Thursday, July 6, 2023

I Have Max Level Luck (manwha until chapter 57)

lee hanseong, mc
seong siyeon, the girl in the upper rank of thepractical exam who came out first, killer girl
jin jihoon, the muscle best friend of hsn byul, 2nd, hero
gil seonghyun, the magic dude who came third, the magician lad
han byul, the strong, came out 4th and second to mc, the friend of hero
wizard lee junghyun, the class instructor for magics, instructor wizard lee
yen charles, the girl student mc is first interested to be friends with because kf her potentials, yen charles
julia martin, friend of gil seonghyun, julia martin
veike raymond gambler who owns barbarian bracelet
vento, an executive of evil org night banquet
ai halen, assistant soul mc acquires, it's in his drone now
sergei, a swordsman guy mc met to spar in the auditorium
nadia vladimir, in the game, she's a world class spearman and daughter of the biggest private military comany
gil yi hyun, she eyes the imbue stones mc made in the auction, sister of gil seonghyun, the magic user kid. she is the executive director of jaehyun company. she is an a class hero
han do suk/seok, the instructor who overseered mc's year class entrance practical exam. he is an s class hero
ahn hye rim, the one who chose bow as a weapon during weapon specialization class, she also has multiple personality skill.
lee white, mc's dragon
lee gi sung, one of mc team member during boss raid practicals
jonathan, an a class mercenary of twilight wolf.
ahn hye rim (slaughter) one of her multiple personality. specializes in assassination just like seong sihyun, killer girl.
paul holland, s class hero, executive for twilight wolf
shaolin long, s class magic hunter of twilight wolf
james lin, s class magician of twilight wolf
chief le hohyun, chief of the magic stone charger in gil yi hyun's jaehyun research lab
lord of the magic tower of the west sea, the guy who instaed magic barrier around their campus
han tae, eldest son of the jungyeon, the guardian of korea.
han go bun, head of jungyeon
han gun, second son of the jungyeon
lee jong chil, the king of ghoul in the game
shim wu ju, the king of the underworld and a legendary class who trained the darkland hardest place for 20 years
el potton, a guild leader in the darklands.
ma jong chul, a bad guy who deals with illegal trades of skill cubes and weapon. a target for assassination of killer girl

(i'm confused with these)
*the elemental imbue stone called attribute kit
*jaehyun is the company of gil yi hyun
*jungyeon is the guardian guild of their country

1 mc, lee hanseong, finds himself in game world he knows very well and he can't log out. somehow, there are drones for footage capture that exists, he also has access to the game videos of his 52 years in game experience. he has been there for a month, for one thing he was trying to figure how things will be for him in a game world and lastly he was re rolling stats to get what he wants. until finally he got it, so-so stats but with max leveled luck and his charm stats is abyssmal. only then he start the game tutorial. (much like he was in a character creation pace for that long, the heck, a month??)  after, mc got his first quest of qualifying for the hero academy. mc also opens a starter random stat/skill box from his inventory. with his luck stats in play, mc acquires rare skills, target enlightenment, info view, and magic rule. mc then prepares for quest, entry for the hero academy. on the day of the exam, they are greeted by their practical examination instructor s class hero, han doseok for their briefing/seminar. after the boring lecture, they head for the practical test.

2 in the practical exam, mc takes account of his own stats to choosing weapons. he picks up a sword. the exam is a timed survival subjugation. the number of kills and time are being scored. he is able to use many potions items to buff and heal him, this he brought on his own and out of his own pocket. before the test, mc went to a casino get an artifact as well earn money. he spots one if them, the artifact vabarian bracelet that increases strength is worn by a famous gambler veike raymond. mc then went to the slots. immediately he wins the jackpot. mc faces hordes of monsters at incrementing difficulties.

3 outside the examination, students have all left their individual rooms for their practical except for the few that races to the top. the first out of the upper ranks is seong si-yeon (855), 2nd daughter of a big name in korea, heok-yeon. she ranks 9th in their entire campus or year level. next is jin hoon (988), followed by gil seong-hyun (932). next to go out is han byul (1021), he is the youngest son of a big name in korea, jeong-yeon, he is friends with jin hoon. lastly, mc comes out with 1201 points. they were amazed but they all saw him ugly. this is in due to mc's low charm stats. after wards, there were rumors mc provoked the other contestant as well they could not keep to themselves hownthey view mc ugly. on the other hand, mc succeeds on his first quest. he gained recognition points as well his reward got upgraded due to his luck. also a new achievement function became available  in his status window. they add bonuses over stats, or how mc explains it. mc got a barbarian sword from the reward he got. he found out theres are set effects for equipments. the mc then went to his spacious yet empty dorm room.

