Saturday, July 29, 2023

I am a villager, so what? (manga chapter 33 until chapter 53)

liz, the half beastfolk half elf little girl mc and lilith found
vanguard, the old man, he was one of the adventurers who helped mc. although it was a win-win situation. mc and lilith first met him during the mandragora quest. he is now a guildmaster and an a rank adventurer
felice mcewan, aunt of liz, member of the elves protection organization
abe mcmillan, legendary elf magician, member of the elves protection organization
king albert, royalty of the kongdom of lacoon
jonas mcclain, mc's father
charly mccalin, mc's doting mother
victoria venison, dueling lady of justice, young lady of the venison group, an extreme backstabbing dominatrix? also a masochist and a yandere
garret venison, chairman of the venison group, part of the reincarnated council?
balzak, chief warrior of the racoon kingdom
joseph, uncle of cordelia, a black sheep of their family.
maria, a maid of the venison

deserted land, where the holy knights are stationed
bestaha, a country where mc's village is located
foresrium, elf country
mackeenly, beastfolk country
somehow in this fantasy world, the elves are heavily discriminated
noraliz company, a merchant company
elves protection organization
kansai union, holy knights orders of zero
mea is another name of liz/elizabeth
lacoon kingdom, a once great kingdom until a traitor betrayed it. now a small declining country. the magic academy altema is part of lacoon
venison family, owns the greatest trading company in the north west economic block, the venison group (chamber of commerce), based in tarles
peppers and spicesare very valuable commodities
the venison group had a bad blood vs the holy empire for intervening in trades.
talaris group (chamber of commerce), backed by the vestaha kingdom, rival of venison group?
victory venison is the daughter of the venison group's head garret venison
racoon and lacoon same?
mountain of madas, base of mountain bandits backed by venison who cultivates mandragoras
the annahilation of the kansai union holy knights increased crime rates?

34 mc ask for helping increasing his rank. lilith has eslin work in the dragon's den. lilith ask her to teach her swordsmanship. present, during a quest, mc let lilith use swords, she is getting better. after the quest is turn over, they decide to eat out. as they walk through a ruin town, they find an invisible elf, unconcious and injured. mc and lilith helps the elf girl. meanwhile, cordelia have just arrived in her new unit.

35 the two took care of the little elf. although reluctant at first, when the little elf called lilith mama, she immediately concludes mc is papa. she asserted for them to take care of the little elf. when the elf girl wakes up, lilith immediately took her to take a bath with her. they are in a safe house for the adventurers guild in the mountains. the vanguard guildmaster appears to report situations for mc. bestaha, a countey where mc's village is located, heavily discriminate vs elves. any elves found in the country will be immediately deported. apparently a war between elves and beastfolk have ended just a few years ago and the elves lost. there are elves factions that do not meddle with each other. there's a rumor that elves in foresrium are being treated as slaves for beastfolk. as the two men converse, lilith enters carrying a dog. she claims liz became a dog. suddenly upon liz mistaking the vanguard as a beastfolk, liz suddenly attacked the vanguard. mc blocked it. he knew it was not hostility but but out of fear. mc tells the vanguard to leave the room for a moment. mc hypothesis that she could be artificially made and that there is someone she's waiting for. meanwhile in the deserted land, cordelia is facing her initiation. zero lets a prisoner escape, cordelia kills the escaped prisoner. the bystander rejoiced. cordelia felt confused how people did not even feel faze at the sight of their comrade or friends die. zero tells cordelia about the levels beyond 140 and merhods to gain experience after 100, either travel to the demon land to train or kill other people. this did not sit well for cordelia as she readiws her sword vs zero.

36 cordelia faces zero who uses a fencing sword and stance, it does not exist in this world, hence cordelia does not know much about it. but cordelia overpowers zero. unfortunately, zero was quick to counter a d reversed the situation, cordelia concedes defeat. zero tells cordelia she will have to train under her to get stronger.

