Monday, July 17, 2023

Sweet Reincarnation (manga until chapter 35.6)

Okashi na Tensei

pastry mil mortein, mc
casserole mil mortein, lord of mortein territory, father of mc
feuille, a subordinate directly under lord casserole
count retes
margrave hubalek
josephine mortein, 5th daughter
agnes, mc's mother
marcarullo, mc's childhood friend
luminitro, mc's childhood friend
wayward knight, leader of the bandit invaders
glacage, a millitia who assister mc during the bandit siege, lumi's father
cointreu, marcarullo's father
king callison hectales hesbenowa mille lando bravlich, 13 monarch of the kingdom of bravlich
lady brioche salgrade mille retes, liege lady of the retes terittory, following the death of her father, she took the reign as regent while the successor was still young. unfortunately, the young successor died early and so she continue to be the liege woman of theretes territory
decoco, a peddler that visits mortein territory
duke elizevio hasbunowa mille kadlecek, duke of kadlecek
squale grandsin of duke elizevio kadlecek
lady petra hubarek, third daughter of the marquess of hubarek
lady licorice, younger twin of lady petra, somehow she has an inferiority complex towards her twin sister
caera, attendant to lady petra and lady licorice
strudel, the mercenary leader hired by armia noble
ebert eckerle mille vezhen, son of viscout vezhen and a central command staff officer
duke luhaingo amaia, the one who orchastrated the whole kidnapping
margrave donachel mille hubarek, the margrave of hubarek
mr coaton engles, an adviser to lady retes?
nicolo nono, a newcomer militia for the moltein territory
jered merederek de lutoroute, margrave of lutoroute
baron lunzbadge, they took mc's goat from the peddler
edmark, an attendant of lord squale
tobiam, a new militia/yeomen for morten territory
douglad, a new militia/yeomen for morten territory
prince luneyx, the son of king bravlich 13th
madam ovalleqemin, dance instructor of mc
margrave alfred enzenberger, margrave of a northern territory in the divine kingdom, his family is one of the most distinguished in the land
lady olga alfred enzenberger, daughter of msrgrave alfred
princess nina matildy hasbenowa mille bravlich, royal princess of the divine kingdom, daughter of king callison bravlich
ratzenpur, a knight who assumed the security of the mortens during the parade
serjeant cousse mil aurillon, second son of the count aurillon
urach, the son of a newcomer yeoman in the territorty of morten
ramit, luminitro's elder brother
marie, a friend of lumi from the village arsden in the morten territory

sanctification ceremony, coming of age ceremony for age 12-15, it unlocks magic potential
royal capital bovaldia
bravlich kingdom, a prominent power across the region located in the central southern region of the continent
retesval, city capital of retes territory, it has ports
armia family, a fallen noble who schemed to return back to glory
armia and amaia are same family name
kingdom of elesse ya sayri, a neighboring kingdom of bravlich
lutoroute territory, a land in the king of sayri, adjacent to the territory of hubarek, governed by margrave lutoroute
bonka equates to apple
sorghum equates to sugsrcane
gaen, deers
hakahla herb, animal repellent herbs
mount hapapa, the operation place of the deer hunt
village zarsden, the main village of morten territory
alcomb, somewhere in hubarek territory
bean hunting competition, an event held in morten for children. they are divided in teams as they aim to quickly and skillfully harvest beans

1 mc a great patissier got reincarnated, pastry mil molten, as a son of a viscount, casserole mil molten. as mc is being taught swordsmamship by his father, a subordinate of his father comes bearing good news and bad news. good news is mc's idea for the harvest was a great success. mc tells them he just came up with the crazy ideas and sorta worked out. the bad news is some bandits got away from capture in the territory of the count retes and they are headed tkwards mortein territory. this possible invasion might hinder mc plan of making a dessert kingdom. the two grown ups discuss how to handle the situation without causing problem to their surrounding neighbors. if they took arms and defeat them it woulf be a blow to the reputation to count retes, and if they simply fend them off, the bandits will just return back to retes's territory. they also discuss of having reinforcements and have the reinforcement deal with the bandits. suddenly, feuille noticed mc's concerned look. he suggests to have mc undergo magic sanctification ceremony in order to make him a trump card in their territory. days latsr, the bandit have begun their rally and invasion. during breakfast?, lord  casserole announces mc's sanctification coming of age ceremony to his wife and mc's sister, josephine. although the mc's mother is reluctant about the sudden and very early ciming of age, they have to accept it as mc is now needed. but before that, they had to play dress up with mc for one last time. apparently, being the only son in a family with 5 other elder sisters, mc is made to made to be their toy or something. they adore mc very much. three days later, using lord casserole's magic, they teleported to the royal capital bovaldia. once they arrive mc saw many familiar produces such as sugar and apple, they have different names though and some are considered luxury items. lord casserole tells mc that if mc's ceremony went ahead without any incident, he'll buy anything for mc. mc then suggests buying fruits to have them grow in their own territory. mc is great with harvest planning. lord casserole sees mc's determination as a sign of a good leader. in truth, mc wants to have desserts and sweets and to make their territory a kingdom of desserts. afterward, they went to the church for the ceremony. during the ceremony, mc will be strapped tight in a chair, blindfolded and made to drink a bitter serum and will then be left in an isolated dark room. the duration differs per person depending on the magic potential they could unlock. although it could be seen as a form of abuse and torture, while mc is confined, he basked in his thoughts of desserts he will be making afterward. the priest presiding the ceremony as well lord casserole gets worries at the length of mc is staying in isolation. mc's magical potential seemed unending.