4 han byul and jin hoon are in the gym training then they talk about mc. jin hoon, feels inspired by mc. the two continues on training. somehow, han byul, calls on to someone he calls team leader and he asks to investigate someone. mc went to class. his drone is active filming everything, it's only visible to mc or to anyone allowed by mc. the class talks about how ugly mc is. even though its all negative, mc is gaining recognition points from it. with he's able to buy something from the status window shop or something. as mc takes his seat, their instructir enters and introduces herself. she is wizard lee junghyun, she will teach basic magic. mc knows her from the game. he also know full well the artifacts he needs are from school faculties. that is why he need to get close to them. during class, jin hoon felr confused with the lesson, his friend han byul tries helping him. mc then checks jin hoon's stats with this info view skill. even without his full potentials, he is seriously way stronger than mc. it seems jin hoon is the main protagonist of the story or something. mc then finds another character in the game, yen charles, someone who is unpopular among the players in the beginning but after someone found out a great guide, she quickly got recognized and her popularity soared. mc checks on her skill founds out her latent potentials as well her exclusive skill that will take time to blossom. jin hoon also have exclusive skills. but as she stand atm, she lacks the potential for it. mc decides to help her. but first he must be friends with her. but niw mc faces a dillema. it concerns his charm stats.

5 during break mc approaches charles yen and offers her a drink. after being acquianted he left her. back at class, mc felt his magic stats being low that even if he gets to understand the lesson he won't be truly learning anything. mc then tries playing with his magic. suddenly a prompt appears and tells mc increased his magic stats. then his magic rule suddenly increase, magic rule is something that infuses his body or weapon with magic ir something. as mc thinks if a way to exploit this opportunity, their instructor wizard lee junghyun sees mc to be spacing out. she asks mc a very hard question. with the help of mc's game knowledge, he answers it remarkably. even wizard lee junghyun was surprised. mc did it so he could get connected to her for the artifact. mc gains reputations points after that. after class, mc went to train in the gym. mc finds gil sunghyeon, the second to come out from the upper bracket during the practicals with a girl, name julia who is also a magician. julia martin is the kaye martin chairman of a private military and military martin corps. gil sunghyeon argues he does not need to train since he is good with magic. suddenly they notice mc. julia asks gil sunghyeon if she should recruit mc.

6 she then retracted her statement saying that mc's rank is low and he is not a magician. mc thoughts that he would refuse at first. in the game, it is led by the magic hero gil sunghyeon, the black rose. mc continues with his training, his low stats increases at a faster oace since it low and he's also using a growth buff potion. since the world will soon progress much like in the game, mc must get stronger in order to survive. later on, mc went back to the casino, this time he want to gst the artifact varbarian/barbarian bracelet. mc went to veike raymond and try to go near him. as mc joins the game, he depends both on his luck skill and the invisible drone he has. suddenly seong siyeon, the first to come out during the practical exam, sat next to him. she immediately recognize him and tries teasing mc. mc knows she is an assassin and killing people is very easy for her. mc raises his guard as he converse with her. although mc plans to get closer to vieke raymond by letting him win. mc notices seong siyeon's chips to be low. she tells mc that she kept losing to vieke raymond. mc then decide to help her as she may prove to be a good ally to have. suddenly, mc shudders. he sees in vento, a member of an evil group, the night banquet. then a subquest prompt appears, it tells mc to survive, if he fail, he dies.

7 vento casts a darkness ability. mc activates his drone for him to see. the other night banquet members are killing people. mc grabs killer girl and tries running away. as they run, mc sees the night banquet members, the venti is an executive and there are three others. they seemed to be assessing newbies from their orgnization. mc gets spotted by a newbie. he lets killer girl stay in a side until her eyes have adjusted. mc engages the newbie with magic. it was fast, although he won, mc felt exhausted. he blurted he need an artifact. somehow, killer girl knew what mc wanted right when they played poker with veike raymond. she gave the barbarian bracelet to mc for saving her. mc then gets his barbarian sword out and engages against two newbies who discovered the defeated newbie mc faced off. at this moment, mc is rank 500th place in their school while killer girl is rank 8.

8 killer girl ises shadow techniques to fight off one of them. mc equips the barbarian bracelet and sword set and activated its effect. even with the buff mc is on equal with his opponent. mc then activates his status window then item store and bought a light bead. he blinded the foe he is facing but his bright item attracted vento's attention. when mc defeats his opponent, mc acquires recognition points and suddenly vento appears in front of mc. killer girl tries to aid mc. a sword almost touches mc's neck.

9 mc was surprised to only find now vento's sword was already unsheated and by mc's neck. as mc tries to think of a way, vento laughs and seemed to have misunderstood mc and somehow finds him brave. he disappear but nit before telling mc to be stronger the next time they meet. suddenly police authorities appears entering the casino. mc acquires recognition points for succeeding the survival quest. mc of his stuffs were bound to be reduced due to exhaustion but since his luck played, they instead increased. that night, back in the dorms, killer girl thinks about mc and she mixes her feelings up. she then vows to kill mc. first she must stalk him. next day, mc have just recovered, he check his ststs and some went up and his skill magic rule also leveled up. he then bought a random box from the recognition point award he got from the quest. when he open it, he acquires an ai assistant soul familiar, hailen soul.