37 a week since mc and lilith has been taking care of liz. liz have not yet open up with the two. mc let her be. there is a great discrimination vs elves and the elves who are still in power may not be able to treat it's own kin kindly. the connection they are trying to have with may not also be treating the elves kindly, the same with mc's village. add to the fact that the northern territories are where cordelia is stationed, mc is hesitant to try since it would add more burder to cordelia. (there is a great political mystery going on specifically the elves and with liz being a elven beastfolk, she probably moght be in the center of it) while the three were out enjoying there travel in the street, mc and lilith already noticed they were being followed. back in the guild hideout, vanguard tells mc that there were 4 groups tailing them. one of them is from noraliz company, they are a merchant group rumord to be outsourcing elves to bestaha. mc does not yet want to make contact with them. meanwhile, cordelia is witnessing the might of the holy knights units. and the wrong doings they are doing. they faced off vs the brother of the oni god to which, they were no match fighting vs zero. cordelia feels zero may even be stronger than mc. cordelia also overhears of the words reincarnated.

38 mc,lilith and liz is on a special request of vanguard, they are to join a transport quest with other party. and their true goal is the porter hunter, they are to investigate the missing adventurers who have item box skills. the other party betrays mc's team but they were ready. mc apprehended the other team members and liz kills one of them. it was a traumatic even for a child afterwards. one kf the capturer adventurers activated magic item and summoned an ouroboros, a giant dark wolf monster. they order it to attack mc.

39 the ouroboros suddenly attacked the tied up adventurers and ate them up. mc sense another person im the distance. suddenly thw ouroboros attacks mc. mc ecades nd easily counters. suddenly liz went in front of mc. she asks mc to stop attacking the monster. mc then asks lilith for a grim reaper's cuff, something like a pet collar, they made the weakened ouroborus wear the cuff and shrank to a small puppy. mc and lilith decides to take care of it, they call it oruto. afterwards, liz decides to tell her story to them. after the war, the elven princess was wedded tonthe second prince ofnthe beastfolk, it was supposed to be a pretend marriage but such marriage bore to a child, which is liz. later on, liz's father wants a reconcilliatio  with the elves. but the beastfolk king did not want it happened. liz was called an abomination and was to be executed. liz was able to escapes to the msny efforts of her family. they planned to have her taken in by the elves protection  organization in the human kingdom but she failed to meet them and then mc and lilith saved her. afterwards, mc sees a few inconsistency in the info they have amd what liz tells. why the sudden decision to have liz killed, why no one is after liz from the beastfolk, on the year a policy is drafted for the elf beastfolk reconcilliation humans began discriminating the elves, and the resistance that suddenly appeared in the human kingdom. he then thought of the figure that appeared to be one who gave a device to control the ouroboros and in order to keep things secret, the device broke so the ouroboros would attack the loose ends. mc tries linking sage to the incident but he have little to no clue for it. mc is troubled by the hide skill that prevents mc from detecting others despite his level and skills. as mc rest for the night, vanguard knocks on mc's door. he tells mc that there is someone who wants to meet him. mc obliged and meets the person it was cordelia. before anything else, cordelia announces she will never meet mc again.

40 she tells mc she won't be meeting him again, and she won't be returning to the village. mc immediately knew what was happening. mc tells ssk her if she wanted to say is, save me. few days ago, zero is brainwashing cordelia. she tells the hero that villagers serves a vital roles. exp and bait. the must see those with villager jobs as animals and nothing more. cordelia tries to attack zero but it was useless. zero then threaten cordelia of her hometown village. somehow, using the necklace mc gave to cordelia, mc knew what was happening. mc starts making his move. mc meets up with moses. mc has received a letter from moses, it says of a way to becoming a hero.

41 it seems moses knows a whole lot about mc. moses explains of a research he has been conducting of mass producing heroes but it was a failure. moses explain about about heroes, how they were supposed to be godly beings and how the church is monopolozing them. moses them gave mc an elixir that if consumed by his god eater skill, mc will also "probably" become a godly being which in turn become a god. afterward, they had a friendly and soon part ways. mc knew moses is lying for the most part. when returns back, lilith was waiting for him. after setting up defensive barriers and concealment, mc ingested the elixir. mc's suddenly body became deformed and amalgamated.

42 some brief recounts of mc's training, the dragon king giving mc the dragon king's ring and telling mc to rely on lilith, the moment mc acquires beelzebub and how his god eater skill does fought of each other and lilith saving mc. the moment mc's eyes open after taking the elixir and his body warping, he immediately knew that lilith was the one who saved him. mc checked his stats. meanwhile,  in the holy knights unit, cordelia challenges zero to a duel, she aims to become captain of the holy knights.

43 a brief flashback of zero's life before reincarnating. it seems zero knew of moses plan with mc. as the holy knights unit continued their path of destruction, cordelia could not take it anymore and challenge zero to a duel. zero let her deputy head fight cordelia.

