Thursday, July 20, 2023

Leveling up just by doing God’s [Breathing] skill, I challenge the God’s dungeon (manga until chapter 5)

Kami Skill (Kokyuu) Suru Dake De Level Up Suru Boku Wa, Kamigami No Dungeon E Idomu / 
Leveling up just by doing God’s [Breathing] skill, I challenge the God’s dungeon

lana platter/plata, mc
purin/purine, mc's friend
mary, mc's sister
anna, dungeon guild receptionist
witch of the nkrth, the one who cursed mary
kuro kiri, an assassin that wants purine
roy clark, a rookie hunter
carlos sama axe knowledge, character who was with mc when he got his breath skills
tidepool gunnel sense of smell, cjaracter who was with mc when he got his breath skill
rin minmao, martial artist in the 4th floor, also a rookie coach
erena baltach, a blacksmith
rian rodriguez, one of the four rodriguez brothers
rick rodriguez, one of the four rodriguez brothers
reuben rodriguez, one of the four rodriguez brothers
leonardo rodriguez, one of the four rodriguez brothers

sukuku kingdom, has a god created dungeon 
seed of wisdom, a powerful miracle medicine 
eldra mineral, metal the hobgoblin axe was made of

1 mc leaves to his parent's home to become an adventurer. his goal is to acquire the seed of wisdom to cure his sleeping sister cursed by a witch. in order to enter the dungeons, mc need a skill. when mc is given a skill he was disappointed. he got breathing skill, something ultimately common. he's disappointed but nonetheless he's determine to save his little sister. on his way, he saves his friend, purin, from thugs. purin joins mc to.find the cure for his sister, mary. as she confesses her love, mc interpret it as an idolizing kind of love. they went to the dungeon guild to register. aftrr registering, they immdiately chsnged class and acqiired class abilities. mc is a thief and purin is a mage. after telling the receptionist their main  objective, a year of raiding and reachest the lowest floor, they set off for the dungeon.

2 as the two returns back for their first day, they are suddenly ambushed by the adventurers that were harassing purine. mc got knocked outm but once he gained conscious he started his breathing skill and ran after the adventurers. as mc caught up with them, mc got attacked by an assassin, kuro kiri. mc almost got killed but he counters the assassin. the assassin did not much put a fight and left. but before that, he vowed to return back to mc with a vengeance. back in the guild, mc was congratulated by anna, the receptionist for reaching floor 10, defeating hobgoblin monsters and bring in wanted criminals, the two adventurers. mc asks for his status sheer from anna. they were surprised to find mc have level up to 63 with his class to 20, just only by one day. they then creditted mc's breathing skill that the more he breath the stronger he becomes. that night, purine went to mc's bed to sleep. but mc tries his hardesr to misunderstand to evades purine's intention. next day, mc changed his class to warrior. anna the receptionist if mc wanted to go to a higher class by leveling the basic, mc confirms it. the two heads out for their day two. as they leave, an adventurer tells anna of a rumor about rookie hunters.

3 as the two goes about their raid. they are being tailed by two figutes hiding in the shadow. they are shocked by how mc a warrior was able to go easily like a thief class, although he is a warrior. mc is aware of the people tailing them. suddenly, two adventurers approached mc and with a prwtense of being a guide asked mc if they could team up. purine has a hunch that they are bad people. but mc let them. back at the inn, the adventurers are rummaging through mc's stuffs. mc appears behind him, apprehended him and have the authorities arrest him. as the two, pc and purine celebrate over the arrest of the rookie hunter, the other figure shadowing them appears. they introduced themselves as giild staff that are sent to tail and help adventurers when needed. with the arrest of the rookie hunter, the two are rewarded. as the two changed gear, they are met by two characters that also know purine. they wanted to have purine join their team. mc got mad and asked themto back off. the two tries resorting to violence, with mc's martial artist class, he beat the two with his barehands. purine is thankful and very impressed with mc.

4 fourthfloor, mc and purine got caught vs a mass of sleep inducing monsters, mc weapon broke and he has to carry the sleeping purine, they escaped. once they got to a safe area they met up with a martial artist, rin minmao. she taught mc martial artist fist technique to deal with his exhaustion. mc tells purine that they should call it a day since mc's weapon broke. as they look for someone to fix mc's sword, they are met with a blacksmith, erena baltach. she's a blacksmoth apprentice and tells mc that she'll fix mc's sword for free. back in her smithy, she tells her backstory of wanting to go to her elf mother's village and her human father denying passion for smithing. mc asks her to make him a sword with hobgoblin axe he got. erena baltach agrees. mc bought some sword from erena as back up weapon while his weapon is being made. apparently, mc's level is just so high that low level weapon are easier to break. as mc fetch the axe, he separates with purine, she have something else to do. once mc returns, erena baltach asks mc to get some more materials as she lent him some pickaxe and a bucket.

5 erena baltach also let mc a stone thatbwill lead him to where the ores are kn the dungeon. she also asks why mc is keeping purine with him despite the power gap. mc tells her that purina will become a great mage one day. when mc returns back to their room, he finds purine studying on her desk with piles of books around her. this assures mc of how great purine is. mc also presented her with a sleep resist accessory that erena made. back with mc's convo with erena, mc tells her of purine's achievement in her magic academy class and her timid nature which is why she should be with him. although in truth, mc actually needs purine, to mc, she's someone that keeping him sane. she's like his beacon of light. as the two eat, their happy dine was disturbes by a bunch of martial artists who call themselves rodriguez brothers, mc defeats them in arm wrestling. the four brothers acknowledges mc as their boss. the two sets out for the eldra mineral. with purine's magic knowledge, mc's mining went without problem. they went back to erena baltach to give the eldra mineral. she was surprised that they did it fast mc says it's because purine's magic knowledge was extremely useful vs monsters, his mining went without a hitch. they also got a mithril sword. erena baltach says it will take a week for his new weapon to be made, she suggest them to go to floor or level 5. as the head to the 5th level a glimpse of skeletons magics and defeated adventurers was shown.

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