2 after two days in isolation, mc is released. then get he got a blessing from a scripture which ended the ceremony. after paying tribute to the church mc and lord casserole left the church. somehow, the priest who presided the ceremony saw the money tribute as a hush money to keep quiet above mc's capabilities, it was not enough for his silence. mc and and lord casserole bought the bonka apples as souvenirs and the promise the oord have for mc. few weeks later, lord casserole and his troops are getting ready for the bandits. the villagers were already evacuated and villages were destroyed in order to prevent the bandits from making bases. their last stand is a village surrounded by a moat. while mc orders his childhood friend to stock up on rock as ammunition, they soon find the bandits closing in. the two returned to the base and warned of the coming bandits. they prepared theirndefense for a night invasion. while feuille suggests that the bandits might also be attacking in the morning and such sentry and preparation for night raid will be futile. mc suggests that it cannot be known unless they got intel on the bandit's supply. lord casserole with feuille leaves to go recon.  he delegated mc to take over. while lord casserole and feuille went away, mc orders his childhood friend marco and lumi to send a message to the archers to fire burning arrown in the direction on the first sign of hoofbeats. mc knows his father will be able to dodge them and it will be a guide in the dark of the night. mc plans on repelling the bandit and he is asking the aid of the children.

3 lord casserole and feuille spots the bandits troops. they are led by the wayward knight and with them are villagers they from the count retes's territory as slaves. the two went to the bandits to try and dwindle down their force. but the wayward knight is a very capable leader, after their first assault, the two recons decided to return back or else they'll get caught. but on their way back the bandits pursued them. but as they got closed to the village base, on mc's plan, the children did the lpng range support and hit the bandits with slingshot and burning rocks. the defending villagers are on the wall awaiting the attack. but just as the fight ensues, the bandits overpowers and passed through the defenses. the bandit leader aimed for the children. mc was swift to defend them, he got hurt in the process.

4 backed in a corner, mc used his magic. he copied the defeated bandit's wound to the attacking bandits as well the leader. as their leader fall, the other bandit retreats, got rounded up by lord casserole and the other villagers and surrendered. as the situation calmed, rewards given and the clean up of the villagers proceed. mc's mind is on the desserts he'll be making. somehow, mc's childhood friend lumi and marc went to the captured bandits to boast their victory. unbeknownst to them, the bandit leader is loose. as the two got close, they were beat and taken hostages.

5 mc went after the bandit leader and using his copy magic, he copied his father's teleport magic and arrived back safely to the village with the captured marc. back home, mc explains his overall power. he could copy anything he had seen as well magics and abilities. his father reprimands him and tells him he should keep it a secret. but their main problem would be the bandit leader that escaped. the wayward knight knows of mc's magic. later on, mc finds marc sulking. he is blaming himself for what had happened, especially that lumi got hurt in the process. mc accompanies marc to lumi. marc apologizes, but lumi is actually fine. mc made them bonka/apple pie to get their mood up. glacage, the father of lumi forgives marc as well. he also encourage to have lumi marry marc afterward. limi childishly accepts it. mc is happy his dish made them happy.

5.5 filler chapter, mc with the village children playing test of courage
5.6 an ending chapter with mc having a cuye convo with his elder sister josie. mc cooks for josie an apple/bonka pie.