44 cordelia tells zero that she understands. zero doesn't actually want to commit evil, is what cordelia believes. its the same with the deputy head, cordelia understands that he too doesn't want to be evil as well. the deputy tells cordelia she misunderstand. but still cordelia defeats the deputy head/vice captain. cordelia, as the new vice captain, orders the troop to stop with their mindless slaughter and evil. zero then tells her to just leave and go to another holy knights unit. but zero also threatens cordelia that if she does so, she will be labeled as enemy of the church and her comrades from her village will also be haunted. she felt defeated and cried. suddenly, the necklace mc gave her activated. mc appears. clashes and defeats the other knights. zero catches mc sword with hers.

45 even with critical and simulate (future sense?), zero cannot defeat an unleashed evil dragon god mc. before mc could swallow zero, the vice command jump in front of her to save zero. seeing how the knights defends their captain, mc let the holy knights retreat. mc helps cordelia bury the dead villagers the holy knights slaughtered. cordelia asks mc what are the reincarnates. meanwhile, in a meeting of the reincarnateds, it was told the holy knights order were annahilated. a scene of dead holy knights can be seen and a creature that looked like an l'ultima or somekind of evil being is standing on the ground littered with corpses of holy knights.

46 they return to their school life, they have liz with them. it seems brian and arthur actually remembered what actually happened during the oni incident. they are keeping quiet about it since they speculate that mc is the one who did the memory alter magic. meanwhile, cordelia feels unsure with herself to mc. she remembers what mc answered. reincarnates are unfair people. suddenly, she noticed liz. liz feels isolated. mc approaches her and tell her they are all her friends. later on, moses meets up with liz. it's seems liz is a mole in mc's party and somehow, the annahilation of the holy knights of zero was also moses's doing. zero was alive though. moses is planning to destroy the world. moses orders liz to continue monitoring mc. moses calls liz a reincarnated as well.

47 lilith and cordelia had a girl talk. they though mc jhad another woman. they tailed mc to find out. mc finds them, let them tag along and tells his story to the two. after, mc tells that cordelia is just like a stand in sister for her, nothing more. somehow, this made her mad as she punched mc very hard. mc is fine with it because he told them that he was just using her like. on other side, moses is colluding with other forces (perhaps?), they are planning a reverse isekai, in the research of moses, these other forces may also be reincarnates but they are ones who want to go back to their previous world. its also revealed that moses is the one who had the holy knight unit zero annahilated. he used an artificially created monster to defeat them and somehow, they are hunting zero. after their secret meeting, moses is talking with his talking cat, an evil being's familiar?

48 back in the academy, mc thinks of the item box the vice captain of the kansai union holy knight gave. the vice captain said zero ordered him to give it to someone who will defeat her. it seems there is a power conflict in the reincarnates and only zero is the one holding moses. with the powers and skill of the kansai union, mc suspects the true power of moses is copy and paste and from what had just happened, mc assumes that moses already copied mc's skills. and with that, he concludes that moses is ready with mass producing heroes. but mc also suspect that moses already knew mc's suspicions on him. mc then hypothesis that moses plans on either having be assassinated or making mc the villain. mc does not mind becoming the villain. afterwards, cordelia consultd with mc regarding how cordelia's father is oppressing their village people. cordelia plans to speak with her father, mc wants to tag along. the talk with cordelia was futile, there was nothing for them to resolve. as cordelia vents outnher anger, mc says its the wise choice with everything that had been happening. but mc have a plan, and it might cause cordelia's father lose wealth. few days later, mc opened a rift? the wilelim forest, it turns out to be cursed? and it became a plain. using mc's gained title and the name of cordelia the hero, mc bought the land. somehow, there an another world gate in the forest and only mc and lilith can open it for access. they plan to have the villagers in their hometown gather there. mc readies the place using his farm skill. few days later, mc had his parents move in the separate space in wilelim plains. although disappointed they will be having the to start fresh, mc's father did not know that mc had already highly cultivated the lace. in a single day? the crop garden was prepared became a bountiful source of food.

