Thursday, July 13, 2023

Novel's Extra (manhwa chapter 51, s2 until chapter 60)

novel's extra season2

kim haijin, mc and author of the novel. the original name mc possessed is kim chundong
seo yijin, the current student name and disguise of the chameleon troupe boss
kim suho, the main protagonist of the novel
shin jonghak, the supposed rival kf kim suho in the novel. interested with chae nayoon
rachel elizabeth luis, a princess from england and a target of sir alex lancaster
sir alex lancaster, a demonic human out for revenge vs the royal families of the UK
chae nayoon, the archer girl who became a swordsman after her defeat from mc.
joo yeohoon, mc suspects to be a student who is djinn, part of the repeating class
rose, yoo yeonha's team mate
yoo yeonha, the successor for essence of strait guild. mc's benefactor for some of his weapons and ammunitions. although mc himself have modified them to make them more powerful
jane, the yellow chameleon in the chameleon troupe, she is a master of disguise.
droon, the hq intel support of the chameleon  troupe
yoon seungah, vice captain of holy grace of god's guild/creator's grace guild
li xiaopeng, a fake name used by the chameleon troupe leader
evangel, the little girl that sprout from the evangel seed nurtured with rachel's blood and mc's mana.

cube, the hero academy
chameleon troupe, a criminal organization that are against demonic humans
final survival exam, the second part of the final exam after the written test, survive for 5 days in an island filled with monsters and gain points. points can be acquired from monsters, other students and the instructora officiating. students can also exchange points
co-author, the one who revised some portion of mc's novel
evangel's seed, a seed containing evangel's witch's soul. mc is nurturing it with rachel elizabeth luis's blood and his own magic. when it sprouts, the witch of despair evangel will come out.
demons and devil are beings human make contract with to gain power
demonic human, djinns are human beings that have formed contract with demons and devils
djinn can make subordinate djinns
stigma, a magic power that is not magic but something else. user can activate it and infuse or materials their stigma just like magic
mana of light, magic infused with light element, something that could hurt djinns and other dark element/attributr beings
mc's laptop, a laptop with access to hard to get to websites. it is only visible to mc. he also use this to use his setting intervention skill.
setting intervention skill, exclusive to the author, with this mc could us SP, story points in order to manipulate certain realities in the novel, be it increase in stats or modifying things according to mc's whim
Story Points, points mc could accumulate depending on how impactful he becomes in the novel
butterfly sapling, a spirit type monster. the boss of the finals survival exam.
enlightenment, an awakening of innate abilities, if a swordsman awakens his enlightenment towards bow, he will find himself weaker when usong swords and will be much inclined in using bows.
dust of sapling, used to fight off spirit monsters, much like the aether weapon of mc, it can attach to people or things
aether weapon, the sap like thread that is attached to mc. using his mana he can control the aether and he can also form it to anything he desire

51 the boss of the chameleon troupe have started attending the cube since before the final exams started. mc speculates she is looking out for kim suho and shin jonghak. her current face and name is seo yijin. despite mc's attempt to get close to her, he is unsuccessful. the students were drop off in a monster infested island for their 5 day survival test. mc approached rachel elizabeth luis to pair up but she declines. mc gave his location point to her just in case. when night descend chae nayoon find herself lost in the forest. suddenly she found mc with a tent and food. mc demanded some points from her for some meal. chae nayoon obliged. mc also hacked and checked the cameras scattered throughout tuebisland, mc finds rachel with some other students.

52 early morning, evangel's seed suddenly shook by mc. it needs to feed. mc then packs his tent. since the first day is over, fights between students are now permitted. mc's objective will be the strong ones or specifically the djinns or who mc suspects to be djinns. mc is on the look out for a specific student, joo yeohoon, a djinn. mc leaves chae nayoon who is still sleeping and heads for the high ground, the top of a world tree in the island. mc spots his target and sent a message. meanwhile, chae nayoon rise up, she heard mc talking to the evangel's seed. somehow, she misunderstood it and thinks it was her that mc called cute.

53 rachel elizabeth luis accompanies the students she met last night. they were the repeating class and isnled by joo yeohoon. she feels something off with the group, she decides to leave after helping them hunt a monster for points. as rache heads towarss the location, a demonic human suddenly appear. it was too late until she realized the students were used as bait in order to for them to get her. as she handles the demonic human another one showed up behind her. as she got caught up in the midst of a pincer attack, kim suho and chae nayoon appears to help her. they also have another student with them. kim suho suggests rachel to group up with them. as rachel go with them, she finds a trace of bullet. mc's crosshair locks on to a fleeing joo yeohoon.

54 while they rest. rachel elizabeth luis decides to leave them. although kim suho and chae nayoon tells her they should group up since it was dangerous. rachel had made up her mind to meet with someone. she knows who the bullet she found was from. suddenly, as mc is resting while checking his score, the chameleon troupe leader guised as seo yijin appears. she decides to engage mc. mc knew he wouldn't win against her so he made an underhanded tactic and stole her watch. if a student gets another students watch and pressed a button, it means the student who lost the watch is immediately out from the survival exam. mc returns the watch and tells her she's letting her go as he run away. seo yijin was surprised of what had just happened. a stigma tattoo is also shown on her wrist. while mc sets up camp to rest, rachel elizabeth luis appears and joins mc. while they eat, evangel's seed suddenly flew to rachel's side, specifically her wound. after a bit of clearing up and calling the seed a pet almond, rachel asks mc if he wants to team with her. mc accepts. sje also said that she has other teammstes, joo yeoheon. but mc tells her to don't mind them anymore. a scene is revealed with shin jonghak sitting on top a fallen student bodies.

