Saturday, July 1, 2023

Shingan no Yuusha (manga until chapter 8)

1 mc, makoto, gets summoned in another world, manasthesia, by the goddess of time and space, astena. mc is deemed worthless so he's thrown away. mc find an old granny. mc helps her. it turns out, the granny is another goddess, liana eye of god. she asks mc to be her follower. mc is reluctant. goddess liana suggest mc become a follower for 1 month. she then gave mc god's eye to mc's right eye. it shows stats and rgn events. mc continues on to town rua. it's infested with zombies. mc sees the future and he became zombie. in order for that not to happen he must survive. mc finds a giant log and uses it to easily defeat a horde of zombies attacking him. mc calls out for survivor as he can see the number if residents alive in the town, 5 person. someone shouts from the well. mc opens it and finds 3 girls naked.

2 the three girls were maid slaves. since they broke something valuable they were punished to be stripped naked and trapped in the well. maria raslan, katua raslan and marie raslan. they continue searching for the remaining two survivors. they then come a cross the maid's former owner, the wife and she's pregnant with twins. unfortunately the lady had already turned into a zombie but the twins are safe. the maids wants to raise the twins. after resting in the mansion, they took all the valuables and they head for the next town to sell them. upon arriving at the next town, lana, they took a room at an inn and rested. next day, mc had an encounter with a complaining adventurer. the adventurer comains about the twin babies and asked mc to pay him and he is also interested in the maids. mc thought he was gonna get beaten but he easilu overpowers the complaining adventurer. suddenly his party leader appears, aria, and fires him from their party. mc saw the future of aria being abused and killed by the comaining adventurer. mc decides to became an adventurer. they registered in the guild and suddenly they had an encounter with the complaining adventurer who is harassing one of the receptionist. mc interferes. the adventurer quickly took the initiative. with his god's eye, mc saw a light coming from the assailant's chest. he hit it and it knocked the adventurer cold. one of the adventurer in the scene triws checking up on the assailant. the complaining assailant is dead with just one hit.

3 after the incident, mc was found not guilty. he was also reward since the adventurer killed is the criminal for the abuse and abductions that happened recently. whem they get back, mc finds one of the twins being possessed by a reincarnator, lanaria raymill amarylis. the baby is already conscious and powerful that one of maid was used with magic spell to become a lactating mother. back in the guild, mc picks a mission. but when he went ti the client it was already taken. thankfully, it was adventurer jake, who has it. jake is one of the witness that vouched for mc. jake gives the mission to mc but mc decides to team up with them. jake and his party agrees. a few days later, mc goes on the mission with maria/miria and katua. marie was left to care for the twins. as they were travelling, mc saw the future of them getting ambushed. mc took preemptive and attack the villains. mc also learned magic after attending a few classes in the magic school in town. as they fight the robbers, they are suddenly overwhelmed. but mc is unscathed saved for his weapon. mc looks around for something better and found the cargo they were delivering. they were logs. mc takes one and easily defeats the villains.

4 they successfully did two of their guild quest, escort and delivery. as they wait for the logs to be made to stakes as weapon. they rest in an inn. that night mc, maria and katlua made love. come morning, the client tells the stakes are now ready, since they also took the vampire subjugation quest, the stakes will be very useful. as they wait for the weapons to be finished, jake had an argument with another adventurer, it was a high level hero, abel rainstein. the hero beats jake and announces he's a follower of astena, goddess of time and space. mc couldn't do anything about what happened since he is clearly no match for a hero. asc checks on the hero's stats, the hero attacks mc. the hero finds mc as a follower of liana. the hero wants to take care of mc but let him be. although mc knows how to beat the hero he chose not to as his friends might be in danger. mc vows to take revenge on the hero.