6 back then when the kingdom was in collapse certain neighboring countries took the opportunity to ascend. lord casserole was once a militia for the kong's family. he led an attack that turned the tides in the favor of the royalty. lord casserole as given a title as well the land of moltein. back to the present, the moltein household as well a ruler overall feels the pressure of poverty. with plans they did vs the bandits, they have to somehow rebuild the destroyed village as well put a bounty on the escaped bandit leader. asking aid from neighboring territories is impossible as they too feel the need of financial aid. mc inquires about the families of lord casserole and his mother. lord casserole have cut ties with them after he and mc's mother, agnes, elope despite theirfamily being againsts their union. mc is dismissed from the meeting afterward. mc then went to his friends to get insight in how to earn money. with no good idea, they opted chose to just play. lumi asks mc to show his magic to them. he made tattoos on them from the drawing the two made on the ground. lumi then asks if he could do it the other way around making real things into drawings. suddenly it struck mc, he can do something with their financial problem. mc thanks lumi, left his two friends and went back to his father. mc shows his idea to his parents of making pictures/portraits. with the idea of having pictures/portraits made for ladies in marrying age be pictured and sent to potential partners without ever of them having to go spent in travelling. it's even ideal for ladies who are too frail to travel. lord casserole liked the idea and suggests they introduce it to count retes. with others find out about mc's copy magic, they could instead tell that mc's magic is just making pictures and nothing else. in the retes territory, retesval capital, lord casserole and mc arrive by teleport magic. they were greeted by the army of the country. somehow they have a certain feeling of feel towards lord casserole. mainly due to their inability to defeat the bandits that attack mortein's territory.

7 the main goal of lord casseroles arrival in the retes territory is to acquire reparation frim the bandit incident, they also want to introduce the picture making as an alternative way of finding marriage. somehow, during the talk, mc took the reign and revealed what happened and pointed out the retes territory's inability that caused them to require financial aid. mc even tries to threaten lady retes that if the royal family found out about this, public inquiry as well sanctions may possibly imposed. as lady retes tries to give her alibis. mc kept on pointing the retes's mistake. he even have solid claims of the retes's inability. somehow, mc on his own may lady retes give up and pay the reparation. afterward, lady retes inquired mc's thought in their snacks. mc went on about his sweets knowledge. lord casserole got mad at mc's sudden overtalkativeness and reprimanded mc. before the two leave, mc gave lady retes a present of her picture on a cloth. later on, mc and lord casserole visits the house of duke kadlecek. it seems the two are playing the role of match making. mc presents to the grandson of duke kadlecek, squale, a picture of the third daughter of the marquess of hubarek, lady petra hubarek. mc also informs a possible alliance between the armed forces of hubarek and kadlecek. later on, mc became the go to person for marriage alliance.

8 as the financial crisis have been solved, the  people of mortlein are rebuilding their destroyed home and getting ready for winter.  lord casserole suddenly got an escort mission from the house of the margrave hubarek. lady petra hubarek's coming of age will be held in bovaldia and lord casserole will escort her for her ceremony and the announcement of msrriage between the families of hubarek and kaldecek. with a powerful and renowned family background it is safe to assume that there will be forces that will try to intervene and cause trouble. lord casserole's ability is not all that powerful as well, he could safely teleport thwm but take time to fully assemble the guards that will keep the lady's safety. suddenly mc had an idea of the perfect place to keep lady petra safe. mc suggests the church and specifically the confinement room for the coming of age. on the day of the escort, they were greeted by the margrave, on the carriage lady petra and lady licorice, her youger twin, and an attendant. their plan is to fake the coming of age in local church and teleport to the royal capital of bovaldia and there the coming of age will be held as well the announcement of marriage. when they arrive at the local church, they were suddenly attacked by masked men. mc, lord casserole as well margrave hubarek took care of them. as the ladies are led down to the basement of the church, lady licorice felt scared. mc reassures her and also confessed that the ceremony will be held in the royal capital using his father's teleport magic. soon after the clean up, margrave hubarek joins them, he can't help but be impressed at how mc handles his way of speech towards his daughter who were older than him. upon holding hands, the noble families with the attendant teleported bovaldia.

9 somewhere in the noble district, the recent attack on the hubarek family was caused by a member of the armia family, a fallen nobility. the plan is lady petra will became, and the noble will rescue her. then as a sign of gratitude, lady petra's will have to marry her off to the noble who rescued her. the hired mercenary will take the blame while noble who scheme it all will be labeled the hero and after the marriage, he will be restored to nobility. back in mc's side. they arrived in the church, immediately, lady petra undergoes her coming of age ceremony. the magrave hubarek leads the security detail. mc and his fsther are on standby. after lord casserole's suvordinate feuille arrives and reports that the others from the moltein territory are in the vicinity and are on standby as well. lord casserole notices lady licorice feeling tired and need company, he asks mc to accompany her. mc led her to a separate room for her to rest. suddenly a knight appears and shouts lord hubarek's name. he introduced himself son of viscount vezhen, erbert eckerle mile vezhen, he says they aare ordered by the duke kadlecek to escort the margrave and his daughter lady petra. as the father and daughter entered the carriage, lady licorice and left in their care. lord casserole felt their job have been easy. in room where mc led lady licorice they have caera with them. suddenly a large deep hole appeared and swallowed both mc and lady licorice. caera called for help. lord casserole arrives, he ordered feuille to report what had happened to the margrave and he himself went in the hole to rescue them. mc wakes up to find himself and lady licorice on the ground and bound by a rope. suddenly, the leader of the hired mercenary appears.

