team of bergen is beneath the rubbles from when the jiggernaut strike and shook the ground. theresa heads to the defeated monster and found a treasure box.

10 as they celebrate their victory, a small introduction as well misaki telling of bergen's team, theresa returns to them with a treasure box in her hand. it was a black treasure box. since the juggernaut could not fit in their item box, they took some of it's nails and finger and will go request for a service to the dismantlers to take care of the slain monster. as they returned back to the dungeon entrance, mc tells them to wait for them in their lodgings/hotel as mc reports their subjugation to the guild as well bergen's team. apparently, named monsters have a permanent aggro. if they target certain individual, no matter if they leave the dungeon and once again return, the aggro will remain. bergen's team used elysha in order for them to be saved from the perma aggro. louisa tells mc they will deal with bergen's team for proper sanctions. next is they checked mc's contribution points, it's higher than their first raid and as of now mc reached 7th place in their district. louisa asked if mc will be moving to a different district since his contributions are high enough. mc says that he's happy if louisa would continue to be her counsel. she felt delighted when mc said it. mc also invited jer for dinner. she accepts. later on, mc went to the mercenary guild, he had got the right amount of money to get theresa as a permanent companion. leila felt thankful of mc's decision. leila also told mc of something crucial. when mc and theresa met with the rest, mc announces that they could turn theresa back to a human being in the great temple in the 4th district.

11 mc discusses their plan over dinner with everyone. mc wants to make theresa human again, he invites misaki, suzuna and elysha to join their team. elysha tells her story of her berserk weapon and her backstory as part of the white night brigade and her bestfriend who's still part of the infamous org that will use any means just to reach the top. after reaching a resolution, the two parties joined together. next day, they head for the craftsman to open the treasure box and afterward have their equipments enhanced.  in front of the shop, they are greeted by a giant wolf and two children, they are welcomed as customers tonthe arthur's atelier.

11.5 a story of what happened after their dinner.

12 they were then greeted by falma arthur. after she let her kids play with their dog, she led mc's party to a dungeon like room. inside she explained that the black treasure box or a black box is a very dsngerous item. there was once such box which was incorrectly opened, a portionof the city got obliterated. thankfully, falma is a top tier specialist for treasure boxes and traps. she opened it with great precision. and soon a great pile of treasures and gold coin appears. mc got a new weapon slingshot and an armor that enhances buffs, theresa got a sword that allows wind skills, suzuna got sash that improves range ability and igarashi got a down right rpg woman armor and a spear. they then allocated their skill points and headed for the dungeon. after a while of raiding, and training they are finally ready for the 3rd level. they faced off against gaze hounds, mc uses a new buff, morale boost. with morale, they can cancel out debuffs and can also use morale burst, something like an ultimate skill. as it was their first time using it, except for elysha, mc tells them to try it so that they can know what are its effect. both misaki and suzuna tries their burst but suddenly a hidden monster took notice and approaches.

13 the burst of misaki, fortune roll, makes any type of action to succeed. while suzuna's tsukoyomi, is like a guide. thanks to misaki's burst, suzuna's burst succeeded and it led them to ekse where. they followed the light and into an open plain. misaki borrows igarashi's spear and stsrted digging and soon they found a teleport pad to another level. elysha finds it suspicious, the dungeon they are in only have 3 levels and they are already in the 3rd level. they were reluctant to use it and so decided to explore the 3rd level first before using the teleport. or so they thought. suddenly an invisible force threw misaki to the teleport pad and it activated, making misaki disappear. they are now then attack by the invisible force or monster. elysha calls it the plains eater, a chameleon monster. suzuna wants to follow misaki but mc tells her otherwise as they might get separated. theresa on the other hand, tries her hard to fight the invisible monster using her rogue skill scan. and with the combined effort of suzuna's bow and theresa's detection, they defeat the plain eater. they then went and used the teleport pad. misaki came flying towards suzuna, she was scared and lonely. mc tries using the return scroll but it was no use. on their seeker card it says they are out of range to use their teleport and their location is an unexplored area. they have no choice but to go forward. they travelled until they reached an ominous boss area. and at the end of it is a boss waiting for them. a giant eagle headed warrior, it's level is higher than that of the juggernaut orc. they prepare for battle.

14 mc uses his new hawk eye skill, it tells battle information during battle. with mc's guide, they are beating the monster but that is until monster's next phase kicked in. mc's team suddenly got overpowered. but thanks to mc's shielf he was able to protect them from an aoe attack. unfortunatelty, in the process, mc got hit.

15.1 as mc holds on to his consciousness, he remembers a moment in the past. igarashi wants them to run away but mc's wants to stand ground. with perma aggro, the monster would just follow them wherever they go in the area. mc orders igarashinand theresa to use their burst to attack the monster. suzuna and misaki helps and patches mc's wound. as the boss attacks elysha who is currently alone in the front line, a sudden attack hits the monster. elysha sees her image.