55 it's revealed the student that mc sent a message was shin jonghak, the message was like a request of duel for him. he beats the students who appeared in the place said in the message. the students were the team of joo yeonhoon. somewhere in the island on an observation tower, yoon seungah as well another hero/instructor, talks about their her student bet and interest. she tells him she is interested in mc as a student who could use mana of light. it also thanks to yoo yeonha's report about mc's bsckground and capabilities that yoon seungah acquired a copy which added to her interest of mc. as the other hero/instructor asks how she could verify mc's ability, yoon seungah points on to her badge, a 200 worth of points for the students. rachel elizabeth luis still ponders why mc never mentioned it was him who saved her from the djinn. her mind is uneasy as she remembers her past along with sir alex lancaster. while mc hunt, he finds a lake. suddenly, he noticed he was being stalked, mc attacked the stalker, only to find chae nayoon. mc asks why she was tailing him. chae nayoon says she was actually looking for yoon seungah. using his laptop, he realizes that yoon seungah is looking to recruit mc.

56 as mc accumulates a few more points after partinf ways with chae nayoon, a wild yoon seungah suddenly appears. she tells him to fight her under a limiting disadvantage. mc tries for two attacks but it was unsuccessful, mc leaves her. as yoon seungah tries to go after mc, mc teases her. this somehow made her mad, but mc just gave up and fled. mc knew he could not beat her much more if she's really pissed off. meanwhile, seo yijin was in the background observing mc's trial fight vs yoon seungah. after the clash ends, she felt a certain tremor. she calls it a heartbeat from butterfly sappling about to awaken.

57 mc runs in circles as he tries to find where the butterfly saplinf will emerge. it is the boss of the finals survival exam. in the nove, kim suho will gain the dust of the sapling and rachel will get a hint about her enlightenment. mc wants rachel elizabeth luis to join up with kim suho for this event. in kim suho and chae nayoon's side, they are piling up the monsters they defeated. suddenly, chae nayoon asks kim suho what mc could be hiding. kim suho remembers his convo with mc during the bethel incident, it's a misunderstand in his part learning mc is looking out for chae nayoon for the longest time. this led kim suho to think mc is in love with chae nayoon, or something. kim suho gave chae nayoon a vague answer and tells her that she should asks mc instead. this infuriated chae nayoon. suddenly, the tree roots and even the tree started moving. mc tells rachel they should head to the center of the tremor. the instructors knew of the butterfly sapling awakening but they let the students be. as the students faces off the attacking tree roots, a large butterfly suddenly emerge. dusts scattered throughoit the air knocking the most of the students unconscious. kim suho somehow dodge this as he lay his team to a safety. suddenly he noticed two students quickly rushing towards the butterfly monster. it was mc and rachel. they were wearing face masks.

58 mc tells rachel to cover him from the attacking trees as he eliminates the boss buttertly. suddenly they were overwhelmed. rachel got knocked unconscious fortunately, kim suho arrives and helps. the evangel's seed hopped to the unconscious rachel. mc asks kim suho to help him defeat the butterfly. kim suho agrees and lets out his mana of sword saint. kim suho smiles at mc that mc is not surprised after seeing a secret move. somehow mc had an existential author to creation small convo. kim suho tells mc that whenever he looks at him, he feels like he's looking at someone who knows everything about the world. kim suho defends and covers mc from the trees. mc unleashes his fire infused bullet. this sets the monster ablazed. mc thinks he attack was still lacking as he tries to readies another shot. suddenly, seo yijin appears and seemed to have attacked the burning monster.

59 as the monster falls. kim suho delivers the final hit and defeats the butterfly. kim suho collapses due to exhaustion and the dust effect. seo yijin approaches the defeated butterfly. mc confronts her and tells to give up the boss loot, the dust of sapling. seo yijin unmasks herself and revealed her true face. mc lies and tells her she's li xiaopeng who came and observed the finals. she concludes mc's mana is anti magic as jane's spell as well the magic guise she used during the midterm exam was ineffective to mc. she finds mc even more valuable. the chameleon troupe leader gave mc the dust of sapling in exchange for mc's contact details. after mc obtains the dust sapling, he tries thinking of a way hoa to give it to suho. suddenly, the unconscious rachel glowed. mc remembers the evangel's seed. it has sprout. rachel in her dizziness felt a little child hugging and soothing her pain, the little child reminds her of her youngself. mc run towards rachel. the evangel's seed that turned into a child called rachel her mom and mc her dad.

60 after the incident, the point for defeating the butterfly were distributed among the 4 students who subdued it. chae nayoon approaches mc as she inquires what actually happen.ed. mc shrugs it off. mc also criticized why chae nayoon used the sword immediately instead of the bow which she had more mastery over. as the infuriated chae nayoon lashed out at mc, mc tries reassuring her that she is more suited with the sword. mc also notices her subtle characteristics that mc made who is chae nayoon, he ponders in his existential thoughts as an author. during their lunch in the ship they're boarded in, students kim suho, yoo yeonha and chae nayoon discusses their misunderstanding mc's interest towards chae nayoon. mc meets them and leaves as he took food back to his room. back in his room, the little girl evangel ran up to mc and calls her her dad. apparently she can shape back to her seed form, which is how she got on board the ship with mc. mc wonders how he could give the dust of sapling to rachel and suho and also it's potentials that can also be used on things other than person. meanwhile, rachel elizabeth luis can't sto thinkinh about the little girl she felt. she thought it was in her dreams when the spirit of the trees came up to her. she feels she would meet the little girl once again.

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