10 as lord casserole head to the end of the hole, he finds a light and no trace of his son and the missing lady licorice. meanwhile, mc talks with the sentry guarding them. with his big brain, he got info from the sentry who ordered/schemed this kidnapping. he was also able to send message to his father his copy magic of teleportation and copy magic of writing letters on his belt. suddenly, the mercenary leader appears and kicked mc. he knew they were being played by mc. it seems mc said that the girl with him is lady petra. the real lady petra is currently with her bethroted and their marriage is being announced. the infuriated mercenary leader planned to kill both mc and lady licorice but suddenly, mc got loose from his binding and wielded a sword vs the mercenary leader.

10.5 a filler chapter of mc playing pranks using magic with his friend marc. also using magic, mc made cute design for josie's dress
10.6 mc and josie went to bake decides to teach josie. it ended with burnt charcoal
10.7 lord casserole received mc's message. he sent feuille to the armia/amia residence using his teleport magic. lord casserole then riled up the other security detail to rescue lady licorice. when he was asked by glacage if what he promised to the riled up me  were true, he said it was an impossible feat, since the enemy have a wizard in their team and in the end it will be the mortein's faction that will eventually get all the credit. mc's tries to stall for time or readies to engage vs the mercenary leader.

11 they stormed the manor of duke amaia. they burst in to the hostage room and rescued lady licorice. as mc readies to engage the mercenary leader, he used his magic to escape. lord casserole tells mc not to pursue the mercenary leader. the mercenary leader escape. a knight arrivea and report that duke amaia was captured. the father son duo let feuille do the report to the duke as they two head out to pursue the escaped mercenary leader. mc tells his father that the mercernary leader have not much magic left to escape. instead is just waiting out until the search ends. suddenly, the mercenary leader comes out. mc tells his father he will deal with him alone. using a rig with his magic, he cut down the mercenary leader. in the seemingly marriage party, mc is met with by lords and asking for mc to marry their daughter, they brought mc gifts as well. duke kaldecek approached the father son duo, greeted them and thanked them for what they did for his grandson. but before they could end in a merry mood. there was something mc wanted to discuss to the duke.

12 mc blackmails a certain duke involving himself in a recent incident. the duke kaldecek gives in to mc's demand of having assistance aid for their territory. somehow, the margrave approached mc and things just sorted out with mc getting engaged to lady licorice. mc was unable to say his piece about it. even lord casserole was unable to say anything. mc accepted how things became. meanwhile, in count retes's territort, lady retes received a bad news from her advisor. the advisor announces the engagement of mc to lady licorice, this came as a shocking news to lady retes.

13 lady retes is mad as her country is being left out. and somehow, she is interested in mc. (or somethinglike that. politics is confusing) back in the mortlen territort, mc is organizing gifts he got from duke kaldecek. they are saplings of black locust trees. mc plans for beekeeping with the trees, he wants honey. he also plans to make water reservoir to grow and sustain the trees. back in lord casseroles office, they are organizing their budget and have relieved that their territory have left the red line in terms of finance. then fuille tells he have a good news and a bad news for lord casserole. the good news is that new people are entering their territory to become residents and new recruits for his army are being taught well. the bad news is mc is planning something. in mc's side, using the skill he copied from the mercenary leader, he dug a giant empty resorvoir, the size of a lake. lotd casserole arrives and reprimands mc as well his friends. few weeks later, the village have three water reservoir and a systematic water way. the peddler decoco arrives and handed mc a letter. it was from mr. coaton from retesval.

14 the letter is an invitation to a tea party. mc went to his father for advice regarding the invitation. lord casserole appears with lady licorice. margrave hubarek knows what's going, lady retes is trying to make a plan to steal mc from his daughter. they want to have lady licorice to come with mc to the party. mc made candy with lady licorice. he made her candied apple. mc's friends lumi and marc gets to meet lady licorice. later on, when mc went to the tea party, pady licorice was with him along with nicolo nono and caera.

15 lord coaton greets them and introduced them to the other noble. mc oresented the candy he made to others. then tells everyone that as a sign of friendship he'll be letting his peddler friend send them candies to their country on the condition that his candy or sugar products gets a cut from taxes at least for the gifts mc is sending. lady retes appears and asks mc for a private convo. mc agrees to it sadly lady licorice couldn't come. lady retes asks mc what his true goal is. mc tells lady retes that he planned on making a sweets business and he wanted to have the cooperation of lady retes since she has a port in her territory. lady retes is intrigued by mc's business mind. she agrees to such endeavor. in the tea party, lord coaton somehow made lady licorice remember her inferiority complex and tells her of a probability of mc having a new mistress. this did not bode well for lady licorice. as lady licorice tries to get in the room where mc and lady retes went. she saw mc hugging lady retes.