15.2 igarashi's burst, soul blink, causes allies to have clone of them, all abilities are in copied. theresa's burst is triple steal, applied to all allies and it causes one to steal hp/mp/items vs monsters hit. this also healed mc's wound. and with their all combined effort, they defeated the giant eagle headed warrior.

16 after resting and the item collection from the monster, they head to the door at the end of the boss room. thanks to theresa acquiring a precious stone that served a key, they were able to open the door. suddenly suzuna felt spirits at the end of the path. she enters in a trance state and heads up the plight of stairs. suzuna says she feels like they're in front of a shrine. at the top of the stairs is a giant room with a casket looking device in the middle. as they head towards it, they saw a panel with a symbol that looked like the key mc got from the black treasure box perfect. as mc lean the key close, it emitted a light and somehow activated the device. as they prepare for battle, the casket opens and they saw a figure of a girl. i her chest is what looked like a keyhole. mc's team let mc decide what to do and to support him whatever happens. mc then inserts the key he has on the girl's chest. suddenly the key vanished as he himself get sucked in. mc saw a recollection of his past. when mc come to his senses, the girl spoke and tells mc he is granted her protection and guardianship. the girl introduces herself as the 117th hidden god, a replica of the goddess ariadne, the iron wheel.

17 the hidden god tells them that the reincarnated are actually tasked to gathering the gods. they are sent to labyrinth cities in order for tgem to enter dungeons and seek them, hence they're called seekers. this is new information to them as well to elysha. as mc tries to set this new info aside, he asks what blessing ariadne was talking about. ariadne tries bestowing blessing to them but she  unable to. she says she is broken and that she's a failure of a god. she even goes to say that her being so she was abandoned by her creator in the first dungeon. therefore her blessing would be not worth it. she suggests that mc should seek other gods for their blessing. but mc could not let it be. mc tries putting to words what he understood of the blessings. blessing can only be done once, and once a person acquires it, they could not receive any more from others. other gods are hostile towards other and thus conflict may possibly happen. misaki asks what ariadne's blessing would be. she tells them if they acquired her blessing, if inncase they get killed. in the dungeon, they will simply respawn in the casket room in exchange all their equipment will be gone. but it was still limited since ariadne is broken. when mc asks if she could be repaired, ariadne could not give a clear answer. mc decides to gain ariadne's blessing. he also askes the others to which the others says they will follow mc with whatever he decides. ariadne obliges and gave them her blessing. soon after, mc and his team were sent back ti the first level. in the casket room of ariadne he watches mc in the monitor. a single tear fell on her hand. it was hears. she never expected that afternmany years someone would be willing to receive her blessing. she vows to protect mc with all her might. back at mc, he organizes his thoughts and their objects, gather the gods, find elysha's bestfriend and to ultimately turn theresa back to a human being. as the team head back to get dinner in the city, they suddenly hear a commotion. plum, eiku and shion are being bullied by some adventurers. as mc tries to get to them, another team came to their aid. they were the top rank party in the 8th district, polaris.

17.5 a heart warming back story of suzuna and misaki.

18 george greets them and thought elysha was the party leader. elysha was wary towarda them but after the two party join to have dinner it seemed that they warmed up to each other. other than that, elysha tried indirectly asking the poliris party if they have a gid that they serve, to which they somehow maybe misunderstood that mc's party was simply trying to convert them (hopefully that's the case). after dinner, the two party part ways. mc led the other to head back as he himself have to report to the guild. mc submits their raid report to louisa. after seeing the report, louisa locks the cousel room, announces mc and his party is the currently the number 1 in all of district 8th. and she will be telling mc secret info about hidden gods. mc must not tell anyone what louisa will disclose to mc. they must not incur the wrath of hidden gods and conflicts between groups that served a god may drastically change the situation in the labyrith country. the polaris party worships a hidden god that is hostile towards ariadne. they then discuss the things about the founder who summoned adventurers with powers to govern the land and the creators who made the gods. but it was all too deep in tje rabbit hole that louisa decides to give it a rest for the moment. mc then ask about the promotion exam, with them going to a higher district would bring them closer to their goal. louisa says they can immediately be promoted if mc wanted to. but if that would be the case, mc feels like he is betraying the effort of their new friends the polaris party. mc head back to his team and asked for opinion with him declining the immediate promotion and having their team taking up the exam. with a bit of a discussion, they understand what mc was trying to do. on the day of the exam, george of the polaris party was surprised to see mc's team taking the promotion exam with them. as the two team leaders shake hand for the upcoming exam, a guild staff suddenly suddenly receives an sos, they require an aid from a nearby dungeon, the drowsy mire, as a dungeon break is taking place.