10 mc checks out hailen soul, it grow strong along with mc. he tries checking it with info view but it was unsuccessful. he then placed the ai hailen soul to his drone as its body. the ai hailen tells mc it's functions as an assistant, it includes a shield magic. mc let ai hailen plan out his schedule for him. mc then went to the auditorium to find a student, sergei practicing sword. mc wants to be friend with him as well learn his swords technique. the two begins to spar.

11 mc know stat wise he is at a very high disadvsntage but since he knows sergei as well his abilities, mc is overpowering him. when sergei asks mc how, mc tells he got experience from the battlefield, which he meant in the game. mc then asks sergei if he could spar with him again next time. meanwhile, during the spar, killer girl and han byul are stalking mc.

12 the two stalkers overhears mc explanation of experiencing the battlefield, this clearly is misunderstood by the two. their misguided conclusion only got settle when mc suddenly mentioned, dark land, somehow a place where human and monsters went to war ir something. han byul, left feeling worried of mc. killer girl, on the other hand, sees mc even more in positive look. when mc return back to his dorm, he got a prompt of being recognized by three character, one is interested, one is impressed and another one is on a look out for mc. suddenly ai hailen appears and tells mc about his videos that are editted. mc cannot connect to his original world's internet. but streaming servixe exists even in the game world. mc decides to make video of him in order to gain more recognition points. next day, their class is on outside for a practical lesson. a quest window prompts and gives mc objective to beat down trolls. as the test went smoothly, mc is being watched by others. suddenly gigantic monsters appear.

13 the monsters that interfers with their practical are ogres. there are 10 of them. a sub quest promp which tells mc to kill 3 of them, the rest will be killed by the instructors. if he fail, one of the main charactees will die. jin hoon, han byul and gil seong decides to help the instructor. mc offers to help. killer girl also join. mc suddenly let out his drone to film him. it's for the recognition points he want. although the four teamed up to fight one, it was mc who dealt with final blow. they were surprised by mc's magic output. but mc felt exhausted. he then used the system store to buy a skill cube, probably an random box with skills as prize. he asks ai heilen to film him.

14 meanwhile, an hq for emergency, sword of dawn, one if korea's top 10 guild, answers the  situation with mc's class. they sent two a level personnel but it will take 7 minutes. killer girl's elder sister is in the hq looking at the class of mc. they see them fighting the ogres, they also saw mc using outstanding magic and using the skilled cube. they were surprise to learn mc is not a magician. they want to recruit mc. back at mc, mc acquires body stengthening skill. this boosted his physical ability, which is just enough to deal with the ogres.

15 they finished off the ogres. mc acquires two potions from the quest. physical growth up and low-level charm up. ai heilen also tells mc that he got good response from his spar video with sergei. back in class, they had a lecture about dark land. they also talked about contract and subordination, achievements and classes. while all his classmates were trembling during the discussion instructor wizard lee suddenly asks mc why he is not fazed unlike everyone else. he answers that it's because they heroes in training, in truth he had already experience everything in the game so there's nothing new for him and he only chose a good response. afterwards, mc went on a cafe to meet with yen charles. they are planning on raiding a hidden dungeon. mc also plans on helping her get stronger.

16 mc is aiming for a skill cube (the random skill box, something lkke what mc used during the ogre quest), he also know that yen charles is very interested in skill cube as well. suddenly killer girl appear and decides to join them. mc is afraid of her assassination skill so he let her in. but before mc could disclose any info about the dungeon, mc asks the two girls to sign a magic oath. meanwhile, hanbyul is thinking of mc as a "child of the darkland" who enrolled in the academy. children of the darkland have form subordination pact with evil monsters or something and they are can transform into monster anytime or something like that. hanbyul fears that mc might trigger something in jin hoon that will break him or something. (im confused as well)

17 the magic contract binds yen charles and killer girl from leaking out what mc will tell them. if they, all their memory of the info will get erase, but as a benefit, mc will share some of his powers to them. using info view, mc tells them about their unawakened/unactivated skills. the two were enthisiastic, especially killer girl. mc then tells them that he will be making a hero management team of some sort and he wants the two to join as heroes in order for them to get stronger and also do dungeon runs. (i guess this is part of the magic oath contract they signed) mc then tells them to think about it. although the two already feel accepting mc's invite, mc tells them it's only after they graduate could they join hero companies. he then tells them about the dungeon and it is schedule for a week after. mc then went to the auditorium, he meets up with sergei who wants to spar with him again. when mc let his loose of his drone for the filming, a girl called nadia strikes one day.

18 mc decides to tease her by scaring her. mc knows she's a masochist, so nadia suddenly became docile. when nadia tries to fight back, mc stops her. suddenly, mc brought nadia's father with their talk. mc whispers something to nadia and she somehow completely froze. with a smile, mc bid farewell to sergei. nadia fell on her knees. a dark figure in the corner of the auditorium eavesdroppes.

19 the dark figure was hanbyul. killer girl tries confronting her but leaves. their misunderstanding of mc as the child of the darkland just became evidently concrete. that night, mc ponders as to the lie he said to nadia to tease her. he went out for a breather. loneliness is catching up to him, he misses his friends from his original world. suddenly, killer girl appears next to him.