15.5 a filler chapter of lord casserole telling agnes, his wife, that mc got engage. she misunderstood it of lord casserole having an affair, a mistress and another daughter.
15.6 a brief before the marriage of lady petra to lord squale. margravw hubarek's territory is under attack by another country, much more back by a whole neighboring kingdom. he wanted to have his daughter be engaged for a political party to aid them vs the invaders. they caught info of squale, the grandson of duke kaldecek. and as a conection, in between, they had the mortlein, specifically mc and lord casserole, to aid them in the matchmaking

16 lady licorice run away from she saw. apparently, lady retes was only playing with her business partner, mc. mc ran after lady licorice who was crying. she apologized to mc for not being a better match for him. mc denies it and that she likes lady licorice. mc even went to use his copy magic, teleport ability, to get a candied apple to give to lady licorice to calm her down. in the they made up. in order to avenge lady licorice, mc wrapped the candies he want sold and the wrapper has a picture of lady retes hugging mc. somehow, this implicates lady retes love for young boys. in the side of lady retes, she has been receiving may marriage proposal from young boys. meanwhile, in the neighboring kingdom of sayri, in the territory of lutoroute, the margrave is assembling his army to invade the adjacent territory of hubarek. the two families have a bad blood in their history.

17 as mc counts his earnings, he planned on investing on livestocks next, specifically goats and chickens. he also have a new prototype sweet invention, a sorghum syrup frona sorghum plant to replace sugar. mc tries making a juice extractor but it failed, lady licorice suggest an almost similar equipment. mc is hapoy to hear about it, their family's wine making equipment. mc went to his father to try procuring one. upon meeting his father, mc is told of a bad news, a war broke out in hubarek vs the neighboring territory of lutoroute. even worse, whe peddler decoco arrives, he tells mc that some noble threathened him to sell mc's order goat to them, it's baron lunzbadge. feuille reasons that the noble is looking down on a knight rank nobility. lord casserole suggests that it must be an effect of the war. meanwhile, mc is fuming with what had just happened.

18 mc planned to burst in the territory of the baron. lors casserole tells him to let it go. during times of war, supplies should be given to those in higher priority. since the baron's land is closer to the war, they should benefit more for the supplies. but mc did like such resolution. suddenly, feuille has an idea for them, the mortlen to gain the higher priority over the baron and that is if they join the war as reinforcement. mc agrees to his. with lord casserole as the lead, they march as reinforcement for the hubarek. mc's mind is getting the goats back from the baron. in the front lines, lord squale was there as a leader of a troop to defend the hubarek territory. unfortunately, they got ambushed. but as they backed into a corner, the mortlen arrives to their aid.

19 a bit of a flashback, in the encampment of the lutoroute, they plan on strike a blow in the united family of kaldecek and hubarek, they aim to kill lord squale. the mortein company arrives in the mansion of hubarek, they discuss the unusual strategy of the lutoroute. suddenly it dawned on them that the main target is lord squale. the rushed in to the scene to save and aid lord squale in the clash. they successfully saved lord squale and fended off the attacker butbthe damage was much as well having such aftermath for lord squale's first campaign, he felt down. lord casserole noticed this and suggests mc to take care of it. mc makes a sweet dish for lord squale.

20 in the encampment of the lutoroute, the knight soldier is requesting the margrave lutoroute to with withdraw their forces as they saw the hero lord casserole join the fray. in the hubarek castle, a party is celebrated with victory on the war. lord squale feels down that he did not do great for his first campaign. mc appears with a dish he made, a tarte tatin. mc tells the backstory of the dish which somehow related to how lord squale is feeling. after such story, lord squale's spirit have been brighten up. afterward, margrave hubarek asks mc if their is anything he wants in excange for lifting lord squale's spirit. mc asks for a juice extractor the margrave have for their wine making.

20.5 a filler chapter, licorice's day in the mortein's household, in aletter to her father
20.6 a convo between mc and margrave hubarek. mc asks margrave his the worst failure. the margrave narrates the experience of his first campaign. he was foolhardy and confident that it led to casualties. he won on his first battle but due to him underestimating the situation, he had incured  casualties unnecessary if he had taken precautions.