49 mc's parents as well liz and oruto are in the wilelim plains separate space. mc plans to have his parents to take care of farming in the separate space as well make othe products and then sell outside for profit. mc also got info of zero's unit being wiped and zero is hunted as a suspect. mc piece moses in the puzzles, he feels he also copied zero's skills. meanwhile, mc is sent to court. he is charged with awol and indecency. victoria venison, a member of the court and daughter? of a powerful merchant, want mc to undergo trial by combat. mc needs to make a connection with the young lady as it will help him garner profit as well gain influence to rival big names and even the reincarnates themselves. mc fights vs victoria venison. victoria is rumoured to be a supremacist person and of someone fight back, she'd fall in love with them and once they fell for her, she'd kill them. and she likes dueling. mc plans to make a connection with her somehow more or less. the duel ends with mc winning.

50 somehow the rise of power of the venison group may somewhat be connected to the discriminationnvs elves. the same year of rise of the venison group is the same year the kingdom of the elves fell. later on, mc discusses with his friends, vanguard, saegusa koharu, lilith, cordelia and liz about the reincarnators/transmigrators. after is a lesson of history and soon after the fall of nobility and rise of capitalism. rule of the wealthy. meanwhile, the head of the venison group readies himself for the rise of the merchants, he holds his mask. a mask worn by the reincarnated.

51 as mc is conditioning victoria venison, garret venison, her father, caught wind if mc's family product. meanwhile, mc's mayonaise product is booming. other than profit, mc plan is make his name standout vs other reincarnates. meanwhile, garret venison ordered the products to be confiscsted. garret then confronts moses. soonafter a bit of chat, the other reincarnates appears and seemed to be arresting moses. they accuse of moses for lying that mc is not a reincarnate. moses defends himself, states that the dragon king himself is behind the scene and he even produce a file of mc's status when mc first got his status card. other than that, he claims that the church said reincarnators won't be villagers. moses also tells of the reverse isekai that will happen as well names of those who would stay. few days later, mc receives a letter for a penalty of illegal selling of his products, it came from the chamber of commerce. but it was all part of mc's plan. he wants to sow discord in the mids of his enemies. after partly settling with the penalty, mc's next plan is commencing. he planned to settle the debts of merchants who owed the vennison group and having them join himself. while at it, the merchant who mc help will be selling his produce and products. they could not claim vs mc being just a villager since vanguard is with him, an a rank adventurer and the guildmaster of an adventurer guild. soon after, the mcclain products are rising.

52 eslyn, finds zero. mc asks her to hide her in the dragon's den. later on, mc helped the people in his hometown to pay off their debts on cordelia's father and they all resigned from serving him. soon after, the venison group backing them seized all their assets as loan payment. it dawned on cordelia's father it was a set up by the venison group to tske over their village. fortunately, cordelia takes the reign and settle their loan debts. they will then rebuild their relationship with the kingdom of vestaha. all the while, they asked for their father to retire. later on, cordelia tells this good news to mc. she then mentions it was their uncle that urged their father to get help from the venison. she tells mc that they can find clues of her uncles if they go and ask for info from the venison group. mc is surprised at how mature cordelia has become. she blames mc for her turning out to be that way and she orders him to marry her. mc denies her and tells she is like a daughter or grand daughter to him. mc ponders how cordelia have already surpassed the cordelia in his previous regression, she had exceeded her well. meanwhile, in the venison group, victoria is talking to her subordinates regarding the assassination of the king of racoon, king albert, and her desire to join the assassins. few days later, victoria tries framing mc of sexual assault on her. mc is unfazed but when victoria tries adding cordelia's name in their convo, mc became serious. victoria asks mc a favor. a rescue mission. a maid of victoria, named maria, is abductes by mountain bandits. mc went to vanguard for clues. vanguard says the moubt bandits were backed by the venison group which is why request for their extermination were always denied. mc sees their scheme. a day later, mc along with an party assembled by victoria went to the mountain.

53 while the party decides to set up camp, mc went ahead to the bandit hideout. mc noticed the bandits have advance stealth skills. when he got to the hideout, he found maria but found no bandits. as mc is ready to take maria back, his party mates came rushing in the hideout. they are being chased by cyclops. suddenly their other party mate claimed the cyclops were the target of their mission. the cyclops kept multiplying, suddenly, the king of racoon kingdom appears and aids them. with the cyclops defeated, the claim deicide is done. but mc tells them that killing the cyclops god is not yet over since the main body just started moving. mc took maria and another party member with him and foemed a barrier vs the god cyclops powerful attack. mc sees the opportunity to gauge the strength of the king.

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