20 the confrontation of killer girl and hanbyul leads her to the desire to save mc from being killed by others, other than herself. killer girl insist mc to come with her to do some killing/assassination, all the while learning the ropes. somehow, mc misunderstood her while killer girl is misunderstanding herself. mc regretfully agrees

21 during class, they are learning artificial dungeon making, much like barrier and defense. as the instructor lectures and then let the students do their own, the students who knew mc flocks around him to learn. mc have game experience for it so he already knew how. he tries teaching the other students. due to this mc acquires recognition points. after class, mc went to the auditorium. he minds sergei and nadia training. he immediately shuts nadia and proceeds to spar with sergei. nadia was flustered. putside the auditorium, jinhoon suddenly felt a strong aura coming from the auditorium, he checks it and find sergei, the top rank for swordsmanship sparring vs mc. he's impressed by mc as he can square off on equal footing against sergei.

22 jinhoon has a sudden urg le to square off vs mc. mc won against sergei, even though he made sure it can't be seen, mc really felt exhausted and beat from the exchange vs sergei. jinhoon suddenly barge in to challenge mc. mc flees and reasons out he's tired. that evening, mc, yen charles and killer girl went to the library. even though the two girls were reluctant about mc's info, mc opened up a gate to the hidden dungeon. before they enter, mc tweak with the girls statuses and made selected skills easily acquirable or mastered. for killer girl is fast thinking. it was never showed for yen charles, but going back in the chapters, it must be the holy punishment skill. they enter the dungeon.

23 mc gave them roles, mc then starts filming. with the presence of main characters of the game story, the dungeon's difficulty increased. they dealt with the first wave easily but mc tells them to keep one of monster alive.

24 after clearing the waves and keeping one alive, mc made a dark elemental imbue stone. mc asks killer girl for weapon. he use the dark element imbue stone on the weapon and it improved. it is something he knows very well in game but not many know in the game world atm. a favorability window prompts for mc. he checks the high favoribility he has with killer girl and the normal friend status with yen charles. mc gets a bit hurt.

25 as they continue on, mc feels killer girl is getting closer to him, romantically. he shudders as he remembers how she actually was in the game. before they enter the boss room, they patched up first and briefed about the boss, a ghoul called perchele. after taking buff potion, they enter. it was looked like ghoul/zombie but a space control ability. it can capture anything within a certain radius. (like obito in naruto)

26 the ghoul boss kept using it's space msgic and all they could do is avoid it as they try to wear down the boss. mc then tells ai heilen to use it's shield function on mc. with a quick buy in the system store. mc readies up and unleashes an attack vs the ghoul boss. the shield blocked the ghoul's attack and mc, beheaded the ghoul. mc fell after as the items he used has side effects. 

27 mc rested for a while. mc gains many achievements after the battle as well bonus stats. mc also acquires the skill xube he wanted, the space control. he plans on taking in the whole dungeon space and using it for his own. back in his dorm as he rested, mc tells ai heilen to finalize its edit in some of mc's video before posting. ai heilen also told mc his other videos were a hit. mc acquires more recognition points. he then ponders that he might set up death flags if he continue getting recognition. he needed an insurance just in case. meanwhile, magician gil seonghyun is getting jealous of mc's incredible feats. julia martin aporoaches him and lents aid.

28 julia martin wants to recruit mc and put him to show. but gil seonghyun wants to defeat them. back at mc, he tries practicing the space control magic in the academy special training ground. as mc practice, ai heilen remind mc of the dinner with killer girl and yen charles and also the appraisal of the loot they got as well having it on auction. but mc main goal is to get stronger and obtain a black card as an identity or something. as mc tries in his magic, his other goal is actually making bombs. compressing objects, throwing it, then let it suddenly expand.

29 after making the bomb, mc got an achievement. afterwards, he went solo raid dungeons. as mc rested before meeting with the others. when the two showed up, mc distributed the loots they needed and they decided to sell the loots they didn't. yen charles acquires elemental weapon making, while killer girl gets wind affinity.

30 mc checks on their favorability, yen charles trusts mc more, while killer girl is becoming more affectionate to mc. mc shudders at this thought. that night, mc went to the auction. he plans on selling the loot they got. somehow it seems mc process the loots and have made an attribute kit (element imbue stones) out of it. he is met by an appraiser to check on mc's items. when asked, mc tells he made it and he also applies for patent for it. the appraiser is impressed and tells mc the items will be the main event. somewhere, certain big companies are making a move to take part in the auction. an executive director of jaehyun group, gil yi hyun plans on winning the bid. mc snores in the lounge area that gil yi hyun and her members are meeting.

31 mc wakes up when the announcement if the auction about to start. gil yi hyun couldn't proceed with her meeting since mc was disturbing their peace. she is mad at mc. mc is unaware. in the auction, the item mc has went successfully. mc sees gil yi hyun, he already knew, its she's the sister of gil seonghyun, it was her and her company that got the attribute kit/imbue stone. mc finds an unappraised monster egg up for auction. he used info view and found it's a dragon egg. mc has an urge to buy it.