21 mc went back to their morten territory. mc brought back with him the rewards they acquired from the battle vs the lutoroute as well gifts of margrave hubarek to his daughter lady licorice. before joining her, mc went to the office for the audit of the reward they got. he met with feuille along eith cointrue, marc's father. they tell mc that they must not let their guard down that although the forces of margrave lutoroute withdrew, the war is not yet over as the margrave maybe mustering up forces by seeking alliance from his own neighboring allied country. it will be about a month or so until the next fight. feuille then asked why mc's father stayed. mc tells them he is having a negotiation with the baron lunzbadge regarding the goats they took wgich were rightfully the morten's. suddenly lord casserole returned. he says the negotiation went great. he took mc by his hand and proceeded with the transportation of the livestocks. both mc and lord casserole used teleport magic to bring a hundred goat and five warhorses. it seems the livestocks acquired is via the means the baron lunzbadge acquired mc's orders previously. they bought and took the goods that were rightfully for lunzbadge. eye for an eye. after the laborious transport task, mc went to the juice extractor he acquired from margrave hubarek. they somehow extract a juice from the sorghum, but it was not yet done. unfortunately, mc had to set it aside since his mother asked for him. once mc got to his mother's room, he found josie and lady licorice with his motger agnes. they were trying out clothes and had a dilemma for lady licorice to wear. she planned on meeting with her elder sister by the end of summer and she do not know what to wear by then. clothings are very important for noble ladies. mc's mother assigns mc along with his father to go to the royal capital and order lady licorice clothes sewn perfectly for her. although reluctant, mc obliged if it's for lady licorice.

22 mc and lord casserole arrived at the royal capital using teleport magic. while they waiy for the tailor with lady licorice's dress, mc remembered the juice extractor and his plans to makr sugar. he asks his father if he coupd return immediately. lord casserole tells mc, he's free to live after they finished giving the battle report to duke kadlecek. they ended up staying for a whole day. upon returning back to the mortlen territory, mc rushed to the extracted sorghum juice. it's in a barrel and in the dark storage place that mc asked his two friends to keep it. mc tastes it and soon after feuille reports to lord casserole the three children were found collapsed. the doctor said they suffered from acute alcohop intoxication. mc tells lord casserole what happened in detail. the stored sorghun juice fermented and with the right tempersture and ambiance it turned to liquor. the three friends tasted it and found it sweet and addicting, hence they kept on until they were found by lumi's grandparents. they have collapsed and were smiling. as mc is reprimanded by his father. soon after the adults flocked the remainder of the liquor mc made. they found it delightful and hence made it a local specialty. they also, mockingly, called it mc's failure in making sugar.

23 a herd of deers, gaen were spotted. near the territory of morten. in the office of lord casserole, they discussed what to do, mc was there as well other grown ups. the herd implied they were looking for food and they might damage the set up harvest the morten territory made. feuille suggests they go hunt them. the others agreed to it. it will also serve as a training for their territory military. on the day if operation there were 5 teams, mc was made the commander and lord casserole an intel support. the village children also joined in. after going to their delegated spots, they made a trap to gather them all in. mc planned the hunt to be held at night so the children are out of harm and not part of the actual operation. during the hunt, they used hakhala herb in different points og the mount hapapa to rouse the deers leading them to the set up trap at the base of the mountain.

24 the deer hunt was a success. the grown up praised mc for taking command of the night hunt as well on his own taking up arm to help in the hunt. when morning came, the children complained to mc that they got left out from the operation. but mc gave them a task, it is to gather the carcasses of the deer and dismembering them for their meat. they complained more but that is within the plan gor the children's safety. few days later, back in the office, mc and lord casserole are having a feud. it's with regard to the distribution of the sorghum crop. lord casserole want greater allocation towards liquor while mc want more for the sugar. nicolo nono appears and tells them that the troops are ready for the yeomen ceremony. mc and lord casserole went to the ceremony,  lord casserole said the rites and called the newcomers yeomen and allowed them residence in his manor or have a home in the morten territory. mc gave them their rewards/starting wage. but before it coupd end in a happy note, one of the new yeomen mentions of having alcohol as a wage. suddenly the father son duo went back to their debate of sorghum crops allocation. before the yeomen could leave, feuille asks one of them, douglad to stay and start work right away.