19.1 louisa, who is officiating the exam, announces the exam will be postponed as a dungeon break or a stsmpede is happening the district 7. as the guild of district 8 prepares, monsters suddenly came flowing down the guild of district 8. the polaris immediately defeats some of the monsters. they then propose to make the exam continue by having the stampede as their test. mc agrees to such proposition. as the polaris heads to the source of the stampede, mc oarty stayed in the guild they planned on defending the base. mc immediately asked louisa to get them as much salt as possible. when they finally acquire it. using the newly acquired skill of suzuna, morishio, she erected a giant defensive barrier surrounding the guild

19.2 with barrier in olace, the guild will be a safe haven. mc's team decide to erect mire barrier around the town. in town, thet met with leila and some of her mercenary along with lye carton and his daughter melissa, they will keep the evac route clear of monsters as mc's team make more shelter. in the polaris side, they are met with falma arthur along with her own tamed companion astarte, plum and eiku as well shion was there to aid them. back in mc's side, elysha asks igarashi to use her new skill on her, decoy, which is like a taunt skill but can be applied on someone else. igsrasho used decoy to elysha, as the monster got aggro, elysha easily eliminates them. but as the fighting goes on, a set of flying harpy monsters eyes the fray.

20 suddenly one by one, mc's team got knocked unconcious. they were put to sleep by the harpy monster up in the sky. as their team lay down powerless, mc remembers he also acquirsd a new skill, rear stance, possibly a blink strike. it made mc appear behind any specified target, be it ally or foe. mc appeared behind the harpy up in the air andnm dragged it down ward. luckily plum, eiku and shion was there. they landed on shion's back which broke their fall. with shion's loud growl, the sleeping team mates of woke up. the two huge dogs astarte and shion scared the harpy rendering it unconcious.

21.1 elysha planned on killing the captured harpy. plum asked if mc's team will take care it. this stopped elysha on her track. falma arthur then suggest to mc that they could have the harpy go to a monster ranch in order to take care of it and inthat way, the harpy could become their ally. mc agreed. falma also asked if mc could take shion with them. it was the first time that shion went on without order just to help mc and it was about time for her to grow and leave them. mc wants to accept but plum did not want it.  eiku then stops his sister and let shion off with mc. im the polaris side, they've arrived at the drowsy mire dungeon, it was isolated and there were no monsters around. they found a bystander clumped in a corner. he was fearful and in hysteria, he rumbles that them on the 8th district could  not simpky face off against the monster he saw. back in mc's side. as they continue with their sweep. theresa and shion suddenly felt with the detect skill of an incoming monster. they looked up in the sky, it was a gigantic version of the monsters they were facing and it's hurling towards them.

21.2 a caravan is running away from the giant monster as the ribault and his teams of supporters try to assist them. mc and his team appears on the scene. suddenly the giant monster used its heat ray to attack. even though mc erected his shield defense it was ineffective as it simply broke through. fortunstely it was not a direct hit on them. suddenly harpies once more appeared. thankfully, mc is now ready as falma arthur gave them items vs sleep debuff. they quickly subdue the harpies. suddenly the giant monster stopped on it's track. using hawk eyes, mc sees the giant monster is getting ready to attack and it's aim are the injured and unconcious adventurers and civilian. mc immediately used his skill points to get a passive skill which allows him to use his buffs and defense on non party member. mc erected his shield buff as the monster hurled itself towards its target.

22 as mc tries his hard to save them, all hope is lost. mc's erected barrier is futile. as the monster hurls down its target and devours them. but it did not happen. suddenly two giant robotic arms appeared. ariadne heard mc's prayers to save rhe civilians. the robotic arms caught the monsters and slammed it in the side away from the civilians. ariadne says that robotic arms can't last long and tells mc to have his team defeat the monster immediately. with the combine effort of mc's team and alongside ariadne, once again, they defeated the boss monster. the polaris team arrived at the scene. they saw the power of ariadne (i think), george tells mc that they are withdrawing from the exam. sophie was unhappy with george's decision but he is not going to give up with their dream and goal.

23 as rival/raubalt congratules mc, misaki notices a girl lying on her broken goods. rival tells them madoka is a trader who has been helping the supporters. somehow misaki felt sympathy towards the sad merchant. she went to help and immediately asks mc to have madoka as psrt of their party. madoka was reluctant as she has nothing more to offer and that all her wares were destroyed. she was a low level and because she doesn't like fighting she chose to be a merchant. many parties denied her before. but nevertheless, they accepted her. after that they went to report to the guild. they now have a rsnking the 7th district. as of the end of the stampede, mc's party is now in the 7th district. afterwards, it seems madoka became the secretary for the team as she went onto go plan what they will be doing. shion, elysha, suzuna, and misaki went to the monster ranch to have the captured harpies be taken care if. mc, igarashi, madoka and theresa went to the dismantlers. as lye carton and melissa regreted that mc will be moving up, mc tells his objective of having theresa to go back being a human. somehow lye carton can relate to such wish.

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