32 with all his current budget, he acauires the dragon egg. mc went to gil yi hyun and introduced him the one who made the attribute kit.

33 back in the dorm, mc takea care of the egg. he bathes it in mana and his own blood. then he watchwd a video from his original world about an evil dragon vs jingoon in the future. his fear of jinhoon is with reason. he went to school with the dragon egg. the students see mc as an attention seeker but they noticed mc looking better. it is thank to the charm up potion.

34 han do suk, appears in front of the class as an instructor for weapons training. the class will be given specialized courses per weapon they choosem the students are asked to choose. the students quickly chose. jinhoon hanbyul didn't since the former prefers fist and the latter his own style. mc then sees a student, ahn hye rim, who chose a bow. mc knows her of her skill multiple personality, where her other oersonality have their own role. mc wants her to join his team. mc then choose sword and wand. han do suk praises him for what he chose. his colleague hated him for this. back at the dorm, with the cameras all set and potions ready, he will begin the hatching of the dragon egg.

35 after an hour and many magic and health potions and liters of blood and msgic poured, the egg started hatching. a baby dragon emerged. mc calls it lee white. after resting. he checks his videos and found guilds recruiting him. then with new acquired recognition pointa, he went to the sysyem store to buy random box potions. he acquires items to increase his charm stats.

36 somewhere at night during an assassination mission, killer girl ponders of his classmates, of jinhoon and hanbyul and his family jangyeon, julia martin who is olotting something and most specifically mc. and how he would always reject her offer to join her for assassination. she pieces things together that mc might have already gotten experience assassination so much that he'd prefer not doing it any more. it seems her assassinatiom task went successful. next day, mc's class will be raiding, he speculates its the start of the main story from the game. gil yi hyun, executive director of jaehyun, also message him wanting to meet up. he tells ai hailen to take care of lee white whilr he's out. he also promises ai hailen to give it a new body soon once he found something better. it seems mc needs to get stronger in order to the stop the main story?

37 it seems mc have made a deal with gil yi hyun. in the jaehyun hq, mc is guided by gil yi hyun along with her staff to the testing area. there he showed him the potion bottle with space magic. mc demonstrates its power while at the same time, mc tries withstanding it. mc endured it and increased his magic control/rule and space magic by a few levels. although mc is beat after only one demonstration. gil yi hyun is determined to recruit or acquire mc for her company but after the demo they were all shocked.

38 somehow a certain fear emeege from gil yi hyun as she at first hand saw how amazing mc was. she is determined not to make mc her enemy and instead of having mc in her company, it would be better if she had mc as an ally. (or is the demo a flashback?) after the class lecture for raiding, they were instructed that they will form a team and do a practical. also many of his colleague noticed mc's suddenly becoming beautiful. the instructor chose the students team and position. mc (500th) is in group 5, he is the tank, his other groups are, ahn hye rim (600th), the multiple personality girl, as long range, lee gi sung (700th), sub long range, killer girl (8th) as dps, julia martin (30th) subdps. as the teams were given tome to brief and form strategist. mc suggests he'd take lead with good reasons. but julia martine argues that it's unbecoming for a lower rank to lead higher ranks. killer girl debates vs julia martin. until julia martin mentions their family, killer girl suddenly exudes murderous aura.

39 mc steps between the two. he calms killer girl. julia martin did not speak any further. group 1 with hanbyul (tank) finished their raid in less than 9 minutes. group 2 with jinhoon (tank) finished over 10 minutes, his supports were subpar. group 4 with gil sunghyun (long range) finish spectscularly with multi casting. he ponders how he could make gil sunghyun an ally but he felt he cannot. sk he must then think of a way to deal with case he became an enemy in the future. before group 5, mc's team start, he asks his group if it's alright for them to finish in 7 minutes. mc also know he could solo the raid (raid boss) they'll fight for the practical bit since it's a team effort, he must let everyone participate.

40 they were surprised with what mc said. but before they could fully react, mc engages the boss and took agro. im between his defense, he attacks using space magic. somehow the boss sensed it so it kept evading slight but with team effort they could deal with it easily. until mc used his space magic once more, the boss evades it but it was off and somehow mc almost landed a one hit kill. luckily it was just a heavy attack. his team took the opportunity and defeats the raid boss. they finished in under 4 minutes. somehow, mc speculates the game difficulty will rise since they achieved this feat. lastly, mc made a victory speech on his drone. he was filming the whole thing.