25 mc is in the royal capital with douglad, they were grantes an audience by the king. mc task douglad to gsther info regarding the factions with the government as well the popularity of duke kadlecek towarsa the factions in the government. douglas asks mc if mc wanted to take up the reign of politics in their territory, mc replies he would not be doing so. he is only helping his father and all he wants is to make sweets. mc also bought some produce that recognized familiar from his previous world but have different name and probably quality in the world he is now. douglad mentions a party will be held for the royal prince's birthday. mc tells himself that it must be what lady licorice was getting ready when mc was asked to get her new clothes. few days later, back in morten territory. lord casserole tells his promotion and a royal order to attend the party. lord casserole will be taking mc with him. lord casserole's audience was his report regarding the land he was bestowed. back then right after the war, the current king then wanted to raise mc to a higher title and grant him a larger land, but certain nobility did not trust lord casseroles ability and thus with whatever else the king could bestow, he grant it to lord casserole and tasked him to report to him when the land he was given flourished and only then will he be given a reward much appropriate for his deeds. during the audience, lord casserole reported the success in making the land he has flourish. the king bravlich ask lord casserole to tell him in detail. lord casserole truthfully tells it was his son, mc, that did all the planning of which made the barren land become fertile. lord casserole also promised to present alcohol and sugar, precious and valuable commodities, to the kingdom. after hearing such claims, the king is very impressed and invites him to his son's birthday party. when the adviser digress and tells that lord casserole's title is not enough to join such event, the king on the spot raised lord casserole to baronet.

25.5 a filler chapter of mc not gaining muscles
25.6 after the deer hunt, the childten voiced their complaint vs mc. mc tells them he'd reward them with sweets. few days later, mc made fruit gelatin for the children.

26 as lord casserole is happily expectant of for party. mc reveals a problem, he cannot dance. mc is sent to the hubarek territory, in the alcomb, to learn dancing. margrave hubarek arrives to check in with mc's progress. the instructor madame ovalleqemin says mc isngood but his problem is his height. in the retesval castle, mc and lady licorice met up with the devious lady retes during a party. the party held by lady retes is in celebration of lord casserole's promotion. the noble that attended seemed disappointed as thr man of the hour is not present and only his child is there. as the party continues on, mc and lady licorice were given a time to show their dance to ghe audiences.

27 mc's and lady licorice's dance was more of a performance as lady licorice sang, mc with his sword performed a sword dance. in exchange of showing of their performance, mc had to give the tarte tatin recipe to lady retes as per agreed upon. it's revealed that the instructor planned this. if the dance is a way of mc gaining acknowledgement and him partnering up with other ladies is hindered by his height, it was with a performance of him alone that could garner acknowledgement. both mc and lady licorice practice for the performance, mc with the sword and lady licorice with her voice. also, the performance in the retesval castle is in a way to introduce such performance that the two will also perform in the royal castle. meanwhile, a group of nobles that are against the crown are plotting against the duke of kadlecek. they plan on ruining the performance of mc to bring shame on the family the allied mortein and hubarek thus ensuing discord within. baronet lunzbadge is one of these noble who have a recent clash with lord casserole. after the mc and lady licorice return back from retesval to the morten territory, he got scolded for buying many produce on the pretense of souvenir without consulting lord casserole. after a while, mc's childhood friends find mc making some new kind of candy with grassy smell. nicolo found the two and they ran off. nicolo went to tell mc, lord casserole is looking for him.

28 with the news of lord casserole's promotion, it can not help that there will be people who will try to bandwagon in their prestige. a letter sent to them from a knight assuming to take the role of the morten's escort during the event. they are suspecting something was off with a knight assuming their security. there will be a parade led by the royalty along with duke kadlecek before the party. it will be to showcase the duke's faction and those who align with them an easy promotion, since even lord casserole will be part of the parade. as they brainstorm for ideas to counter possible threats, mc says he already has one and it involves the new candies he made. during the royal party, lors casserole met up with baron lunzbadge after a bit of respectful sarcasm, they part ways when margrave alfred enzenberger appears and greets lord casserole. soon after, the royal family members king bravlich, princess nina and prince luneyx are introduced, the dance happens and after all the dancing, it was mc's and lady licorice's turn for the performance. baron lunzbadge was surprised to find mc and lady licorice performing. lord casserole realizes the plot and the plotter.

29 during the parade, the knight who assumed the security of the morten, caused trouble which led for smoke to fume and caused irritation towards the bystanders. mc and lady licorice was among who got affected. it would have rendered them unable to act. baron lunzbadge have pulled all stops just to ruin the performance. which if why he found it a true surprise to see both mc and lady licorice able to perform. as the king inquires of lord casserole if the incident during the parade which had caused a few citizen unable to perform due to the fume they inhaled, lord casserole credited his son for making a counter measure. they took the candy, throat drops, to aleviate the symptops caused by the smoke during the parade incident. the king praises mc and realizes lord casseroles reason to love his son more. after the party, back in the morten territory, mc is holding an event and asking for bet for a bean hunting race.