5 mc encounters a highlevel woodmaster, geese rudolph. he asks mc for direction. mc gladly escorts him. as mc tries to look at the woodmaster's stats, a little girl appears and stops mc. the woodmaster scolds the little girl and already knew mc is going to look for his stats. as the little girl disappears into the shadow of the woodmaster, mc learns a bit about the little girl, carmilla shelya le fahanir, a vampire. the woodmaster realizes this and asks mc to keep what he learn a secret. later on, the woodmaster saw mc practicing with a log, he teaches him a technique. he also tells them about his story as a half vampire and milla's tragic life of having many enemies. mc asks if the woodmaster would help, but he declines and tells mc he only fight the enemies of milla in order to keep his neutrality. following day, as the weapons are ready and they set. mc saw the hero abel waiting for them in their path. mc foresaw the future the hero violating his companions. mc took the initiative and did everything himself to the two maids. somehow the two maids were okay with mc doing it to them. the hero abel left. they arrived in the mansion of the vampire. after breaking the door, the vampire, julius, appears before them. as they make their way to the vampire, minions suddenly appear. mc's friends, with tactics, dealt with some of them while mc easily dealt using brute force. this surprised julius. he then summoned his new minion, it was the hero abel.

6 unfortunately, abel is not fully a vampire since he got resistance from being a hero. this made julius scare mc. but mc was not hesitating to stop his assault against abel. suddenly, mc's god's eye cancels the brainwashing of the vampire. the hero abel was hit and knocked unconscious. the two maids heals the defeated abel. upon waking up, he felt the hit done by mc cannot be healed. the hero abel left the fight as he limp his way. vampire julius uses his brainwashing to make mc's friends fight each other. mc forcefully slays the vampire with the stake log he has. this kills the vampire and restores everyone. as they finish up, another vampire suddenly appear it is joseph, the twin of julius. with the combined effort of mc and his maid, they defeat the avenging vampire. afterwards, they celebrate their victory. at night as they rest, mc hears a voice. it summons him to the middle of the town they rest. upon arriving, mc sees the goddess of space and time, astena. the same goddess that summoned him and rejected him.

7 goddess astena tells mc to become her disciple. mc refuses and insults her. this offended her so much that she plans to trap mc in a never ending torment. fortunately, liana and another goddess intervenes and stops the wrath of astena. astena leaves as being found out of directly interferring with other disciples/followers is strictly fortbidden. mc thanks liana and the new goddess. the new goddess introduces herself as the goddess of lake, mireru. mireru thanks mc as the vampires threatening her people are subdued. the goddess tells mc to come to the lake next morning and throw something. it was like the story of the golden and silver axe, but here we have a golden and silver log. as mc and katlua rest after getting their reward, suddenly the heroabel appears and is vent on taking vengeance for the goddess astena as well himself. mc was easily overpowered due to katlua being taken as a hostage. as katlua is getting hurt by hero abel, mc powers up and immediately beat hero abel. before mc could kill hero abel, katlua stops mc. hero abel tries leaving and warns mc he will be back. but mc thought otherwise and hit hero abel causing him to plunge to the lake. but hero abel was still alive.

8 suddenly, goddess mireru appears to be carrying a different hero abel. it was a gentler and good hero abel. somehow, the lake, much like the gold and silver axe, they got a good version of hero abel. the new hero abel apologizes and vows to be friends to mx and his maid. he even gave the sword he got from astena to mc. aparting parting with the new abel, mc and katlua wonders where the original abel was. hero abel suddenly tries crawlinf out of the lake but a hand grabs him back to the depths. back in their room. mc looks at the mirror and checks hisbstats. goddess liana suddenly appears and teaches him more about the god's eye. suddenly maria and katlua enters mc's room. they already realize the woman by mc is a goddess. liana then asks mc if he wants tobmake a clan with them. the clan master will bestow some of his acquired goddess skill to his clan members. but mc mist first be a full time disciple. mc finally agrees to be liana's disciple. then mc made maria and katlua into his clan member. maria gain the foresight ability and katlua gains eye of fire. mc loses this ability in the process but he's fine with it as he practice with his other god's eye ability.

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