41 as class end, mc recaps what happened for the whole day as well ponder how to engage with some characters. mc had made a deal and sold a few of his bomb and the patent for the attribute kit/elemental imbue stone. mc also got a research title for the company of gil yi hyun. mc thinks of a way to make gil sunghyun an ally and save him from becoming evil, maybe mc could get the help from his sister. it goes the same for julia martin, he thinks of making her an ally. he also noticed killer girl's prideful attitude after the class. but before the class end, mc already knew what will happen next. an explosion can be heard outside their class. as they went out to check, a quest prompt appears it reads main story 1, their school is under attack. mc rallies the main heroes of the story. jinhoon, han byul, killer girl,  and also yen charles. he also asked for gil sunghyun and julia martin but they want to move separately. mc then briefs everyone of what is happening and gives orders. han byul asks how mc knew of these things but he kept silent about it. mc realizes han byul suspects mc is from the darkland. killer girl wants to ask question but mc tells her to obey first, he'll amswer the questions later. after delegating the tasks to the main heroes of the game. mc approached ahn hye rim. he requires her assistance.

42 mc tells her he only needs to cover for him from long range. before ahn hye rim could even finish her sentence, mc grabs her. meanwhile, the faculty staffs are trying to break down the barrier surrounding the academy. it seems majority of the faculty are outside when the incident happened. instructor wizard lee junghyun, tells the barrier will take her at least 12 hours to break and from outside an s class magician wouldd take 3 hours. she concurs the mai  target will be the student. instructor s class han do seok felt it crucial to be quick with it decides to use his ultimate sword skill in order to break the barrier from within. it might cost him an arm since it's extremely strong. he also acquired it by making a contract with a deity. a requirement to attaining s class. but all his might, instructor s class han do seuk fails and collapses.

43 the faculty staffs are inside the campus but they are barricaded by a barrier within their meeting room. mc went there to break the barrier. he have high hopes for han do seok, he also knew if he use his sword skill he will lose his arm. ahn hye rim covers his back as monsters roam inside the campus ground. mc felt han do seuk about to unleash his sword skill. mc hurriedly breaks the barrier and made han do seuk drop his sword. mc was relieved to see han do seuk still in one piece. instructor wizard lee tries inquiring mc hlw he broke the barrier, he lied by saying he help write a book for magic barriers as a part time before he quickly leave. as mc heads out for his next destination, he quickly surmised the villain's target is the artifact in research director's lab,  heart of the ancient gigant. in the research lab, 3 hooded figures enters as the floor is littered with dead bodies of security. one of them unmasked, jonathan a class mercenary of twilight wolf, eyes the ancient artifact.

44 jonathan tells one of the hooded figure to unlock the security system. he order the other to capture the head of the research center. the artificat is incomplete without the head researcher. using the space controlled bottle (mana bomb), although weaker, mc quickly defeats jonathan. mc tries awakening ahn hye rim's other personality by scaring her. as the two head on to the other terrorist, suddenly ahn hye rim awakens and starts attacking with a sword. her new personality is called slaughter who specialize in assassination.

45 ahn hye rim, single handedly defeats the two b class mercenaries. mc acquires the artifact heart of ancient gigant. it seems slaughter has reverted back to instinct since she cannot speak logically well. mc tries befriending her by telling her that he will help her kill more enemies. slaughter takes mc's offer and follows him. outside the research lab, they find themselves surrounded by terrorists. slaughter confirms mc of they are enemies, mc affirms it. she smiles. as jinhoon and han byul finishes up, they meet up with killer girl, sergei and yen charles who have also finished. although hanbyul is still suspicious of mc as their enemy, the rest are praising mc. suddenly, they felt a strong vibration. instructors han do seuk and wizard lee appears and asks them if they could help them. instructor han do seuk tells them the terrorist are after an artifact in the research lab, that is also where the vibration originated. when they arrive at the research lab, they find many dead bodies of the terrorist and two students are facing them off.

46 the whole terrorism plot were orchastrated by "existence of the night" and "wolf of twilight". it was planned perfectly well and in secret that not even the guardian of korea, jungyeon and the assassin's darkness, killer girl is part of this group, have no clue this is happening. but somehow, their operation fails. paul holland, the leader of the terrorist, an s class hero and a colleague of instructor s class han do seuk, couldn't believe what have happened. their goals were to kill, cause chaos and steal the artifact in the research lab. but since their plans got foiled, paul hollands tells his troops to go to plan b, they must at all cost, obtain the artifact. he plans to blow up the dormitory the students are taking shelter in while the resistance (han do seuk, wizard lee and the students who helped) are in the research lab. he also set up barriers and let loose monsters to delsy their actions. back in mc pov. after endlessly fighting the terrorist, mc felt exhausted. he is impressed by how powerful the buff aura of ahn hye rim while in slaughter mode. suddenly, mc noticed barriers and monsters appearing. he realizes the terrorists are getting ready for plan b. mc tries his luck to open a random potion box, maybe he could get something to fully recover him. but he acquires a dragon sedative. suddenly, ai hailen appears and informs mc that the dorms is being attacked.