30 during the bean hunting race, peddler decoco arrives bearing news that the medicinal candy mc made is the talk of other countries. he suggests himself to sell it for them. he also sold them squash which are ideal vegetable for the morten territory to grow. mc is tasked to grow the squash. as mc left to make a dish from the squash and start to prepare for the cultivation, lord casserole continues the negotiation with peddler decoco. he also asked feuille of a way to gsin profit from the products they got, the feuille suggests they present it to the king and it may incur lord casserole yet more promotion. on the topic of royalty, peddler decoco mentions the prince is looking for a marriage partner, he asks lord casserole why he never showed his daughter josie during the party, somehow, lord casserole cannot picture his daughter as the next queen. meanwhile in the noble's quarters, margrave enzenberger is looking at a letter with a dejected look.

30.5 a filler chapter of mc making new desserts and ended up using an immense amount of supplies. he tries getting away with it by selling the product to lady retes. unfortunately, lord casserole found out and beat mc.
30.6 a tale of mc teaching lady licorice how to cook pancakes. mc's mother, lady agnes, is fascinated by the two bethrotes. a certain number of burnt pancakes witnesses too.

31 the letter is for lady olga, the daugter of margrave alfred enzenberger, the letter is from the royal prince. the dilemma is that the letter lady olga wrote asked for a speedy reply and the reply is fast enough, but atm lady olga had already left the royal capital. they employed the service of lord casserole. they asked lord casserole as well mc to deliver the letter without them telling the content and to who. the letter was actually from. after the sent the letter to lady olga and have also retrieve and gave back the reply to margrave enzenberger, they were rewarded with wine, their main objective. they want to use them as materials for more alcohol making. after the quick quest, as mc and lord casserole head back to prepare for a dinner they've been invited, the second son of the count aurillon, serjeant causse mil aurillon, appears and requests a duel vs mc. mc rejects it and reasons out he do not know who the person imposing a challenge and he do not kniw the reason of the challenge. the son of the count says he will get support from the margrave enzenberger for the duel. mc accepts it once he got the support. later that night, count aurillon and margrave enzenberger went to speak with lord casserole and mc. they told of the reason of what happened earlier. lady olga and serjeant aurillon were supposed to be bethroted but due to compatability, the two families nullified the bethrothal. mainly, it was serjeant aurillon's fault. later on, serjeant did a few digging and came to a conclusion that mc is the new fiancee of lady olga which is why ilmc is challenged to a duel.

32 with all the backtrack information from the count and margrave, pointing out the mistake of the serjeant aurillon's understand, mc still accepted the duel. in the zarsden, morten territory, the house of lord casserole, mc and lady licorice are having a tea. lady licorice inquires why mc accepted the duel. mc says it was a personal wish of him, he relates to the count's son. in a way that if ever mc and lady licorice's betrothal would also be dissolve, mc too would issue a duel to the new fiancee. lady licorice finds mc more charming. later on, the duel happens and mc's friends were there to witness. serjeant aurillon is having a hard time since mc is agile. with a change in stsnce, the audience sees the disadantage if mc takes the blow head on. but mc rushes forward.

33 mc won the duel but not without underhanded tricks. mc shield, the one he used to block the blow fro. serjeant aurillpn has a picture of lady olga, which possibly have caused an opening for mc for a counter attack. lord casserole is determined to reprimand mc later on. as the duel conclude, serjeant aurillon has to accept a wish from mc. mc tells serjeant aurillon to find someone else to be his love. incidentally, mc introduced serjeant aurillon to lady retes. later on, in the retesval castle, the two, lady retes and serjeant aurillon have find each other of great interest. and thus the duel incident is resolved. back in the morten territory, mc is greeted by lady licorice with a grave news. there will be a duel and marc, mc's childhood friend is involved.

34 it seems lumi is getting close to urach, a son of the newcomer yeoman. marc got jealous, especially when marc ask who urach is interested in. mc find it an opportunity and decided to plan a tournament of duels. it would net in reveneus, is what mc thought. nicolo om the other find it disappointing as it would incur him more work. mc thought of prizes for the tournment. for the grand prize, mc decided to make something. in the kitchen, lady licorice and josie accompanies mc. mc decides to make pumpkin pie.

35 they tasted the pie. they were joyful for it. mc on the otherhand find it not good. at the tournament, marc defeats urach. mc steps in to confront the two. urach says he is in love with josie, marc was entirely mistaken. lumi approached marc and congratulated him. he warns marc the next fight will vs her elder brother, ramit.

35.5 a filler side story, marie a friend of lumi, wants lumi to be a mistress to mc when they grow up. marie wants to be a hair dresser when she grows up. she fixes lumi's hair to make her more cute. she dreams of becoming a maid for lumi once she became a mistress to mc, is what she dreams.
35.6 a side story of margrave hubarek speaking to his subordinate of praises for mc. and a possible alliance and war assistance from the looming storm brewed by their enemy, the margrave lutoroute.

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