47 in front of the dormitory, the terrorist are getting ready to destroy the magic defense barrier surrounding the dorm. shaolin long, the msgic hunter who also has sixth sense suddenly felt anxious as if things will go wrong in their part. it was never wrong in his entire life but right nkw that they have gone too far, he couldn't just run away. they succesfully broke the defense barrier surrounding the dorm. suddenly paul holland collapsed. his troops knew what was going on. their leader's weakness are those who carries dragon blood. they are about to face a dragon. strange scream roared within the dormitory. suddenly a little girl appear and roared. paul holland writhes in pain. the little girl is dragonian. the whole twilight wolf suddenly shudders at the dragonian they are facing. as their pseudo leader, james lin,, thinks hard of the battle result, he chose to retreat and save the twilight wolf. as they escape, james lin, threw a dragon stimulant towards the dragonian. probably something to make the dragonian go berserk.

48 with ai hailen appearing there, and the dragon sedative he acquired. mc concludes lee white is involved. he asked his friends to cover for him as a break down the barrier towards the dormitory. thankfully, before the dragon stimulant could even be use, mc snatched it saving lee white as well acquiring an expensive potion. lee white hurriedly hugs mc as she call him dada/dad. suddenly his friends arrive. killer girl drops her weapon and immediately vanished. the rest asks if the girl is really mc's daughter. mc wanted to say she isn't but fearing he would break the dragon girl's heart, mc insists she is his daughter. later that night, killer girl aimlessly loiters around.

49 killer girl felt sad and heart broken. she felt betrayed. she even have thoughts of killing who ever mc's spouse/wife is. suddenly, mc appears beside her. she inquires about the child he was with. mc quickly explain she is a dragonian, a dragon child he is raising. this cleared her returns her the weapon she dropped. back in the dorms, while the whole world is in chaos as news of terrorism in their academy spread, public unrest for the lack of safety thereof as well the sudden disappearance of an artifact, mc is on his bed and is holding said artifact. mc decides to go to the underworld after resting. hw tells ai hailen to get cash by sharing his stocks shares. mc checks his reward from the main stoey scenario he got 3 things charm up potion, physical up potion and random skill box. he also got recognition points. mc also uploaded the hatching of the dragon and the class raid but he couldn't upload the terrorism video. classes were suspended for 3 days in order to fix the academy, in the mean time, while doing training, mc also did videos with lee white, this garnered hik more recognition points. later on, mc is asked to come to gil yi hyun's company, jaehyun. the executive director can't help to see mc looking differently.

50 mc is shown a prototype of a new mass produced attribute kit. mc is them showed around the labs. they went to the magic stone charger division. mc is introduced to the chief of the stone charger, chief le hohyun. somehow mc felt offended or something by how little chie le hohyun sees mc, or something? mc asks chief le hohyun to partakenin a bet and a challenge. the challenge is maming a better magic stone charger. if mc lose, he'd never go back in the labs but if mc wins, he gets to film how the chargers are processed or something. mc won the bet. back in school, he meets up with jinhoon and hanbyul. he then sees killer girl. but when mc calls out to her, she quickly disappeared in her shadow. she is somehow showing ignoring mc or something. somehow, jinhoon and hanbyul easily understands this and they feel that mc is dense. mc already know but he just let things be. in class they begin to learn about barriers.

51 the instructor wizard lee talk about barriers. she also talked about the lord of the msgic tower of the west sea who made the academy's defense barrier, suddebly disappears and was believed to habe sold the blue print for the barrier. she also invite students, specifically mc, to part take in making barriers for the academy. as the class goes on, mc felt he would gain nothing if he listen on. instead mc tries making a gift out of a left over magic stone he got in the charger division of jaehyun research lab. the gift is for killer girl. after class, mc is asked to talk with instructor wizard lee with regards the barrier they will set for the school. instead if peying for mc's past, wizard lee asks how much mc could contribute for the barrier they will set up. mc is also asked if he will be joining a magic olympics competition. mc says he's interested in joining. afterwards, mc calls killer girl, he wants to reconcille with her. it turns out she wants to talk to mc as well. they agreed to go on an assassination mission together. meanwhile in hanbyul's household, jungyeon, the head go bun meets with his children. he reprimands the eldest, han tae, regarding his training in the darklands. han gun and han byul are ordered to go in the underworld to partake in an auction for two world class items. han byul is asked by head to bring mc along.

52 mc and ai hailen are in the underworld and they are looking for ghoul bodies. as mc browse, he sees a familiar face, lee jong chil. it's a character who will become the king of ghoul in the future. mc knew him very well. currently, lee jong chil, is selling ghouls. he then asks lee jong chil if he accepts investment, mc knows lee jong chil makes great ghoul and he wants him to keep making it further. mc then make an order. next day, when mc was about to get his ghoul, lee jong chil ask how mc find out the ghoul body he chose would be great. mc lies and tells he's just good hunch. lee jong chil also accepts mc's investment, with mc getting 30% of lee jong chil's company for the price of 35 billion. The ghoul body made that mc ordered was for ai hailen. it's a girl ghoul. it has a childcare skill that mc deemed worthy for taking care of lee white, the dragon child. mc tells ai hailen in drone form to get ready. mc takes out the ancient heart of gigant out and inserts it at the girl ghoul.

53 lee jong chil saw the how mc gave life to the ghoul. he is impressed to the point of wanting to learn more under mc. back in campus, mc along with ai hailen now in her ghoul body, walks with mc. mc plans on both if them taking the role as parents for lee white. suddenly, the hanbyul appeard and asks mc how ge got info during the terrorist incident. mc lies and tells he got it from the underworld. mc thought that with that explanation everything is resolved. suddenly once more hanbyul stops mc. but instead of asking anything, hanbyul tells mc his father, the head of jungyeon, han go bun would like to meet mc. mc shudders at the thought. mc reluctantly agrees and before leaving, mc tells hanbyul he is not the child of thr darkland. back in mc's room, he fell to his knees. he may have acted cool and calm while he talked with hanbyul but in truth he is scared that he will have to meet han go bun with his low stats and that early in the story. meanwhile, somewhere undisclosed. paul holland, of the defeated twilight wolf, laments his weakness vs dragons.

54 paul holland is angry at mc, he saw the video of mc online. he suspects it was mc who took the artifact. he is determined to defeat mc. back in the academy, mc went to train for the coming weekend. he acquires three new skill blink, gravity resist and time resist. he also activated a combination of skill effect which also increase the level of mc's space control magic. he wants to his increase skill using the mana bombs he made. he also have ai hailen and lee white to to join him. he want to increase their level as well, using the same method. outside the training area, sergei plans on training while nadia is tailing him. sergei tells nadia to stop following him and instead go after mc. apparently, sergei realized nadia fell for mc. suddenly they felt a strong tremor inside the training area. sergei and nadia knows mc is there. after the commotion settles, they enter to find mc training with lee white and ai hailen. mc introduced ai hailen as ai assistant in a ghoul body. sergei greets them and nadia was shocked. the two were clearly in awe when they saw how ridiculously mc is training. as well when they saw a glimpse of lee white's true dragon form. mc still treat nadia harshly. when weekend arrive, mc is at the auction hall. he met up witu hanbyul and they went in. mc sees two high profile characters, the legendary hero, shim wu ju, the king of the underworld and han go bun, head of jungyeon. mc knows the background of the two high profile characters and he knows the two are hostile to each other but instead of engaging and fighting, they do so with other things. mc must be on guard.

55 after mc introducing himself to han go bun, the head of jungyeon tries to see mc's stats but it was blocked off by mc's own info view skill. suddenly han go bun makes a bet with mc. mc accepts. mc somehow won their bet. mc auctioned an magic purification potion than can also cure erosion. it is something shim wu ju as well han go bun needs due to the erosion they sustained in the darklands. as han go bun invites mc to their group. mc tries taking control of the convo. he mentions el potton, a guild leader in the darklands. somehow this guild is in bad terms with the jungyeon. mc says he will tell han go bun where el potton is i exchsnge for hanbyul's freedom from their clan. upon accepting the condition, mc points at the center of the stage. suddenly hooded figures barged in and grabs the erosion cure that mc made.

56 somehow, mc had plan this to happened. he leaked info about the potion he made which cause certain terrorists to enter. mc leaves with hanbyul using his blink skill. before they leave, he already noticed the strong aura that both han go bun and shim wu ju are exuding. they will take care of the rest. but mc know the terrorist will escape along with the potion. mc asks for hanbyul's aid as they retrieve the potion back. he has a plan. in a warehouse that paul holland and his troops are waiting, the purification potion is dropped off through a small portal. but before they could grab it, mc throws them a mana bomb. mc did not expect the twilight wolf to be there but since he got lee white with him, they defeated the twilight wolf without a hassle. even hanbyul who was on standby was surprised. back in the dorm, mc checks on his profits and gains. he got recognition points  from the auction incident, he must've filmed everything, he gained tons kf money from the magic purification potion and mc also acquires the skill legendary potion maker. next scene shows mc meeting up with killer girl for their assassination quest. he gave her a present a set of magic earrings he made. killer girl wears it as she leads mc to their task. their target is ma jong chul, a man who deals with illegal trafficking of weapons and skills cubes.

57 the assassination was a success. he even reconciled wkth killer girl. mc gains skill cubes as a reward. he acquires a skill called time machine. the rest he will give to ai hailen and lee white. with his accumulated recognition points he acquires another new skill from the system store, life of an attention seeker a passive skill that buff stats the more he gains attention, something mc have always been doing. mc meets up with ahn hye rim. he tells her he will help her with her multiple personality ability. back in mc's room, he decided to broadcast a live video. suddebly a he felt a tremor. somehow he got a call from gil yi hyun, or he called her. mc knew the next phase of the story is about to begin. gil yi hyun is in gangwondo airport, mc reprimands her for going there since a certain gate opened up there. mc goes to rescue her. meanwhile, gil yi hyun is just fleeing from the airport when two things appeared: a giant gate/portal which is connected to the darklands and a monster they call, the barrier of lich.

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66,666 Years: Advent of the Dark Mage (manwha review)

9/10 A great read. The story so far is like a character development of the mc. And mind you, the mc is supposed to be OP who is from the anc...